
female LV 5

Love to read and cuddle my dogs

2017-09-22 Beigetreten United States
Abzeichen 8

Moments 80
1 years ago


1 years ago


Fleur wasn't really a fan of pets so she opted to not get one, which meant that they completed their shopping relatively quickly. Though, Fleur wanted to take advantage of the fact that they were out so they went to the confectionery shop, Confiserie Enchantée de K. Rammelle, and bought some sweets for Gabrielle.

HP: The Legendary Arithmancer

HP: The Legendary Arithmancer

Book&Literature · Stormeyy

1 years ago

Hermione is that you?


The finals were the highlight of the tournament, as was apparent by the enthusiasm of the announcer and the cheering of the crowds. My opponent this time was a 15-year old who was grossly ripped and was a two-time champion of this tournament. He seemed like a giant to me, which in a way, he was. As soon as the match started, he rushed in like a bulldozer intending to end the match as soon as possible. I didn't let him do as he wished to and used maximum mana channeling to go toe to toe with him. Apparently, my maximum physical strength was a lot higher than his as after blocking a blow with my forearm, I felt nothing. Immediately, I swept his arm off and launched an uppercut with all my strength which took him a few metres of the stage and disoriented him mightily. Pressing my advantage, I launched a combo at him targeting his joints with a flurry of fast and strong blows. He kept on backpedaling and still couldn't manage to completely come to his senses. After a particularly well placed toe kick at his knee joint which resulted in him losing his balance, I roundhouse kicked him onto his knees followed by a dropkick straight to his face, knocking him out cold. The cheers that followed sounded like thunder to him and the adrenaline in my system refused to leave. That was the time I found out something about myself, I craved attention and liked beating others to prove my own skill and worth.

[Rewrite in Progress] HP : A Wizard's Tale

[Rewrite in Progress] HP : A Wizard's Tale

Book&Literature · WiseOldFool

1 years ago


~Strange, what was he doing here? his son starts Hogwarts next year.~ that's what Alexander was thinking.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

1 years ago

Ok, maybe I’m wrong but I’ve been binge reading this and I thought Dumbledore was blamed for grekback’s death back when she was in the wizarding world as herself?

"Thank you, that's all I could ask. But where was I, oh, yeah, Nathan. He had a rough couple of years in Hogwarts, you know with his twin officially dead, and people thinking he's unstable. Things did get better. He ended up marrying Tracy Davis, a very nice girl from Slytherin, and they have two kids, Jasmine and James Potter. He cleaned up his act, after you know getting over the shock of Dumbledore's betrayal and your death. It hit him pretty hard, especially since you're his twin. He's actually the Minister for Magic, now. I never expected him to continue into politics, but he became an Auror, worked his way up to be head of the department and was elected as Minister. Dad retired, and mum continued her research in charms and potions. I just continued learning under you. I never realized the depth of your knowledge in magic. Even now, I have barely scratched the surface. Anyway, Fenrir Greyback didn't like some of the werewolf laws that were being made. The Ministry was now forced to employ werewolves and pay for their monthly Wolfsbane potion, and make sure that they have a day off the day before and after the full moon. Werewolves started getting a lot less aggressive, and attacks had pretty much ceased. Fenrir Greyback didn't like that, so he engineered an attack on Diagon Alley while I was there. I kinda reacted by instinct and restrained the entire pack with my hard light chains."

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

3 years ago


As expected of the more traditional lifestyle of the Capital's residents, there were quite a few Shinto style shrines and temples located within the city itself, each of which was dedicated to a different deity. The largest temple of them all worshipped the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, while the rest were much smaller in comparison. I even spotted a tiniest little shrine that worshipped a certain rabbit goddess – that I avoided like a plague.

Accidental Gamer Hero

Accidental Gamer Hero

Anime & Comics · KnowingAutumn

3 years ago


It took but a few moments before I reached my target – Tora the cat.

Accidental Gamer Hero

Accidental Gamer Hero

Anime & Comics · KnowingAutumn

3 years ago

Insulting the 4th right there.


"Hai, Hokage-sama. Even though Shinji is the Rookie of the Year, he does not come from a shinobi family. I am not one to discriminate based on background, but it is undeniable that it is a proven statistic that civilian born shinobi do not often go far as a shinobi. Yes, he would undoubtably be an excellent genin, and even possibly make chuunin, but any further than that is inconclusive."

Accidental Gamer Hero

Accidental Gamer Hero

Anime & Comics · KnowingAutumn

3 years ago


Long story short? It did. But there were still some limitations, however. For example, halving my INT stat also meant significantly reducing my CP reserve and CP regeneration. As such, it also reduced the amount of time I could train chakra-related skills. Secondly, training outside while wearing the eyepatch just looked plain weird, and I wasn't inclined to look like an attention-seeking brat wearing an eyepatch just to draw attention.

Accidental Gamer Hero

Accidental Gamer Hero

Anime & Comics · KnowingAutumn

3 years ago

No they are gamers.


Tazuna looked at the three of them with dumbfound look on his face. How were these three Ninja? They looked more like bandits at the moment.

Born as Sakura With a System

Born as Sakura With a System

Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago