"You made me wait… Harry." Daphne said in a soothing tone.
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
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Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense
Thousands of people living inside Kumogakure saw 'WEAK' written on the building which was a symbol of their power! A wave of humiliation and anger washed over them. Thousands of fists clenched and teeth gritted against each other. Never had they experienced such humiliation. Even though Kumogakure suffered several losses in history, they had never been bullied to such an extent!
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"That's rough buddy" Tony said sympathetically
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You get what you want, and I give my single surviving dopamine cell what it wants. We all win.
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"YOU'RE USELESS!!!" Tony, Aizawa, Melissa, and Present Mic shouted with anger.
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"Spiraling winds of the tempest, gather and entwine—create a barrier of raging currents, become my Bulwark! Vortex Shield!"
In Danmachi as a Witcher
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