Valiant attempt dear Sir! :D
Same... I felt the same way dear sir T.T
That was a very long ride XD hahahahahaha! here's to the next hundred🥂
He do be a scary boi :D And thank you for your continues support!
Hohoh! It's far from over my dear friend ;D Thank you always for your unwavering support!
Thank you so much for your support T.T I will keep doing my best!
I completely understand your concern. I'm just wanted a balance of Real world and the game. I didn't want the story to be all about the game, as real world event can affect a how a player plays. Anyhow, I will do my best to not stray from one side or the other. As always thanks for your support. I really appreciate it.
I've actually been thinking about what you said for the past days. I really appreciate your concern for me and my novel. hopefully I could make up my mind sooner, rather than later.
I have a lot of grievances and frustrations with how the story is going, because in the first place all of this could have been prevented if June didn't give Lei some leverage on a silver plater. ain the first place, logically speaking, why would June willingly give Lei the power that could potentially ruin his own life, by making him his boss, again. As if he hasn't learned his lesson in his first life. He was so consumed with the thought that he could come out the winner in everything, just because he has the briefcase. All this drama could have been prevented, but I guess it's important for the story. don't get me wrong, I love this story. been reading since day one. More power to you author!
From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show
Fantasy · SandKastle