and sea men
"No, I have to search for my family, even though they may have perished in the flames of war," Alex replied casually. He wasn't even sure if he had any living relatives left. His real purpose was to find Charles Xavier in the United States and pluck out one of his hairs.
Movies · Midnight_Wonder
Russian Guyovich
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the singer?
Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
gotta remember that
In the face of benefits, secrets were useless!
Book&Literature · AgentMonke
that is not protocol
Leading Makenzie to the front door of his house John was stopped when he felt a tug from his pant leg and looked down slightly to see Makenzie's childish figure shivering slightly as he asked John once again "John where is my father?" Hearing his question John again turned towards the front door and released another sigh before continuing forward into the kitchen where a blanket covered a corpse on the floor. The room was also filled with traces of burn marks. The wood cupboards burned black, and some directly disappeared into ash. As Makenzie arrived at the kitchen and saw the covered corpse, he suddenly found it impossible to breathe. Next to him John crouched in front of the cover and grabbed a corner before turning to look at Makenzie and saying, "Prepare yourself Ken." Immediately afterwards he lifted the sheet and under it in a burnt uniform lay his father burnt almost beyond recognition.
Movies · TryingMyBest
Godly Blacksmith
Anime & Comics · SaiKojin
as if the choice isn't obvious
•Godly Blacksmith
Anime & Comics · SaiKojin
no that's not
James Ironwood wasn't going just to let go of one of Atlas's brightest minds, as Arthur knew that the half-metal man would stop him by any means necessary to keep Atlas's advanced tech within Atlas. More so now, since James is under scrutiny for having too much power with his now-known psychological profile apparent to everyone. The half-metal man would just use the scientist as proof that he could be trusted by stopping Arthur from leaving when it would displease Atlas's political parties to know that one of their own scientists left unimpeded.
Anime & Comics · ShadowlessBlade
this is great. hope you keep it up
Emma huffing benzene?!
I'm on TV! (Showbiz SI)
Movies · BarCalak