
male LV 11


2018-02-28 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 12

Moments 29
6 hours ago

"Hey, why doesn't Tony use these?" "They're unpredictable and dangerous, he doesn't want to take a chance until he's more sure" "Oh, okay. I'm gonna use them anyway, and not tell him anything so he can't double check my work or be ready for an emergency" I'll be disappointed if Tony isn't disappointed next chapter. This is absolutely not the kind of thing you do as a 'surprise'.

12 months ago
Replied to matrioxor

Ravel doesn't like to fight, but she does participate and can be a threat when she feels like it. And no, Riser actually has a full set with no mutlipieces. Admittedly, most of them are really forgettable, like the maids and dancer pawns getting off-screened by Kiba in canon. Yubelluna (Queen) Ravel (Bishop) Mihae (Bishop) Karlamine (Knight) Siris (Knight) Isabela (Rook) Xuelan (Rook) Ile (Pawn) Nel (Pawn) Ni ( Pawn) Li (Pawn) Marion (Pawn) Burent (Pawn) Shuriya (Pawn) Mira (Pawn)

12 months ago

" It's 3 to 12" Riser has a full Peerage, so it'd be 4 to 16. Or 3 to 15 if you don't include the Kings for whatever reason even though they'll be directly participating too. 8 Paws, 2 Knights, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 1 Queen. 1 King.

12 months ago

It was fine, though letting him play in the rating game without actually being in the peerage feels kinda cheap and lazy. It's barely held together by metaphorical duct tape with it being more of an informal, private match and Riser okaying it, but it doesn't actually feel like something that would be okayed in canon. There were other ways to potentially deal with it. Challenging Riser to a 1v1 in place of the rating game as Rias' champion, taking Issei's place at the party post loss, dealing with the marriage through other channels like a business deal with HP potions, either with the Gremorys or the Phenex, etc. If he had to be in the rating game, coulda just made the Evil Piece a temporary thing through Race Change mechanics. He accepts the Bishop (assuming his Gamer status lets him cheat the cost for Rias, because no way a non mutated Bishop would actually be enough) and after the match, he just casually pushes the piece out and hands it back to everyone's dumbfounded surprise.

1 years ago

Top 50 in the world? I really hope that's Riser just being an unreliable narrator, because he shouldn't be even remotely close with just what he has so far. Forget 9x, Even 100x Start of Canon Riser isn't reaching that level on a world wide scale. Just the Three Factions? Maybe. World Ranking? Definitely not. DxD actually has A Lot of strong characters, both canon and just implied to exist by virtue of being an 'all supernatural is real' type world.

1 years ago

I do vaguely remember that Lucifer (and maybe the other satans?) have the multiple pairs of wings gimmick that the angels and fallen do.

1 years ago

"And these four behind me are the guests..." "...Master Yoruichi and four others have arrived...!" Should be five? Ohta, Ichigo, Chad, Orihime, Uryu.

1 years ago
Replied to Einlion

So is the extra 5 free points part of Izuku's 'cheat' or something everyone who gets the system from the portals has? If everyone else just gets the normal 10, and Izuku gets 15 for him and his allies, that'd certainly make the system being spread around more palatable. Just the perks(and things like location tracking) make the party system 'worth it' in universe but kinda meh from a reader perspective

1 years ago
Replied to Einlion

Do they? What exactly leveling up does isn't obvious. It gives free points that need Izuku to spend, but I don't recall any other benefit such as improving stat growth from training or adding assigned stats in addtion to the free points being mentioned.

1 years ago

Shoto and Bakugo not accepting the 'free' power up and putting it into luck(potential) instead was a nice touch. Though, is luck only exp, or does it help stat growth too? If it only helps exp, kinda doesn't do anything (besides whatever boosts to actual luck it gives) if you're never going to accept spending the free points elsewhere (unless level ups come with attribute points already assigned or some other benefit in addition to the free points?)