tyftc 😊 gotta come up with a cp fandom name like Brangelina
tyftc 😊 I'm happy, but at the same time, I can now feel the ending....somehow
tyftc 😊 I just need Jeff to bury this man to give me peace of mind. Kyle, please quickly realize that you are giddy about a "sorta-date" with Christina
tyftc 😊 Gotta love how she doesn't realize she's giving Sharon an excuse to actively destroy the company by doing this... in a public fan event....for the potential game of the year... made by the celebrity of the decade...
tyftc 😊 Creep (the Tom Ellis cover for Lucifer)
tyftc 😊 the end is neigh inevitable
tyftc 😊
Rise To Stardom
Urban · Caeruleum_