Machop turned sharply, its eyes glowing menacingly as it unleashed Leer, its intimidating gaze enveloping Rattata. The move lowered the opponent's defense while briefly unsettling it.
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Tragically, just as the boy was ready to prove himself, a bolt of lightning struck and ended his life.
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In contrast, the nearby antics of another presence—engaged in playful mischief with a Pikachu—seemed to unsettle these newborn Pokémon more.
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Roger rolled his eyes. It's brother, not uncle. This kid just wouldn't listen. No wonder she died later...
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Roger revved the engine of his Harley motorcycle and sped off towards the police station.
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"Is he a prophet or a seer?"
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The Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty
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"Oh yeah I can definitely work with a-"
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Before Rattata could hit the ground, Machop charged forward, fists already primed. As the Rattata flailed in mid-air, Machop's relentless barrage of punches landed with the force of a storm.
Pokémon: A Trainer Who Masters the Six Powers from the Start
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