Wood Release Kekkei Genkai – 1,0000 points (New Price: 1000 points)
Anime & Comics · 3pac747
Didn’t he just kill like 60000 slaves?
"This victory," he proclaimed, "is but the first step in our war against slavery. The Three Cities thought to enslave us, to crush our spirit. Instead, they have tasted the fire of our resolve!"
Fantasy · Dr_Dred
After pondering for a while, he thought it was quite possible—characters in the Naruto world were often too mature for their age, but that might be related to the short average lifespan of ninjas. After all, the average lifespan of ninjas was so short that if they followed the late marriage and childbearing trend of his previous world…
Anime & Comics · SaintXI
Origin late 15th century (originally a term in archery in the sense ‘shoot at a casual mark of undetermined range’): perhaps from dialect rave ‘to stray’, probably of Scandinavian origin.
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He is only twelve in the story and mind magic is influencing him
Then there was Albus Dumbledore. Harry couldn't shake off the feeling that he didn't trust the ancient man, and there had to be a valid reason for that mistrust. Yet, after being rescued from the Death Eater, something had shifted, making him view Dumbledore almost like a second Merlin. Even so, Harry was certain he couldn't view the headmaster as someone to follow blindly, despite what his mind insisted. There had to be some kind of mind magic at play. As a result, Harry resolved to remain cautious around Dumbledore.
Fantasy · Loftybreeze
Why would you go anywhere without your weapon
He'd already sent his squire to fetch his greatsword, Dawn, from his cabin.
Book&Literature · Iceswallowcome
Didn’t he say they had 30 a year?
Ahem. "Did you guys not hear Kain? An S-rated affinity!" repeated Bridge.
Fantasy · KeepingSilent
The shop owner hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. $30,000 upfront was no small amount, especially in the year 2000. The total deal wouldn't exceed $150,000, but that was still a hefty sum for a gun shop owner. Kain was asking for a mix of items, mostly pistols, rifles, a large quantity of ammunition, and even a few grenades—definitely not things you'd find on the shelves of a regular store.
Anime & Comics · Vks_sh
As Maxim arrived at the port town, he kept his hood pulled low over his face, blending in with the crowd of dockworkers, traders, and smugglers. The stench of fish and saltwater hung heavy in the air, mixing with the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore.
Movies · StrikerAuthor
Rhaegar, riding steadily on the predator's back, maneuvered it skillfully through the air. His eyes remained fixed on the enraged bronze beast below, its efforts growing increasingly futile.
GOT King of Dragon
Book&Literature · Belamy_2024