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male LV 11
2018-03-04 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 12

Moments 1903

Replied to Juv3

it did say that time in the games run differently then in the 'real world'

He had entered Hot Spring Mountain City Station two and a half months ago, having gone through two Level E Instances before, which made him a veteran of sorts. However, he had not expected this third instance's players to be all abnormal; aside from those killed by the Beheading Demon, nearly all other players died from murdering each other, and he had only managed to save his life by giving away all his items.

Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

Horror · Haiyan Mountain


random question but why did he join a new game right away?

[Player Passerby A has entered the Hot Spring Mountain Area and is automatically participating in the Level E Instance "Beheading Demon." Please note that this instance is low level, and players are not allowed to carry non-game props.]

Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

Horror · Haiyan Mountain


keep that same energy


But Zack had no intention of seeking acceptance from organizations that had deemed him unworthy. While he understood that the guilds were not obligated to take him in, he also knew that he wasn't obligated to join them either. He refused to beg for scraps of recognition from those who had written him off.

Levelling Up Cheats In The Apocalypse

Levelling Up Cheats In The Apocalypse

Fantasy · Comedian0


foxes!!! get a 9 tail!!!

We came to our next destination where they placed the large carnivores. There are bears, foxes, a lynx, European wildcat and a pack of wolves. The arrangements of the enclosures made me laugh. There is a small plot for Soay Sheeps in the middle. 'Will those poor sheeps be able to sleep at night?'

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Urban · Fool_Personified


I hope he gets cerberus

Surprisingly we started where they keep thier snakes. I saw a albino snake with ashwinder bloodline but I didn't spare it a second glance. One of my concern regarding my beast space is what would happen if I introduce a carnivore in the group. Will the Beast Space provide live pray for them? Grace and Gavel are grass eaters so I haven't encounter such problems yet. 'I'll deal with it when such problem arises. '

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Urban · Fool_Personified



"Marshall, will be my new name". I said with a smile.

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

Urban · Fool_Personified

Replied to Username111

I think that's only if you have the parents consent

While they might be older, they age gracefully, looking as good as any seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls. Their charm was something young girls could not compete against.

Parasite (Gu) Breeding Longveity Path: Starting from the love-enamored Gu

Parasite (Gu) Breeding Longveity Path: Starting from the love-enamored Gu

Eastern · Thousand Lakes True Person


I mean he's greek....try it out man

"Haha, I like the challenge kid, I promise you… you will accept my offer one day," Ares smirked.

Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

Book&Literature · CORNBRINGER

Replied to DaoOfGay

is the snake supposed to be the legacy thing?

All they could hear was a crunching sound as Enychta devoured the Pit Scorpion as a snack together with the smores he was making. Maybe it was because he killed a monster in front of the whole camp, or because it was the perfect timing and time (because night), but a mark suddenly appeared on top of Enychta's head. A single white moon with two small stars beside the moon, most people first thought of Artemis before their minds darted to Selene when the thought of Artemis having a child was ridiculous, but then the perfect image of the moon was cut through by another floating image... A black-white snake while scales were black, the hide was white. The snake slithered towards the moon and pushed the stars that were near the moon away, before slithering around the moon, not only that, it also coughed/burped the third star before staying still.

Son of The Night

Son of The Night

Book&Literature · DaoOfGay


I mean....there greek so it don't matter much

He couldn't tell anyone that, or else he would die of embarrassment as he realizes what he feels. He shouldn't feel like that because they are practically his family! How can he feel something so impure towards his family? It was awkward at first as he realized that, he could get random boners by thinking about one of them or remembering one of his wet dreams. As a hormonal teenager, Luke had wet dreams and they normally involved Eny or Pruno, or both at the same time. When he dreams of Eny, he is always taking control over him, and when he dreams of Pruno is the exact opposite as he takes control of him, and when he dreams about both then he is getting both dominated snd dominating, feeling pleasure from the back and front.

Son of The Night

Son of The Night

Book&Literature · DaoOfGay


oi what happened to the insomnia thing???

When it was morning, or 5 am in this case, Eny woke up. He avoided moving his body as he looked around and sniffed the air, he felt no monster scent around him and smiled his wolfish grin closed when he saw the boy in his arms. He was sleeping reverse to Eny, while Eny was upside down, the boy wasn't... He also needs to know the boy's name, not that he would use it because he would get attached, but so he knows it. Frowning, he expanded his wings and let loose his tail, falling from the tree. He flapped his wings to slow down his fall and landed on his hind legs, carrying the boy with his forearms.

Son of The Night

Son of The Night

Book&Literature · DaoOfGay


did....did he only choose one magic??? he could've picked all 3 magics and he only choose one?!?!?!?!?

I sighed, if I say yes I will probably regret it... But I can't simply hesitate anymore, in my last life I hesitated in a lot of things! Now that I have the option to have. the second chance I will gladly take it. Without hesitation, I selected the [Yes, Let the horny flow through me] option as confirmed my abilities choices. Soon, a new screen appeared.

Son of The Night

Son of The Night

Book&Literature · DaoOfGay


huh... I was kinda thinking he'd go into stocks/investments like other MCs

He decided to let the AI Chip modify some potion recipes with the help of his wide foundation on brewing knowledge in his database. The First Potions he chose were cosmetic potions like Sleekeazy's Hair Potion and Scalp Treatment and Diamond beauty skincare. No matter where they are, looks are still an important factor in human life. Be they magical or non-magical. After a few days of processing the AI Chip completed two recipes. One skincare and one haircare potion, both cheaper but more effective than comparable products. All he needed was a review by a certified Potion Master to legally sell his products and to send probes to a potion shop to sign an agreement over the summer. Fortunately, there was a Potion Master inside the castle.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


I wonder if he'll make friends with the gorge and fred?

For the next few weeks, Matthew would fall into an idle routine of Workout before breakfast, attending classes, studying the books in the library, and practicing in the room of requirements. Although these weeks were exhausting he made impressive progress and won a ton of house points which earned him the respect of his housemates.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee

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