

LV 5


2017-09-19 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 4

Moments 571
8 days ago

Smartest Woman in the universe? Does that mean that there is a man smarter than her inside that universe?

Title - Doctor Fate, Lord of Chaos (Pseudo/Minor), Ghost Spider, Green Lantern, The Ultimate Titan, Smartest Woman in the Universe, Host of the Dragon Flame, Best Martial Artist in the Universe

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_

9 days ago

Considering he has super strength he should be able to throw her pretty far.

Since I don't trust Selene as much as I can fuck her-No, wait I mean as much as I can throw her. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. I don't trust Selene as far as I can throw her.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

10 days ago

What I understood from this fic until now is that the MC got manipulated into gaining power on par with the Phoenix Force by an ancient order, and instead of letting him master the power they forced the MC to let it control him so that they can use him for their own purposes.

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
18 days ago

If he could still fly, why did he smash into the ground hard enough to cause the ground to be destroyed?

I smiled at the people while flying off, and all the destruction I had caused disappeared before their eyes as if someone was rewinding time.

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq

27 days ago
Replied to A_Real_Werewolf234

So basically you wanted your MC to fight the Avengers and this was the best excuse you could think of.

27 days ago
Replied to Melon_Night

Don't forget that the sun itself is a star.

Kayn can also now draw power from the stars, making him immensely stronger at night time when the Stars are out and visible, and he can also create mini-stars currently with immense power, but in the future, he would be able to cause supernovas at will and even drop stars on enemies.

DC: Harbinger Of Death

DC: Harbinger Of Death

Anime & Comics · StrikerAuthor

29 days ago

This whole temporal anomaly thing makes no sense considering the MC is not a time traveler, meaning he is not changing the past but the future which to him has not yet happened.

1 months ago
Replied to Daoofholes6969

Weapon arts are one of the sub-categories of Physical arts.

This means Buggy can focus more on other aspects of his training, namely the four primary paths to strength: Haki, physical arts, swordsmanship, and Devil Fruit abilities. 

One Piece : Buggy Breaks The Human Limiter!

One Piece : Buggy Breaks The Human Limiter!

Anime & Comics · PirateKing24

1 months ago
Replied to Ronin46

There are men who struggle against destiny, and yet achieve only an early grave. There are men who flee destiny, only to have it swallow them whole. And there are men who embrace destiny and do not show their fear, these are the ones that change the world forever.


When he woke up he gasped in fear as he rushed out of his bed chamber to warn Zeus of this prophecy. Zeus becoming informed of this might cause some trouble, but Constantine was still not the target. 

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Book&Literature · A_Real_Werewolf234

1 months ago


'The seventh rune will always be the same, I guess, because you have to press the red ball 'thingy' last. So, how many combinations would that make?'

Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal

Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal

Movies · Shiara_Wash