Scene 1: In the Bathroom when Mikoto first awakened her sharingan.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
Who Decided That?
Anime & Comics · VALRRR
Guild master or masterand maybe sometimes Gramps not president
Go for a medical checkup just in case Drink a lot of water and eat a lot if fruits and vegetables to flush it iut of your system
So that’s it no aftermath So close
Planet Arakko will be nice plus building an island or a city They will be just an easy target not to mention possible invasion of those that hate mutant kind and probably an attack of sentinels and potential nuclear power gamma
Can’t mc also expand his land domain
An arena is definitely needed One is to blow of some steam Two bragging rights Three source of profit
I'm not sure I'll continue unless y'all want me.
I am Morty Sanchez
Anime & Comics · Try_hard