PWETngBAKA - Profile



male LV 5
2017-09-17 Beigetreten Philippines

Abzeichen 9

Moments 410


The tip of the spear


Then, I will so graciously begin diplomatic meetings that will slowly allow me to begin to prepare for the Invasion of Terra. You, my Warmasters will be the tip of the spear followed by the Scions, and mechanized war. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234



The receptionist finished entering his information and handed him a key card. "Here you go, Mr. Harry. Your room is on the third floor, just down the hall to your left. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 in the morning. Is there anything else you need?"

A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

Movies · Story_Teller_229


That chin that can cut adamantine could kill her.

"Stop thinking such thoughts, it is unnecessary." Hades ropes her into a hug, his chin resting on her head, arms wrapped tightly around her waist and back.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found


Make a killing move using his chin.

I started with the face, a chin that could cut adamantine, eye brows like swords with masculine lips and nose. I also wanted my eyes to strike fear in people, so I made them orange and black, like a smoldering fire. I then moved to the body and gave it the basic Greek God bod but gave myself the fabled 9 pack, and of course my dong was something godlike too, a real beast. For some reason however my height was locked at 9ft, I can only assume that it's race based.{can change body size later, shapshifting stuff}

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found



Arriving in front of the castle, I saw about ten guards wearing the colors of House Lannister trying to close the doors of the Red Keep, but before they could completely close them, I raised a hand and then used my telekinesis to send a violent force push forward that crashed like a wave of force worthy of a Force user in Star Wars.

Aegon Snow

Aegon Snow

Book&Literature · Ghostrider0002


Ciaran lol

"Very well, let's not waste any time. Sharon, Harry, accompany me. Minerva, inform Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and ensure the children are looked after," Dumbledore directed, seizing his wand from the table. "Phoenix."

Harry Potter: The combat instructor

Harry Potter: The combat instructor

Anime & Comics · AssClappicus



"...the public is reminded that Blake is armed and extremely dangerous. A dedicated hotline has been set up and anyone who sees Blake is asked to report it immediately."

I became Voldemort

I became Voldemort

Book&Literature · HornyFBI



[Void Grasp (Level 1): Use the power of the void to pull the target's soul out of the body, and give the user the ability to attack spirit bodies. Note: The casting distance is determined by the strength of the user's magic power, and the quasi-legendary casting distance is five meters.]

The Strongest Dark Lord

The Strongest Dark Lord

Movies · Mysteryon


It's just that he's a die hard fan of Baki anime.

A/N: It means he can do those kung fu moves instantly right after he remember them. It might seem redundant with his extraction ability but it's not. No one in Game of Thrones knew, karate, jujitsu and whatnot. Also, battle related includes tactics and art of war. It doesn't include how to make guns and bombs because it's Hephaestus domain and I don't plan to include him. Another limiter was the word 'remember'. I don't want Auron to be so overpowered that he can turn the world upside down in an instant. It won't be fun anymore if I do that and it's not my cup of tea.

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

TV · Inkbot



He first wore the gold ring in his left hand. When the transfer of information came to a halt. He recognized the skill to be 'Perfect disguise'. No matter the type of body or height, he can perfectly replicate a person. Auron was confused becauss he knew that's not how the disguise of the faceless man works. As far as he remember, the faces they wear was from dead men. But then be remembered his magical rings, his magical ship and bottle so he shrugged it off and accepted the ridiculous logic. He told to himself, 'Why not'.

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

TV · Inkbot


Must be nice to be identified as a penguin


However, Auron was rejoicing in the inside because what he extracted from that slave was a Gold ring. Due to sudden happiness, he almost wear the ring on the spot despite not knowing the ring's side effect. The skill he extracted was called 'Skinchanger'.

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

TV · Inkbot


Nostalgia hitting hard.

"How long until we reached Volantis?" Auron asked while he marvel at the sight of his surroundings. The feeling he felt now was different unlike the camp. It was like the first time he played the origin of MMORPG, Ragnarok online back in the day in his old world. Like there was a feeling of anticipation in the air.

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

TV · Inkbot


Yey!! that's the thing I am most curious about.

"And I find your lack of faith Disturbing. I may not understand the horrors you and your men had faced upon that city or that vile place of worship , but Qohor is a valuable asset that cannot be torn down and left asunder because of fear , of what once was. The creatures are dead! Were they immune to the blades of the warriors that fought it ? No! Were they immune to fire? No! Fear none but the lord God himself"Baldwin denoted as he stared at the middle aged man , he wore no mask today so everyone saw his face cured of all illness .



TV · Gs9Gosohard


as expected from the comments.


"Divinity, or more specifically, the lingering divinity of The Machine Gods." Machine?

Fate/The Hunter and His Doll

Fate/The Hunter and His Doll

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

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