Even here there are petty managers.
This was a survival skill every working adult needed to master.
Anime & Comics · Fairy_Immortal
I love this man bajaja
"ADDITIONS? PLURAL?" Ben's crying intensified. "My son is risking his life catching wild Pokemon without telling us!"
Anime & Comics · MrMime24
'Why did I stay with this idiot," Hisoka smiled awkwardly after seeing the angry look from the trans woman.
Anime & Comics · Skye12_
i think mirror armor is one of its abilities in the game
[Mirror Armor: Reflect! When you are subjected to stat-lowering moves or abilities, reflect the lowering effect back at the opponent. Condition: Continuously consume light-related foods for over a month, then eat a Shiny Stone. Effect: You will acquire the Mirror Armor ability.]
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
"Nothing beats the thrill of clashing Dynamax moves! The clash between darkness and flames ended with darkness emerging victorious. Marnie is truly unbeatable!" Aya exclaimed, visibly excited.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
i am really enjoying this concept and this story!
are those... tears i feel?
Me, an adult, when I call my mother to make me my favorite meal.
(.) Sobble was taken aback. No way, who could possibly reject me when I'm this cute? Though it seemed impossible, Sobble obediently nodded.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
i have been missing him in this novel!
External Secretary: Bon Clay.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
Even for those with niche tastes, the male "Sirknight" form offered its own appeal.
Pokemon: Farm Story
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell