Death Snape 😂😂
He will still be Severus Snape in body, but in mind and feelings he will be the sum of Vader and Severus.
Movies · Shadow7Blue
😂😂 the dude in the comments tracked you down like you owed him money haha I see it gets real for web novel authors
Will was more than happy to get such a deal and was really glad that he had chosen Amanda as the CEO of Dream Vision.
Movies · DreamThree
she want dat lemon drop
As the teachers headed off to their own chambers, Dumbledore's mind was a mess. 'Who the hell tried to get my stone?'. Quirrell was right with me and his mind is full of dogshit. Is it Dawlish? I need some lemon drops to calm my nerves'.
Book&Literature · cloud_dreamer
"You should consider a potion to loosen up your pipes, sir" I advised.
Book&Literature · cloud_dreamer
"Blaargh" Snape vomited blood on his plate.
Book&Literature · cloud_dreamer
nice 👍🏾 already planning for whitebeard's devil fruit. Honestly can't wait to read the scene when they meet!
Grounding Plating (Rare): Grants a very high resistance to Shock effects].
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
But at that moment, Bruce grabbed the hammer with his hands and directly lifted it up. With the hammer in hand, he looked at Thor and said, "you were saying?"
Movies · Yasar_Azimi
his future
Signet Space Ring(Eternal Alliance Symbol): [5 Venator-class Star Destroyer Vouchers] [5 BSX-5 Dreadnought Vouchers] [5 Marksman-H training remote Droids] [6 Lightsaber Building Kits]
Movies · Necromancer_God
Yeah... that didn't go so well.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Nick fury: Minecraft edition 😂
This world is too dangerous, even the God King Odin can die, how can he rest assured if he doesn't build a base?
Marvel God of Blood
Anime & Comics · Atrox_H