
male LV 6
2018-02-23 Beigetreten United States
Abzeichen 5

Moments 2
3 years ago

'swiftly rummaging thru my bag of prepared emergency supplies' run over to the corner and hand over 2 packages of fruit punch Kool-Aid, a jug of ice cold water (don't ask) and a large bag of infested Gummi bears (w/worms of course). and boom 'cheer up, you're back.'

3 years ago
Replied to Dayside

Actually Cytorrak is just an intermediary to the Strength Force.

11. The Juggernaut – Nigh unlimited strength, limitless stamina during physical activity, near invulnerability due to personal force field over the skin, self-sustenance (no need to eat, breathe, drink or sleep), pseudo-immortality (doesn't age, almost impossible to kill by convention means), immunity to toxins, poisons and disease, almost impossible to stop once moving.

My Marvel Reincarnation.

My Marvel Reincarnation.

Movies · ScottyTheD