

male LV 12

Crunching books, Sleeping. Rinse and Repeat

2018-02-22 Beigetreten United States
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Moments 36
3 years ago

Actually I would say more computer engineering but electrical engineering has similar applications here.

There are two other logic runes, Enda and Eda, in which the first means and while the other means or. Using these Logic Runes, all kinds of effects can be achieved.

Diary Of Loki

Diary Of Loki

Fantasy · HypnosCreations

3 years ago
Replied to Vitamorte

To be honest, I may have to re write a lot of this for more clarity for the readers but from the way I organized the training systems in the world is around the soul. I set it up that pure mana is harmful to the body unless used in elemental form for reinforcement, contained in the soul shell as the bodies naturally produced mana or in a type of pseudo shell which Loki senior created a few for Loki Junior in this transformation. Normally and Arcane Caster has just one giant tank but Loki senior for whatever reason set it up as multiple small ones.

Loki Senior really did some good work. From what I can see, my body naturally has control of the elements as long as my aura is being used. By using my own mana in conjunction with the ambient mana in nature, I can cast all sorts of elemental spells from the druids list of spells to the arcane caster list of spells having to do with elements. Casting occultic spells is the same as long as I have a type of chain related to that spell but it looks like I can't multi cast them unless I put them as a learned spell. It looks like this effect is carried out through nature's language but there is a specific range I have to be in to use them, which I am sure is not as long as their original from what I read. On the plus side, my Life school spells were usually touch range now I can do them at a distance and to multiple targets. I am wondering something though, my Life school spells turned into a chain. What if I come up with a chain that has to do with madness, would I get a chain of madness?

Diary Of Loki

Diary Of Loki

Fantasy · HypnosCreations

3 years ago
Replied to Vitamorte

Wait you were referencing chapter 1 lol, Yea he does leave it to his Girlfriend at the time.

3 years ago
Replied to SCP3812

I love the Enthusiasm

Well, you can ask any animal owner what would happen should anyone hurt their puppy and likely they would all answer along the same lines of finding the perpetrator and punishing them somehow.

Diary Of Loki

Diary Of Loki

Fantasy · HypnosCreations

3 years ago
Replied to SCP3812

Modern Genetics or Norse mythology?

Regardless of how the Spanish treated their captives, they ended up mating with them and then they mated with each other and so on and so forth. The Latin American Genome is a mix from all three of these races making this race one of the largest mixed races in the world. Well they aren't considered a mixed race any more but a wholly new one with over 300 years of genetic history. Part of this same cross still happens. Most people know this colloquially as mulatto.

Diary Of Loki

Diary Of Loki

Fantasy · HypnosCreations

3 years ago
Replied to Vitamorte

He hasn't really had time to formulate a comprehensive book on it considering his schedule. also the ideas he used to base his research on like atomic theory, modern medicine theory, and physics haven't been well explored in his new world. Besides training systems which have certain aspects of science baked into them, this world doesn't have group education. Its more like everyone has to arrive at their own conclusions through training.

3 years ago
Replied to Vitamorte

no or atleast not yet anyway

3 years ago
Replied to AkiraLight

Besides the sick paint job and the runic carvings, and the leather grip, its pretty accurate. Although because of Loki's preference for one handed weapons to have a free hand, its slightly smaller.

3 years ago
Replied to AkiraLight

My pleasure

3 years ago
Replied to

You are close, still in the engineering area.

There are two other logic runes, Enda and Eda, in which the first means and while the other means or. Using these Logic Runes, all kinds of effects can be achieved.

Diary Of Loki

Diary Of Loki

Fantasy · HypnosCreations

  • Diary Of Loki original

    Diary Of Loki


    This is a diary depicting the adventure of Loki. A man who searches for the meaning of his life while adventuring into a world of mythological wonder. Giants, Gods, Dragons, Angels, Demons and Devils roam the land. Learn how he makes several companions and lives a life of adventure, all the while learning more about himself. Mystery, Magic, High fantasy, Adventure, History, Philosophy, Character growth, Heaven and Hell dungeons and dragon style all wrapped up in one Misanthropic Comedic package.

    88 Chs 73 Sammlungen