A Brazilian Basilisk!!!
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So protective that they spent decades eradicating it.
The People's Republic of China was unique in its tenacity and relentless spirit to protect and preserve its culture. Dong's determination to safeguard his country's heritage was mirrored by his people's collective will. Recognizing this, the Emperor knew that a different approach was necessary for China and the rest of Asia. China's aggressive stance in the Special Region stemmed from its overpopulation crisis, a challenge that differed significantly from those faced in the Emperor's reality.
Anime & Comics · Ray_Vorhard_2199
Why not burn everything?!!
Isn’t this against the piece treaty between the villages? Later on it will be discovered that it was him.
Really? Serve? Is he a war lord now?
"But," Riku said ominously, "You first have to prove that you are worthy enough to serve under me. So I am going to give you guys a test."
Anime & Comics · Sidecharacter1
This really feels like it’s asking the readers and not the characters. Give suggestions people. I don’t want to think myself
"I'm open to suggestions here."
Movies · CambrianBeckett
I will take a look!
Man. Egg shells lets oxygen through them and oxygen dissolves in to the water. Both of them needs oxygen
"I guess as long as they're not oxygen-dependent, I can store any creature in the gourd."
Omniversal Travel
Anime & Comics · OmniDark