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2020-08-09 Beigetreten Global
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19 days ago

I will try to be fair. I didn't want to just give this one star because it doesn't deserve such a low rating. That said, here it goes. I only reached ch40. The major hook for me was the author's alchemy ideas and the fact he made boosted gear work on boosting the potions. That's an amazing idea. The problem is that the author is hell-bent on keeping the MC weak. The MC had a pill capable of enhancing his body, yet, he never used it to grow stronger. Why? Because the author wanted to have a reason to make MC into a devil. Which is dumb. The major hook for me was that the MC seemed to not want to become a devil. After all, he had a cheat that SHOULD make him into the most valuable/dangerous guy around. But then ch40 came and the author decided to just piss on 39 chaters of proclaiming that the MC can go and make his own path. Very dumb idea. Another problem with the MC is that he is a genuinely retarded person. He expects people to respect him but he doesn't give them any reason for it. He can make fertility potions which would make many powerful factions salivate. But he never really showed his ability to do so to anyone. As far as everybody knows, the MC is just a promising alchemist who can make potions that can cure minor cuts. Yet, for some reason, the MC expects people to kowtow to him for that. It's mind-bogglingly stupid what this author is doing. If the MC just showed his ability to make fertility potions to every faction at once, and make them available to them, he would become untouchable because any faction willing to harm him would instantly come under attack from his other customers. He would have become the most valuable piece on the board. Most fics with fertility potions have the MC already a part of a faction when he reveals them. But this MC was natural. He had a way to flip the board. Have leaders send whatever woman, resource, bodyguard, and knowledge he wants to him for his fertility potions. It wouldn't even matter how weak he is. The second they discover they can't replicate his potions, he would become too important to harm. As for forceful recruitment? The same thing as killing him. His every other customer would literally declare war against anybody who tried it. It wouldn't be worth it for any faction to be forceful with MC as long as the potions are freely available for purchase. You can bet your a*s that Sirzechs would have been very polite to MC if he knew this tidbit. But instead, we have a psychotic, retarded, teenage manchild who thinks he is the next big G and expects everybody to respect him when he gave them no reason to do so. Hell, I'd even say that he got tricked into joining devils, limiting his potential influence with other races, because unless he has a way to mind control or enslave Grayfia, then her being his servant does not matter. She would just smack him the second he wants to do anything perverted to her the same way she smacks Sirzechs when he slacks off. The fact that Sirzechs did not evaporate the MC the second he asked for Grayfia to serve him is a pure wish fulfillment of this MC. The MC is definitely NOT the only option somebody like Sirzechs would have. And his loved ones are Sirzechs' reverse scale. It is another retarded decision this author made because he was thinking with his lower head and wanted to introduce something trashy like NTR because he is a trash human being. In doing so, he basically nerfed Sirzechs and Grayfia's INT stat to single digits to make his MC whose INT stat is at a permanent 10 value seem impressive in comparison. It is a kinda pathetic approach to writing, tbh. It made me disappointed in the story. I usually do not write reviews. Even when a story makes me truly angry. This one I write because I am just... disappointed. This MC and his position as a neutral human alchemist with fertility potions had so much potential that when the author completely pissed on it by not allowing his MC to use his cheat to become stronger or make himself literally the MVP for the majority of supernatural races, that it just made me disappointed. Because what did this author do instead? He made his MC into another devil slave. Is it temporary? I dunno. And I don't care. My expectations for this MC and author just evaporated. ... That said, it is not a bad read overall. The ideas are interesting at least. The MC's personality is also interesting, at least when he is not acting like a total psycho with nerfed intelligence. Anyway, this is my opinion. The author will have his reader base. But with what he did in ch40, I guarantee you he had lost at least 30% of it right there. The MC could have just given Rias some elixir to strengthen her or a potion to defeat Riser (maybe the agony one). Or something. However, the author showed his lack of creativity. Because naturally the alchemist is not allowed to give his friend his products to easily get out of her problems and gain her undying affections. Oh no, there must be some retarded childish psycho drama that shows the MC and leaders of major factions have less IQ than elementary schoolers otherwise it would not be 'entertaining', right?.

19 days ago
Replied to The_WheelOfFortune

Yeah, relationships should never be something 'forced' by a 'system'. It just cheapens the whole premise so much. It never improves the story. Dunno why it is so hard for people to understand this exceedingly simple fundamental thing. I think we are just built differently. More superior, lol.

19 days ago
Replied to midgetydeath

Nah. Only an idiot would think he would do it. The reason why Sirzechs joined the Civil War in the first place was that some of his friends were killed (I think it was some commoner low-class devil kids he taught music or something?). He is a lot like Rias in that he cherishes bonds and relationships. He would not accept this deal. This is literally the guy's reverse scale. In fact, an offer like this is pretty much one of the very few things that could set him off and go all 'Destructo' on MC's a*s. The only reason why he accepts is that the author wants the NTR to happen so he is making him far too OOC. You are also overestimate MC's importance. Sirzechs can always just kill him, reincarnate him, and order him around. Because what is the MC really going to do? The Evil Piece would make him into a stray devil if he disobeys enough for Sirzechs to get angry and sure, the devils would lose potions but so what? It would still be the same as before. Ajuka could definitely cook up some slavery magic for MC if he misbehaved. As for his shield in Grigory? That's BS. Grigory did nothing when Barakiel's wife was killed. They did nothing when Barakiel's daughter was made into a devil. Sure, Azazel would be angry a bit. But some reparations would make that all better. After all, Azazel too needs to think like a leader and put his faction first. The Peace would NOT be at risk just for the MC. That's the author's overinflated ego speaking. His MC is NOT as important as he imagines him to be. Especially since the MC has not shown anything truly juicy to anyone yet, Sure, he can do fertility potion but they DON'T KNOW THAT. The MC wants to be taken seriously but he did not really show his worth to anybody yet. His potions can cure minor cuts? Oh my gosh! How revolutionary! Everybody should postrate in front of him, rite bois!? Yeah, no. The MC is just an id*ot.

"...Alright Grayfia, I guess we should prepare for tomorrow." A hint of hurt flashed across Grayfia's face at how easily Sirzechs accepted the deal but Sirzechs missed it.

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck

2 months ago
Replied to void_ouroboros

Yea are wrong. 1 ryo = 10 yen. So, 10 Ryo = 1 dollar.

But Naruto now had more than 90,000 ryō, so he didn't pay attention to a mere 90 ryō!

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker

2 months ago
Replied to TeuchiUchiha

Nah. This is a prime example of Chinese math.

"Okay, okay, you worked hard. Here are twenty ryō here. I can eat two fish."

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker

2 months ago
Replied to Devine_Devil

Typical Chinese protag, lol.

Naruto was at a loss for his future because he had not obtained any cheat after transmigration.

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker

2 months ago
Replied to Daddy

If you know you are not good at it, why tf are you still trying to do it? You have talent for writing. You clearly have a plan and a plot in mind. Your characters are okay. There is no major flaw other than... you portray your MC as a total ret*rd due to your attempts at foreshadowing. I saw this in my library and decided to try rereading it and it's only ch5 and I am already on the verge of dropping this garba...ahem. The sad part is that it would have been a great read if it wasn't so fkin frustrating to see this id*ot MC fumble his way through the plot with less finesse than Fudge! It's just a painful to read it. Please, don't do this in your future works. You probably lost quite a few readers, not because your writing is bad, but because you choose to make it very annoying to read your story.

2 months ago
Replied to Einstein3

A way to become Merlintama?

< Condition(s): Do 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, and Run 10 Kilometers in One Day >

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]

Book&Literature · Daddy

2 months ago
Replied to MustafaMahmood

Dudes are legit arguing about power levels of characters set by fans on wiki that is ALSO written by fans. Holy sheet, somebody could go there, set Ophis as one of the lower ranks and these idiots would believe it and argue for it. It's funny.

To Kisuke, the Evie faction that was led by three Transcedants feels as if the Soul King, Aizen, and Yhwach came together and joined hands to invade, giving Kisuke a shudder, "This won't do. My preparations are far from enough."

Playing with other Supernaturals

Playing with other Supernaturals

Anime & Comics · Goyya

2 months ago
Replied to Pastlives

Nah. Your writing quality definitely deserves more. You write well. Your ideas and execution though? Yeah, I kinda agree with this guy. You are trying too damn hard to have a unique insane MC that he just turns into an uninteresting edgy protag who is kinda doing dumb shit. It is just my opinion but I don't find that very appealing. Then again, you will definitely have some people liking it. So good luck with your writing.

  • From the Shadows original

    From the Shadows



    In short, this is an attempt at a story about Tony Stark getting back in time after using the Infinity Stones. I recently saw a story with a similar premise on this site which made me remember that I wrote this looooong ago. It is one of my very old drafts. I wrote this about a year ago and it was 'gathering dust', unfinished with me having no motivation to continue. I decided to just post whatever was already written in hopes it would provide someone with an enjoyable evening. It is a better alternative than me just deleting it, no? I'll give you a fair warning. The probability of encountering grammatical mistakes is fairly high as I don't feel like proofreading an old draft of mine. As for the cringe name... it is what it is :). The story has exactly 85 chapters written and I will be posting 4 per week because of course I can't just dump it here all at once. Where would be the fun in that? Enjoy.

    85 Chs 3.9k Sammlungen

  • Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician original

    Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician



    Finding out that he was reincarnated was an immense shock. Finding out that he was reincarnated into DxD and he was a part of an upstart magician human family was more so. But what else could one do than try to pull through the circumstances? Follow the life of Thomas Prest, a simple human magician who is trying to raze his own path to fulfilling his goals in this second chance of his while having to navigate a quite complicated and harsh world full of various supernatural races and factions. And who knows? Maybe the world itself will throw Tom a few surprises along the way. --- Mhm, beware, this is a big scary DxD x MCU crossover (and more crossovers to come since I am trying to challenge myself with this story) and I am apparently disgusting for even trying to write it according to some people since I am just a trash writer. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother writing fanfics anymore...

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  • In Naruto: Reborn with Talent original

    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent


    4.46 Abgeschlossen

    A soul was transmigrated into Narutoverse but was refused to be given any sort of insta-OP power, instead, he could choose from three talents. Follow him and his loved ones on their journey to become strong as they pave their own path through the battle-filled world of Naruto. Will they be villains? For some, surely. Will they be heroes? For others, maybe. But anything they do is due to their own desire. ------------------------------------------------ Some things may not be according to canon so take it as you will. ------------------------------------------------ Anyone who wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/kasicair

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  • Overlord: Rei Shiba original

    Overlord: Rei Shiba



    Well, this was just one of my pet projects I was making when I had time. I am posting it because I lost interest in it so it is basically dropped. Anyway, maybe it will shorten someone's long while and provide entertainment for the evening... or something. :D Also, do give me your opinion on the story, please. I am not interested in people saying: "Yeah, it's trash!" Because they have problems in real life and this is the way for them to vent. I am sure there will be things not everybody will like but I am interested in constructive criticism. If you find yourself so inclined, do leave a comment or review on what you liked about the story and what you disliked and why. Maybe how it felt to read it for you. (Yeah, I am not really all that satisfied with this story, tbh. :D.) It might help me the next time I find myself desiring to write Overlord fanfic.

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    Multiverse Travels of Thomas Cair



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  • In Naruto: As Noble original

    In Naruto: As Noble



    The title is self-evident. This is mostly for bored people who don't expect much from a story. ------- Okay guys... this will not be finished, kay? It is already dropped. ALSO: and this is important!!!! If you see something resembling a chapter of this story in my other works... know that I indeed did rewrite that chapter and used it because it was fitting for the scenario. This is a draft, so to say, so I might have used it elsewhere. Or I might even use a chapter from this it in the future, just a bit different in another work. Only if it is fitting though *shrug*. I was working on this before I started In Naruto: Reborn with Talent and this is what made me sure I suck at first-person POVs and huge harems. I am adding it here only for those interested in some more of my work and honestly... I just want to see what kind of comments this would produce. I am also dumping all chapters I have on this as I am 99% sure I will never write another chapter for this story. BTW don't point out all grammar mistakes... I am aware they are there because I didn't really go through it a second time as I usually do with my other stories.

    42 Chs 3.7k Sammlungen