
male LV 12


2019-02-15 Beigetreten United States
Abzeichen 7

Moments 902
6 months ago

Would be surprising if a 'trained warhorse' doesn't follow the others charging...

Riding a horse wasn't something simple, it seemed. Even when he pulled the rain or kicked it, the horse didn't budge and only neighed loudly.

Greatest Streamer System

Greatest Streamer System

Fantasy · ShuviLily

6 months ago

Commendable. But will take 4-6 weeks to build muscles properly. If you keep at it. And don't hurt yourself from overdoing it.

"But I can't stop right now. It's still 7 P.M., huh? I guess I will do some exercise to increase my stamina and durability to handle longer time in the capsule."

Greatest Streamer System

Greatest Streamer System

Fantasy · ShuviLily

6 months ago

If there is internet: type in the MC's name and the date of this accident as well as few details... no way that didn't make some news. Or search for a year and an event you remember, could be anything really. Date of release of your favorite movie. Lyrics of you favorite song. Even without an accurate date, any quirky info you know would work fairly well too. "Avatar highest grossing movie." Stuff like that can show if it is your world or not.

Max wasn't sure whether he was in the future or a different world, as he didn't really like history and couldn't differentiate what happened in the past through literature and records.

Greatest Streamer System

Greatest Streamer System

Fantasy · ShuviLily

11 months ago

Conflict avoiding Florida Man starts conflict to add stunt ramps to his parking garage. I would have build up my 'employees' a bit more before setting off the pvp and ending novice protection. Though perhaps what he has will be enough.

11 months ago
Replied to L0ST_IN_TIME

For me it is the fact that none of it was necessary... Leo is just there to face slap in the first place so having him agree to a bet, suffer, and put up with all this crap seems to not be something a Florida man would do...

11 months ago

It can be simplified. Both sides are backed by immortals (or so it seems) but Leo's got immortal power right there... plural. And the immortals from the other side are who knows where(we know they ain't coming).

Tang Xuan bitterly smiled as the answer was off the mark. It was the strength and influence of Leo that Tang Xuan respected.

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor

11 months ago

I believe this is a copy paste of the previous statement... after going through a floridian translation device of course. :p

Leo stroked his beard and looked at Situ Bai, "As he said, bozo. Your guy is indeed stronger than my boy, but he got squashed because of his stupidity. You can't blame my boy for giving it his all while your people purposely throw the match, do you?"

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor

11 months ago

They have too. You are running out of both customers and bandits to scam of their lifeforce...

But thanks to Yan Zhu's explanation, Leo learned a new thing. He wondered if immortals from the higher realm would come down to visit his store one day.

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor

11 months ago
Replied to Overkill

But he does know that, that is why they are not attacking him directly but betting with him and waiting for their immortal ancestors to come and take care of him.

11 months ago

I mean... how? He is an immortal (or that is what you all think)... so how are you going to kill him?