Partners,some people grow in you .They may infuriate you on a day to day basis but you miss them acutely when they are not there.
"Make sure you call me," Delilah called after Damon as he started the engine.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
good one
Jessica scowled at her, "I have no words for you. I blame myself for confiding in a loudmouth like you."
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
Hopefully a nice person
She frowned at the unknown number, one that had been reaching out at intervals over the years. They never responded to her messages or picked up her calls.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
During his visit after she had Josh, she had taken the cutlery set he used and sent it with her sample for a DNA test and it had been confirmed that the man she had called her father all her life was not her father.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
and Hanks are not stupid,they can go for DNA testing .
Ryan shook his head. "You're reaching out to Jamal, not the Hanks. I doubt they will question your identity after all this time. Besides, you should be able to play your role very well and leave no room for doubts."
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
Inhuman and lacks empathy
"Yes, you should be grateful. I gave you everything you could ever need, Genevieve. I made you live as Dawn so you could be recognized as my daughter openly. You got all the benefits that came with being Dawn. Unlike Dawn, who had to stay hidden because I gave your shameful background to her. I saved you from that fate. You should be grateful."
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
Ryan shook his head. "Did you really expect me to give you all of this? Why should I give everything I labored for to you, just so you can hand it over to some man you marry? Some stranger who has nothing to do with me? Besides you don't have what it takes to run the company. It makes more sense for Josh to inherit it all. He bears my name and he has Dawn's blood. I know she will guide him properly."
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
Because young Parents are so busy trying to make out a living and making both ends meet ,so don't be jealous.
Genevieve felt her lips tighten. She had never seen her father so patient or look at her with such pride. When she was a child, he had never spent this much time teaching her anything. He had been strict, distant, and cold.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
I have read all the books by Miss B, truly impressed by her writing skills,character development,values and take on society . Looking forward to how the plot unfolds here ,the twists and turns.Dawn smartness is what I look forward to as she is fighting with no support system.
Stolen Identity: Mute Heiress
Urban · Miss_Behaviour