Just passing by and it’s been 6 years….
Is Marcus going to buy Caterham Cars as his investment business?
Back on the throne of the Holy Lord, Ye Chen decided to tell these cultivators about the knowledge of his previous life...
Eastern · Manga_Boy
To this day never once recommend something.
Who the f betrayed him if his transported to this world? 😑
Why not just buy all the share?
"Well, Mr. Smith. I can't tell you what exactly can you expect with the future of Renner Studios, but I can assure you that my work or my plans would remain the same. If I'm not getting it clearly, is this a way of you saying that you don't trust me with the company?" Ian asked back.
Movies · TC_Liyanage1
I’m through JDM fans, I wish Ian collect any types of car.
This is the most trashy novel I’ve ever read. Author needs to delete this trash. By the way I like your novel! Best wishes!
Why not combination of it
"Mhm. Go ahead, I'll see you soon." I hung up. I couldn't help but feel a little wary with my first real run in with the paps. I hoped, maybe futilely, that this wouldn't become an issue down the line.
Movies · BarCalak
Jay Aslan: Journey to the Top
Urban · Elawn