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male LV 13


2017-08-03 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 15

Moments 394


the greatest gift = perfected Edo tensei so he can revive his Uchiha *girlfriend.


Unfortunately, Orochimaru didn't seem as kind-hearted as Sasori. That said, Fujin had just met him. So he couldn't be entirely sure. Who could say if Orochimaru would have a change of heart later and give Fujin the greatest gift in this world? Greater than even what Hiruzen did for him!

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to BlackRoger

I don't think so, pretty sure he was set on the Emperor path. the reason it was mentioned was probably just to explain how a Quasi-Emperor can ascend.

They hugged and cried for more than two minutes before separating. Wang Chang took one last look at his family and smiled before turning into a rainbow and disappearing into the sky. According to the rules of Heaven and Earth, True Power Dao Realm cultivators can ascend after having the strength compared to Third Class Emperor.

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Eastern · LazySageDao

Replied to Rastislav


"Ah, Lord Narsis." I greet the Altmer with false cheer, my happy smile slowly twisting into a predatory grin "So nice of you to finally join us." 

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


who was this again? a high ranking thalmor or a relative to the one captured?

"Ah, Lord Narsis." I greet the Altmer with false cheer, my happy smile slowly twisting into a predatory grin "So nice of you to finally join us." 

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

Replied to FanHarem


'Dry? You're raring for a beating! Want me to fill the damn seal and break your legs and shove your tails up your ass?' She was relentless. 'I'll snip your balls and shove them in your eye sockets!'

RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Anime & Comics · FanHarem



'Dry? You're raring for a beating! Want me to fill the damn seal and break your legs and shove your tails up your ass?' She was relentless. 'I'll snip your balls and shove them in your eye sockets!'

RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Anime & Comics · FanHarem


*starting mechanism and *within

"They filled the insides of the bridge with explosive tags, one of those strings was the starting the mechanism, a trap with in a trap!"

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


should have a comma after "bridge" and "cutting" should be changed to "cut"

Slowly the squad moved towards the bridge and upon reaching carefully cutting the strings under the lead of Orochimaru.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


*tree branch

Moving a branch of tree away, Orochimaru peeked towards the bridge with his snake like eyes, next to him sat around a total of eight shinobi.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


should either be "A large crowd was gathering at the green entrance gate of the village" or just remove the word "quite".

At the huge green entrance gate of the village quite a crowd was gathered, most of them genin, then chunin and finally the jonin.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

Replied to kamal_victorian

the 15 to 80km is the distance to sense flying thunder god marks. the 4.5 to 12km is his Space-time sensing field he can use to find the presence of Chakra signatures but not any details like strength or identity. the 3.5km is his Chakra field sensing which can detect strength, identity, etc

During the 3 months of training, Fujin's range of detection had increased from 15 kilometers to 80 kilometers. His Space-Time Sensing Technique's range had also increased from 4.5 kilometers to 12 kilometers. As such, it was far superior to Fujin's chakra field. Regardless, for the time being, Fujin wouldn't be able to detect the location of the seal if it went off in the Land of Rivers while he was in Konoha.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex



Ideas kept pouring into Naruto's mind as he comprehended Fujin's words. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as well. He exclaimed in a goofy tone, "Oh boy! I can think of so many pranks with this jutsu! Hehehehe! Iruka sensei is going to hate me."

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


*subdao even the heavens are getting involved in the Sun vs Dub war.

The second thing he noticed was the drastic increase in one of his Soul Dubdao. It increased from 7% Grand Dao Source to 30% Grand Dao Source, almost as good as his Fate Dao.

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Eastern · LazySageDao


who is this?

"You should have already guessed," Chen Tong replied calmly. "So, let's skip the introduction. I'm here because I'm interested in why you went to this extreme length to manipulate that monkey."

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Eastern · LazySageDao

Replied to OMN1CR0N_GAMING

it just ate a bit too much mexican food when it saw the golden age ending.

The gas giant now merely a rotten husk of its former self, noxious fumes lingered on its surface, its skies ruled by bellowing thunder and fierce winds. 

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Video Games · Writers_Ablood



The years spent in the Dream World to increase his battle experience activated, and he realized his gluteus maximus muscles were still working, so he farted. However, this was not just a normal fart, but a fart backed by an infinite amount of mass from Mu Lei's true body.

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Eastern · LazySageDao



I raise an eyebrow in the general direction of the shrine of Molag Bal, staring directly into the source of the Daedra's presence... and simply ask "Bitch, do you have any idea who I am?" The sheer arrogance of my question is so potent that it leaves the so called King of Rape speechless for nearly a minute, utterly humiliating the disgusting creature in the process.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


I'm waiting for the two of them to just be locked in a room together to finally get over all the URT. Or maybe a tomb or cave, anything works.

'And of course she sensed that' I offer her a strained smile as she stares at me, seemingly having read my thoughts in an instant 'Women...'

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

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