Yeah, I rewrote the last few chapters. It just didn't seem to fit right, so... here's the rewrite version.
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Fantasy · VicL
Marcy and Kate should be girls’ names
"By the way, Audrey, your husband can't be Kate. It's helpless, but I hope you can accept this reality."
General · JQK
...dice rolls? I'm out.
[Cultivation Potential: Extremely Bad (Click to roll the dice)]
Eastern · Let me laugh
I foresee a sect where nobody has long hair...
'totally depended on luck' - I saw that and decided to immediately quit
He acquired a system. It was quite simple actually. He had to complete the mission provided by the system so that he could get points. These points could be added to anything just like skill points of a game, but the outcome totally depended on luck.
Urban · Endless World
If you're wondering what happened, I got vaccinated and these days I'm super weak... plus I got caught up in something else I wanted to try writing...
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Fantasy · VicL he really only going to bring three? At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if he brought nine people up, very likely all girls. Heck, I wouldn't be all that surprised if he managed to bring ten.
Remian went POOF
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Fantasy · VicL
It's about how forgettable she is, and it keeps piling up.
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Games · MyLittleBrother
Goodness, just how much do you expect from a ten year-old boy up against someone an entire realm above his in cultivation?
Riku the Earth Knight
Fantasy · VicL