

LV 4

professional lurker trying to become an amateur author, I also post in scribblehub and spacebattles if anyone is interested.

2018-03-06 Beigetreten Brazil
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Moments 316
6 days ago

I just thought of something else, heck, even waiting for the guys to take the shcimmer could have worked. I mean, the MC almost died and Benzo is dead, Vander is fucked and his best friends are in extreme danger, it could be that the MC was enraged, absolutely furious at what Silco did and the way he won their last fight. So, maybe the MC lets them use schimmer because he's not thinking straight and wants to crush Silco at his best, to show that, even with all the cards Silco can't defeat him again now that he's ready... maybe even to show to himself that he can do it. I mean, with an upgrade in plasmids and without the gas messing up his mind he could be confident in defeating everyone... (I don't think it would particularly fit with the MC's personality, but it could be a reason and he could be too angry to care) In short, I feel that there's a lot of ways of writing pretty much the same scene, with the same results, but not make the MC seem too stupid. The difference between MC letting them use schimmer because he wants to crush SIlco at his best and the MC just sitting there and not reacting as they use schimmer may seem small, but it's actually really big. Certainly, both are stupid things to do, but the difference is that, in the first, the MC is temporarily ACTING stupid because he's too angry and not thinking straight, in the second the MC is just BEING stupid to an infuriating degree.

6 days ago
Replied to FoxDrip

The problem for me isn't that he made a mistake, it's that he made basically the same mistake after having just been ambushed and almost killed. I mean, the author can certainly keep things the way they are, I enjoy the story enough (despite some chapters that I really disliked), but that particular scene could use some improvement, it felt really stupid. Someone suggested that maybe the MC was tired from rushing over and that's certainly a valid reason, but maybe the Author can make that more obvious... still, I feel that trying to rregain his breath while 5 guys use schimmer was still a REALLY stupid thing to do.

6 days ago

Alright, since you seem open for some feedback... I don't really know what you plan to do with the story, it seems like you want things to progress somewhat like cannon but, if you want Silco to survive, you have to deal with the MC. If the MC arrives too late he'll be intact to deal with Silco and I honestly feel he'd be far too stupid if he doesn't do it... and he's far too powerful to be unable to do it. If he arrives too late, I honestly can't see a resolution where Silco doesn't end up dead and Vi and Jinx alive with the MC, that doesn't mean there isn't one, just that writing it without making things seem too forced will be HARD. The problem with the last chapter isn't what happen, it's that SIlco had just ambushed and nearly killed the MC not even a day ago, it feels like the MC comited the same mistake over and over again: (He didn't kill Silco when they first meet, giving him the initiative to ambush the MC later, something he even comments on, then proceeds to let Silco have the initiative again not even a day later) Honestly? If you plan on changing things where Silce dies, I suggest the MC arriving too late, that way you can still have a fight, Powder will still have fucked thing up, and Vi will still be angry with her. Then maybe you can have Silco take Jinx while his men use shimmer and the MC desperatly tries to come up with a way of saving her. On the other hand, if you want the MC to be caught up in the blast and temporarily disabled, maybe have him hit the guy that already used schimmer but Not KO him. In this way, there's a very dangerous being right in front of the MC keeping him too busy to concentrate and use telekinesis to deal with the rest of Silco's men, the MC can use his plasmids to try and deal with the schimmer guy while protecting Vi and using his gun to shoot at Silco. Since he's distracted by the schimmer guy, maybe the MC can't aim perfectly and hits Silco in a non-fatal place and the others take the chance to take cover and use schimmer themselves, or maybe he even kills some of the goons but the others duck down under cover. This way, it doesn't seem like he's just waiting for them to power up but he's too busy dealing with a super strong enemy to concentrate. Also, since Deckart was holding VI up, maybe you can also have him turn vi towards the MC and hold her hostage, then have the MC use telekinesis to maybe keep him from crushing Vi by holding the guy in place and that takes a lot of concentration, then he shoots at SIlco but can't kill all of his goons before they're under cover... i mean, there's a lot of ways to deal with things, just don't make it seems like he's just sitting there posing and waiting for the enemy to power up... It could have worked if he was simply buying time for something else like there were reinforcements coming or he was trying to bring down the roof on their heads, but the way I read things it just seemed like a supremely stupid thing to do, expecially so soon after he almost died.

6 days ago

i know you wanted a big battle scene but, honestly, the fact that he just stood there waiting for them to take shimmer was really disappointing. I mean, there's other ways of creating a huge battle than a stand off where the MC just allows his enemies to power up, he had a goddamn gun man, and a few ranged plasmids, he should have shot them the moment they tried to take shimmer,.

4 months ago
Replied to The_All_in_One

Also, because of how bad trying to fight Anakin went, Purity and one other escaped, then there's Kayser who didn't fight and Night and Fog, who faced Anakin on an earlier fight, but managed to retreat.

Holy shit, I just watched the videos, the guy just flicked that woman away, then threw Hookwolf at the giant woman! He's giving a whole new definition to the phrase, 'hitting a motherfu*** with another motherfu…'

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Movies · CaptaoCav

4 months ago
Replied to The_All_in_One

Kaiser wasn't there, Hookwolf was defeated early on, he tried to jump Anakin, but Anakin just grabbed him midair, crushed his wolf shape into a ball and then used him as a projectile against one of the Giant twins.

There's still the Merchants, the Undersiders, Circus, and a few other independents.

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Movies · CaptaoCav

4 months ago
Replied to ExistentialVoid

Haven't posted it yet

So... Turns out I couldn't write for a few days, then had a complete blank for both of my FF, I did manage to write a few pages for my original story and get started on another Naruto FF I've in my head, but, for the life of me I couldn't think of how to write the chapters for Supergirl or Will.

Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)

Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)

Anime & Comics · CaptaoCav

4 months ago
Replied to The_All_in_One

I mean, the battle started and Anakin imediately used force speed to try and flee, Everything was moving at the speeds of a speeding car.

Unfortunately, things had happened too fast, their miscalculation became clear and the order to disengage was given less than 40 seconds into the battle but, by then, Susanoo had already captured Armsmaster and was about to murder him.

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Movies · CaptaoCav

4 months ago
Replied to CaptaoCav

Ugh, ended up being 3 days, sorry about that

4 months ago
Replied to Anos_iapa

Finishing it soon, give me a day or two.

  • Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm) original

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)



    Darth Vader dies in the arms of his son, having killed his master and gone back to the light side of the Force. And then he wakes up, finding himself into a little primitive planet that hasn't even achieved interstellar travel, where the government is corrupt and the heroes are ineffective, in a city that could almost be called a hive of scum and villainy, dominated by a gang that calls itself the Empire 88 and another that practices slavery. He wants to be better, he wants to overcome his past, but damn, the city REALLY isn't making it easy for him. Sometimes, a former Sith Lord just wants to force choke a bitch

    32 Chs 1.9k Sammlungen

  • Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ) original

    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)



    Kara lived the first part of her life entirely unaware she had once been someone else. but, after failling to escape from krypton, the trauma of getting trapped in a ship makes her fully remember her previous life,. now she must strugle with two sets of memories and make sure her little cousin is gonna be ok, knowing everything the DC universe can throw at her she knows even being a Kryptonian won't be enough. _________________________________________________________ The world is mostly Young Justice but I won't deal with the team all that much. MC starts in a rought spot but it gets better from there. If you want to support me or allow me to do faster updates please leave a tip on:

    70 Chs 6.5k Sammlungen

  • Dungeon Delving is damn HARD! (Danmachi/Naruto) original

    Dungeon Delving is damn HARD! (Danmachi/Naruto)



    Having been an antisocial nerd his entire life Roland Sinclair had just started getting out of his shell and having a little fun when his life came to a very sudden end, thankfully his death was amusing enough to atract the attention of a ROB and he got sent into the world of DanMachi. With limited knowledge of the plot and setting but having read a lot about mythology he decides he'd best avoid sex ofenders, incestuous and often apocalipse bringing deities and spend his second chance at life exploring the dungeon and the wonders of magic he had always daydreamed about... now, if only he could manage his growing addrenaline addiction and the unwanted attention of a wine god, he may even survive long enought to enjoy it. WARNING: Updates will be very slow, I'm focusing on my other fanfics and it may take one or two months for each chapter.

    21 Chs 1.8k Sammlungen

  • Reincarnated into a hentai world original

    Reincarnated into a hentai world



    EDIT: CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - WILL CONTINUE... EVENTUALLY Joshua hates NTR, he hates rapist uggly bastards ruining his masturbating sessions so, when he gets reincarnated into a world which is a mixture of various hentais he had read in his life with a superpower he choose he knows just what to do. Have as much sex as he wants and brutally murder all those damn uggly bastars! WARNING! Sometimes the MC doesn't arive on time to prevent every bad thing from hapenning, those times it's more about him helping with recovery, those times the girl he's saving is a complete stranger until that point. Ugh, do people even know what NTR means? Do they even read the damn fic before rating? Cuz there's no fucking NTR in my fic, none of the MC's girls get stolen or abused. If you want more or faster updates, think about giving me some support on pa (just delete the space between the words)

    22 Chs 7.9k Sammlungen

  • Welcome to the system! original

    Welcome to the system!


    For most the system came out of nowhere, creatures out of fairytale invaded the world killing and enslaving all they could find but the government knew... and was prepared. As the monsters came the army reacted, turning cities into war zones and survivors into assets they hope to keep a semblance of justice into this new world. Aaron Ross is a menber of Ragnarok, one of the many gifted man and woman trained from birth to become loyal heroes, to lead the US when the system came, unfortunately he is not the savior they want, instead he could be the killer they need. This story has a lot of profanity and gore but won't have any smut. Updated once a day for a month, this is one of my old stories I'm just getting back on writing. The image used isn't mine but found on the internet and I'll take it down if requested.

    16 Chs 45 Sammlungen

  • Dying in the multiverse (Multicross SI) original

    Dying in the multiverse (Multicross SI)


    An asshole ROB decides it's amusing to watch people die in many different ways so he choose an average guy to do it, refusing to make him OP he lets the guy choose some advantages while imposing some disadvantages before sending him into many worlds. Or, an average guy trying to survive in fictional worlds without a lot of plot armor. WARNING! Updates once a day until it hits 8 chapters, after that updates will be very irregular

    8 Chs 121 Sammlungen

  • Rise of the Senju original

    Rise of the Senju

    Anime & Comics R18 NARUTO ECCHI

    WARNING: NOT CURRENTLY UPDATING! After a drunk one night-stand Tsunade Senju finds herself pregnant, the elemental nations will never be the same again... Being reborn into the elemental nations was far from being the ideal situation for Kazuki Senju. Toddlers being trained by the military to become preteen soldiers and expected to die before reaching adulthood is all well and good in a manga but, in real life, it is just unacceptable. Unable to see children becoming killing machines Kazuki decides he'd follow his great grandfather's footsteps, Hashirama Senju made the warring states era obsolete, Kazuki is gonna make the Hidden village's era obsolete or die trying and, with his cheat of a bloodline, he may even manage it. After losing everyone she ever cared about in life Tsunade finaly managed to find some happiness in her new son and no one, absolutly NO ONE, is gonna take it away from her! She's gonna make sure of it even if she needs to surpass her grandfather to do so.

    5 Chs 815 Sammlungen