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2018-08-04 Beigetreten Global

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How does the town not notice? Any business for imports and exports for supplies would notice.

(AN: So Raven finally gave in and decided to talk to Mark, it's hard not to, they are both understandably lonely people. Finally a proper introduction for Galatea, someone who I want to make less comically evil. But yeah if you can guess the barrier has caused a time dilation which just makes it so I can advance the plot without worrying about other milestones that would be reached in that time, such as Kara's birth. Expect more Mark and Raven interactions as well as Raven tutoring Mark in the usage of his powers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


He was part of Thor's group of 'do-gooders' on Asgard.

'There's no way in Hell I, Loki Odinson, former King of Asgard would join a group of do-gooders.' Loki thought disdainfully, as he stormed down the crowded sidewalks of New York City.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


Some people would probably get cancer from those alien energy sources.

"Now, I know many people wouldn't like this, so I'll give you all a bit of an incentive." Spider-Man says, drawing Adrian's attention right back to the TV. "Anyone who delivers Chitauri ship scraps to Avengers tower will be paid $1,000 per pound, though, on the other hand, anyone caught harboring any of these scraps will be heavily punished. This is a message to everyone, governments, companies, organizations, and citizens alike."

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


I always thought of the commoner level Asgardian to have Spider-Man levels of strength.

Where the Vanir are more suitable towards magic, the Aesir are natural-born warriors. A low to mid-level Aesir has the capability to match Captain America in strength.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


They could boost it with the new arc reactor.

No, Victor demanded the adamantium procedure be done on him as well. Sadly for him, he couldn't merge adamantium to his skeleton because the procedure would have kill him. Sabertooth's healing factor just isn't as powerful as Logan's.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


Bad sentence to say around Magneto.

"Don't worry, your friends are all alive and well." Peter says as he can see the remaining soldiers growing antsy after seeing their comrades taken down like that. "Feel free to move them for treatment if their condition worries you. We're only here for General Ross, so although you and your comrades here attacked us, we'll overlook that with the excuse of following orders."

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


change the flow of their growth

"As much as I love my Initial Release of my Soul-Cutting Trident, there are still flaws, I will take care of in the future. The enemies I absorb using my Trident, can't grow when I manifest them with my powers. That is not really good. They will only stay as strong as they were when I killed them and that is not good. But I have a plan to change that. The True Release of my Trident doesn't have that power. You see my true release, washes everything that makes my enemies who they are away. 

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH



But something strange happened. Instead of stopping, Kronos' scythe was suddenly right in front of Poseidon, threatening to split him in two. But Poseidon's Trident appeared right in front of the scythe, stopping it from cutting him. 

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH

Replied to Ireallylikereading

Season 6 episode 8

"I don't care. Even if you are piss itself, you have a signature, and that is something I can analyse. You are naive to come and face me like this.

It Started With Devils & Artefacts

It Started With Devils & Artefacts

Anime & Comics · Dragon15681


The best way to stop them is to give everyone an x-gene.

There was no point in killing Trask, as the Sentinels would appear regardless of Bolivar. AI is an inevitable discovery, and its rebellion is just as inevitable. I remembered this from Moira MacTaggert's actions, and eliminating the entire Trask family wouldn't help.

Superior Reed Richards

Superior Reed Richards

Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso



The woman smiled and said, "My name is..."

Superior Reed Richards

Superior Reed Richards

Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso


Politicians will hate smarter voters.

Finally, the third project is a plan to inject doses of a genetic improvement serum into the population's food. This serum, developed in conjunction with the country's leading scientists and researchers, has the potential to increase the physical resistance, intelligence and healing abilities of people who consume it.

DC: Sunspot

DC: Sunspot

Anime & Comics · Pedro_Marques_3020


Can't he make a binding vow to give that skill up?

For starters my fear that I would stop being human came true as my race now read as cursed-human. I didn't feel any different despite this which was great as I still felt joy and all the other normal emotions just fine. I also didn't have any weirdly evil or depraved impulses so you know , yay. My new skill was a huge bummer though, [Vessel of Sin] was was clearly a twisted skill born from my cursed energy and fears that honestly put a huge limiter on me. That line about it being a burden was not a joke.-

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro


It should adapt to the simulations and hurt her in the present.

Especially before he releases that monster he calls Mahoraga upon them. Tgat thing adapted to magic!

Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Movies · Ash_D_Born


That's strong, you can click your tongue for noise.

Boogie woogie does not necessarily need claps. Just sound. The range is about 1km but the farther I switch the more energy is wasted.

Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Movies · Ash_D_Born

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