After 100 years I’m still not able to become saitama...
Wei Huo's body was at a horrifying peak with the daily 100 squats and 10km jogs.
Games · Dr. Dreamer
Road to saitama
It was definitely Wei Huo who angered that tiger, but he could not be blamed for that. Wei Huo had to do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run for 10km every day.
Games · Dr. Dreamer
Heaven had never been far away from Hell.
Eastern · Fish leaping to the peak
Well kinda a falchion is shorter than a saber and the blade is quite wide.
Edward was tall, standing at 6'5 compared to Cain's 5'11. His hair was black and cut short, dark brown eyes and wearing half plate armor. His weapon of choice was a Falchion sword!
My Enchanting System
Fantasy · Alen_Tanor