sorry for misunderstanding, what I mean was the limit of mach speed and not the speed of sound. though, it is probably still wrong since I only search it on surface level.
Aleph imposed a series of heavy restrictions upon himself. In an instant, his speed shot up at a sharp rate. It only took several seconds of acceleration to reach Mach 100.
Anime & Comics · IdleYoungMaster
from other comment, the translator said that this fanfic probably will be a yuri, but for now, there's no conclusion for it, because the translator themselves said that from the "latest" chapter there is no romance yet. note : I dropped this fanfic because there's no good feeling to read this fanfic further, so if you want to ask if this fanfic truly a yuri fiction, you better ask the translator or find the mtl to read farther than the released chapter from this app. note 2 : I have only read a couple of chapters from this fanfic.
I think I have read this before, am I having a dejavu or i have read too much fanfic?
"If you carve the words, I won't kill him. If you refuse, I'll kill him, and I won't take care of Temari and Kankuro either!"
Anime & Comics · Belamy_2024
I have been saving the chapter and not reading from "their story" arc until the latest chapter. My question is, is it worth it to read all "their story" arc and not skip it, and start from this chapter? My reason is, after I read after "their story (1)", it's seem that this arc will be just a "recap", and the gist of it still the same, only more detailed, basically what i think the arc will progress is like, acier after mc-> girfriend/ boyfriend-> engaged-> family feud-> lucifero things-> mc "reincarnation". for me, those things like hell to read, boring and predictable. I hope I'm wrong because it seems a waste not to read the whole arc, but if even half of my predictions are true, sadly, I have to skip it and read from this chapter.
she's sick and with a heartwarming theme of this fanfic, I think it's understandable that ningguang mother is moved to the background.
(Translator's note: I wonder why her mother hasn't appeared recently.)
Video Games · Nyarlathotepians
wasn't it that mc called Blue Cat before?
Looking up at Tonari, Rasa muttered under his breath, "So this is the power of Konoha's Black Cat..."
Anime & Comics · legendaryweeb
fyi, the limit of speed of sound is Mach 105.
Aleph imposed a series of heavy restrictions upon himself. In an instant, his speed shot up at a sharp rate. It only took several seconds of acceleration to reach Mach 100.
Anime & Comics · IdleYoungMaster
Satisfied with his response, Yae Miko beamed. "Wonderful! Oh, and while you're at it, could you include a character based on me? Perhaps a beautiful and wise editor-in-chief of Yae Publishing House?" She paused, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "And one more thing—please add a little girl named 'Ei.' She should love tri-color dango and light novels. But if she can't have both at the same time, she might break down crying. Isn't that delightfully tragic?"
Video Games · Nyarlathotepians
read chapter 26 again.
"But first... I'll take away everything you ever cared about just like you did to me."
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
She blushed "EVERY detail?" she asked and I refused to answer that trapped question for my own good.
Danmachi-Hell's forge
Anime & Comics · loskro