Great fic.. found gold. chp 40. At the moment, a great MC. Not a forever forgiving idiot.
it could be worse
On the other end of the screen appeared a red-haired baby, babbling away, no more than a few months old—about the same age as Mike and Carol.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Flint casually walked out of his room and sat at the table, pouring himself a bowl of milky white soy milk. After taking a sip, he scooped in two heaping spoonfuls of sugar, making Johan's eye twitch.
Video Games · michaeI
I'm aware that the name 'Alessandro De Luca' might sound quite stereotypical. However, since I'm not very familiar with Italian names or culture, I chose it based on names I've come across in books, movies, and other media I've encountered.
Book&Literature · Maggie329
One of the reasons why he wanted to form a bond with Jon Voight was that he wanted to propose to Angelina.
Celebrities · pujimaki
But today, Kazir decided to take things seriously. His relationship with Angelina was getting better and he knew that having a good relationship with Angelina's father was the right decision to make.
Celebrities · pujimaki
"SHIT!?" I yelled out as could feel and see my Aura aka Nen, it was clear-white and it was coming out of every part of my body. It kind of overwhelmed me because I could sense live force that is uncontrol almost everywhere around me then I turn to my phone and I stop the stopwatch then I look at it and it says 76 hours and 29 minutes. It took me 3 days, 4 hours and 29 minutes to unlock my Nen.
Anime & Comics · HungryMexican
He lowered his head and leaned in slowly. It felt like taking a bite of cold jelly on a hot summer day, refreshing at first but soon melting into a gentle warmth. Ino's body suddenly stiffened, and her brain went numb as if she'd been electrocuted.
Anime & Comics · Iampoorguy
But as far as triumphs of my childhood are concerned, I can do Sith Lightning now. Because Star Wars.
Shinobi:The RPG
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE