I thought that because he's the god of spears, he could innately recall/summon his spear?
Movies · Stingleese
Isn't the move called "Hydro Canon"?
[Received the item TM Water Cannon (one-time use). Water Cannon: A powerful water stream attack with massive power.]
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
I mean it is the end of a season, and the author is taking a break/hiatus. (Which I hope isn't too long.)
Honestly, the fake harem vibes are kinda disappointing .
is this actually no-harem?
shouldn't kondo recognize Equinox?
I'd imagine "Incarnation" would work better than reincarnation
Description: The Hell Storm Homunculus has rebelled and absorbed the boss of the Hell Storm Paradise dungeon and evolved into a being that transcends both. It is a powerful monster that can control the stormy weather itself and is said to bring salvation or calamity on a whim. It has a personality that looks down on others and treats itself as if it is the reincarnation of the storms.
Games · XiaoKongxu
Meh, so far fooled 3 gods thinking he's the son of hephaestus. (Can't quite blame them considering blacksmith powers, red hair, and etc.)
Shirou did not explicitly reveal anything, as he was a terrible liar, but he simply showed his worth and let others come to their own conclusion.
Anime & Comics · Parcasious
ngl was hoping it would be monogamy
It has better typing and has been more competitively viable than the other birds. Bulky zapdos is pretty terrifying in terms of usage.
"Which of the legendary birds should I choose?"
Pokemon: Gym Leader
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891