Apologies, but i don’t like how this is worded. Larger tires allow for BETTER traction. Now if you were to say it was due to the SHAPE and not the SIZE….then I could concur.
But it seemed that the logic behind using Golems instead of Thor was right. Thor's feet kept him from sinking as deeply in the mud, but they also reduced his traction.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
I’m confused, before remi… he couldn’t put inanimate objects in the spaces Plants Dead animals The holy stones were kind of an exception because it was treated as a resource… then there were some magic gems that were mixed with other elements to create helpful potions But remi’s statue was the first “tool” Unless the book was? But I can’t remember… either way she seems to be breaking the rules
The place was empty, and then completely empty as Remi looted the barrels. She didn't care what was in them, they would go well with her current decoration of her shrine. Like a nice wooden plinth collection for her statues.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Didn’t he see Rae when she made the fort?
Ty looked amused at the phrasing, but more intrigued by the mention of others. "They said that you had a Commander Rank beast. Was it actually more than one?"
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
I’m confused, the way o read the previous paragraph: The spell costs 2 points Karl has 10 points from which to draw So he should have 8 points remaining afterwards
{10 points spent. [Haste] obtained.}
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
What if the scouting party came to the conclusion the war bear was the culprit? After all, they should find the remains of three pigs…
They will send giants looking for their missing dinner, and we can eliminate those as well."
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
"Not only that, he learned Circle of Protection, and he's almost to Commander Rank now. Give him a little longer, and I think that we can teach him a healing circle as well. It will be glorious, a self-healing, self shielding, self buffing tank." Karl agreed.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
There we go! He says he preferred using her real name, but he still called her bear earlier in the chapter 😂
As a replacement for Hawk's warmth, Karl lit his sword with flames and passed it to Ophelia, who was the largest of the group other than Karl, even when she wasn't transformed.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
And her name is?
Like Lotus, she was more comfortable here in the wilderness than she was in the Academy or in a city, and Hawk wholeheartedly approved of her naming sense. Karl, on the other hand, preferred to use her actual name, so he didn't get into the habit of treating her like one of his pets by calling her Bear.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
What about getting a list of resources to look for while on mission? I thought Karl asked for a list
The old man laughed. "Kind of a Commander like you to come make a pity visit to this old man. Just bring back the young ones in one piece, and we will call it even."
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
I thought there was only one royal rank in this mission. Is he just trying to make a generalized statement?
Karl frowned. "Monsters generally get smarter as they grow in Ranks, so the Royal Rank Frost Giants might not fall for simple tricks like luring them out a few at a time by killing patrol members."
The First Legendary Beast Master
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku