Or chew bubblegum... and I am all out of bubblegum.
I gave her the widest smile I could manage, though I knew it didn't reach my eyes. "Hi there! I'm the Goddess of Angels—Layla of the Fallen, Champion of Lady Death herself—and I'm here to completely destroy the TVA, rescue my stupid brother-in-law, and kill everyone who gets in my way."
Movies · StarWaves
And they all lived happily ever after. The end.
She had a plan to breed these creatures, like a cultivating field the prey species use. But that could wait for a little while. Orchid was on the verge of losing control and Jewel needed her mate. His gift had an aphrodisiac effect on her and she was now raring to become one with her Apollo once more.
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
"It feels like. A part of me is taking this journey with Apollo. I don't know. I just know that even though he is going to be gone, I feel like a part of him is also with me and I won't feel alone."
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
I smiled at her declaration. "I want you in my future as well Janine." I said simply. But what I did not know was that that simple reply had created a fixed point in time...
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
"Who is willing to pay to lick my fingers that have been inside of your boss! Starting bids at a solid million!"
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
Pineapple. It is the way.
I started working on the dough with my hands, stretching and shaping it into multiple perfect circles. My tails reached into the fridge, pulling out the other ingredients I needed. Tomatoes, onions, sausages, ham… and obviously not pineapple.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
Okay I think I understand what you are writing here. You are saying his bounty is 80 billion. I was just reading it wrong.
White deaths reaction was masked by his... Mask, but Jinx could tell he was amused. White death admired Jinx, not only in physical attraction, but also her ferociousness. HIs current war had not been going on for long and already she had made herself enemy number one on the opposition side. There was currently a one billion credit reward on her head, that was only 79 billion less than his own after all, a praiseworthy feat for any young up-and-comer .
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
The only reason I can think of is that particular zombie hulk may have been aware and with Bruce in control. With Bruce's intelligence he would have been able to escape his world, causing a massive variance.
Too bad I couldn't let another zombie hulk run around the multiverse. I conjured a Lightspear and sent it hurtling towards the undead behemoth. It struck him right where his heart used to be before he turned to dust. Why the TVA idiots thought bringing a zombie Hulk in their midst in the first place was a good idea I'd never know.
The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
Movies · StarWaves