thank you for the chapter
Gray: "The camera adds 10 pounds, I promise"
"I have a good explanation for this" Gray said.
Anime & Comics · HungryMexican
Fortunately, it wasn't what he had imagined.
Anime & Comics · InsomniaWL
thank you for the chapter
this make no sense Ultear was rescued as a child and so this couldn't have happened Meredy wasn't born yet when Ultear was rescued. this can only make sense if they had someone transform as Ultear when she was older and do bad things to give Ultear a bad name but the would mean they bonded with Meredy just to break her heart what kind of sicko would do that
Meredy stubbornly raised her tear-filled face, glaring defiantly at Zancrow: "Impossible! Lady Ultear would never do such a thing, our information must have been obtained by Gaal Brons through some other methods!"
Anime & Comics · Cmooi
thank you for the chapter
thank you for the chapter
thank you for the chapter
thank you for the chapter
thank you for the chapter
Pokemon: With Title System
Anime & Comics · NahinS77