

LV 15
2017-12-08 Beigetreten Global
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1 years ago
Replied to LemonZawodowiec

Space magic saves lives

She had seized the opportunity when Siri had begun to monologue and had launched herself from the top of the ship. With her jetpack providing some extra thrust, she had travelled at high speed straight towards the jedi before delivering a savage elbow to the woman's nose.

Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

Movies · Vapidbread829

1 years ago
Replied to MythicalFanFicGod

I don't know why they're complaining about the French. All Chinese buffets in the south have frogs legs and they're delicious! And now I'm hungry. -_-

1 years ago

I quite enjoy this novel, buy what the heck happened to Lucia? she just dissappeared....

1 years ago

I love the story so far, im interested to see how you handle the romantic interest. The rest of the novel so far has been great and kept me wanting more! Keep it up, don't you dare drop this. My poor heart wouldn't be able to take it

1 years ago

I like how it got like 5 million votes on energy, was number 1 on the rankings for months then just got dropped. gotta love this app....

2 years ago

10/10 Super Mom!

2 years ago

I truly love this book you've started, it's my favorite in a very, very long time. I can't quite find the word to praise your writing and describe my enjoyment of it, but if it were food...drool would be leaking all down my chin! I've never really written a review in all my years (6 ish) on webnovel but for you I'm going to give it a go! *Writing Quality* I find the quality to be truly top notch. No spelling or grammatical errors jumped out at me and the flow of the story has been smooth and uninterrupted. Conversations between characters are natural and immerse you into the world that's being created. Inner thoughts, monologs, and settings are all easily differentiated so no confusion on who or what is talking. Admittedly, we're only 15 chapters in at this point, each chapter is quite large however so im confident the quality will remain. *Story Development* The novel has introduced background information and world building without becoming boring or going too deep into minutiea. Basically, no Goku charging his spirit bomb for 8 chapters haha. In my opinion there's a healthy balance of action, character building, and slice of life. The romance is being built up well, as in two people actually getting to know each other and bonding/crushing on each other. Although it hasn't really made it to that point yet. Outside the main leads the supporting characters are well done and make it so the story isn't empty. Everyone seems to add something to the story and it really comes together well. *Character design* Character descriptions let you picture what people in the novel look like and what they're feeling too. I haven't noticed and cookie cutter type ones thrown in. *Udpating Stability* Well, I wish there were more chapters but since I really love this book no matter how many there were I'd want more... That said the updates are fairly slow but steady. I have no complaints due to the fact that chapters keep coming. I'm willing to wait for awesomeness *World Background* I think I already talked about this in the other ones. So I'm gonna skip it. AUTHOR KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!! I support you 100%, I'll legit be a cheerleader and sing you motivational songs with pom poms and everything to keep you going haha

2 years ago
Replied to _Alenkar

I love this video

"I remember how a certain naughty cat made fun of me because of my condition, but now that it has been solved, I'd say she deserves a punishment, wouldn't you say?"

DC: Rose Of Death

DC: Rose Of Death

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

2 years ago

bro stop posting other books in this one. I came here to read this book, if I wanted to find a new one I'd do so -_-

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Gamer in RWBY

Gamer in RWBY

Anime & Comics · Jovami6729

2 years ago
Replied to Lord_Tobi

I want