Your back and with a update thank you
And so cosplay comes to the wizards of the world
'I used to enjoy occasional Cosplay in my previous life. I guess some things you still can't help but miss.' He thought to himself.
Movies · Kenji_Makoto
I said you need tech ideas or whatever look to overwatch Symmetra hard light tech or just what the city looks like
But Aryan didn't want to stop at just a book. He envisioned a cultural movement—plays, songs, poetry—integrating these stories into everyday life. If the people saw themselves reflected in the heroes of 1857, if they truly understood what had been taken from them, then the flames of revolution would burn brighter than ever before.
Anime & Comics · MJ_0422
lol have reading chapter to end first thought after it was Then the fire nation came
What the fic? I enjoy titanfall
'Done, and remember I said a decent gun and shield so nothing shitty like the roughrider.' I thought since that felt important to bring up.
Video Games · loskro
Lady death, or death of the endless from DC
"What do you fear, why don't you fear death? What is your favorite thing in the world, what do you hate most... and what is it that you live for? What is your drive, and motivation to live?" I asked while Harley simply looked at me,
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
And so it will not bloom on this world
Love the nightingale’s
Borderlands: Unnatural selection
Video Games · loskro