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Evil Always Finds A Way.

2018-07-09 Beigetreten Liechtenstein
Abzeichen 5

Moments 2491
1 years ago

The revenge was satisfying. Everything she craves is deprived. Wealth. Beauty. Pleasure. And now she's left to live rest of her life in a mental asylum. Occasionally experience some Victorian mental health correction sessions.

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1 years ago

The story idea is brilliant. Very original. It would be even better if the protagonist grew some ruthless bones in his body. If someone in the future will assist the protagonist template of the world, then it would be better to simply remove them from the equation before they're allowed to help the template at all. Proactive elimination of risk.

1 years ago
Replied to Robert_Siems

It's actually simpler than you would think. Why do adventurers go out to fight monsters and complete all sorts of quests? Isn't it just for the quest completion rewards. Make it so that even if women complete goblin extermination quest they won't be rewarded with even a penny. Without the incentive only the fools would still risk their lives.

1 years ago

Started off average...but turns into a real monster! Addicting alright, especially since the author is a passionate football fan. Knows his stuff, and includes trivia in the novel!

1 years ago

This story is the epitome of unnecessary detail. The author spends 10 whole chapters (20-30k words) describing in extremely explicit detail of a widow being raped by her male family members (12 of them). This contributes little to nothing to the story, and could've been summarised in but a chapter - two at most. What's even more bemusing is that this author after having written a incestuous group-rape scene of a widow in extremely fine details then goes onto censor any adult scenes involving the protagonist. According to the author, it's because he thinks the readers have no interest in 18+ scenes, but making inferrences, the author thinks readers are interested in 30k words of an innocent women being raped by her nephews, brother-in-law, old grandpas and such? Honestly, this novel is just incomprehensive to me. As is the author's - quite frankly - fetishised obsessions.

1 years ago

Ah yes, Narnia. A whole new world inside a wardrobe - love to see it.

1 years ago

The worst tropes you can possibly imagine; 1. MC falls head over heels obsessing about every women he meets. Including his own sister-in-law. Warning! MC does display several symptoms of the simp syndrome! 2. MC's girlfriend leaves him for a young master stereotype. Who of course then becomes MC's enemy. 3. The protagonist monologues a lot, but his behaviour never changes. For instances he monlogues about being opportunistic in killing weakened magi, but then completely forgets about it. 4. Every single adventure MC goes on, he'll meet a old grandpa. Oh god... There are many other faults, but in essence, this is an unoriginal train wreck.

1 years ago

For this's never a good sign when the MC is smitten with every single women he encounters. Literally. He only saw 2 women in his new life so far...and he's been utterly obsessed with both of them. It's alright to appreciate women, but not to this degree.

1 years ago

Weird. I thought he would've killed her for her powers? Especially since Freya is the only one who knows that the MC is in-fact just an ordinary student - and he really shouldn't have been able to defeat a S-class monster. Killing her would've been the wise choice, not only does the world remain blissfully unaware of the MCs oddness but he also gets a new power.

1 years ago

This is great, but I can't help but wonder. Wouldn't it have been more promising for the MC to have been transported at least a decade or two back before cannon even began? This way the alternate-history Prussians would have a foundation of strength. Not to mention also give the MC time to plan against all sorts of cannon disasters that are about to come to Westeros.