/ Action / Old Era Dragon Tamer

Old Era Dragon Tamer Comic Old Era Dragon Tamer Comic

Old Era Dragon Tamer

Abgeschlossen 100 Kapitel 1.3M Ansichten

Verleger: Webnovel Comics

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


A masterpiece of the Beast-Taming! In a wasteland where mutant beasts run rampant, human survival space is rapidly shrinking. Su Huan, a genius teenager, accidentally obtains the Old Era Dragon Manuscript that combines Old Era knowledge and magic, thus embarking on a path to the fantasy world. Hatch pet-taming eggs to activate advanced bloodlines that surpass those attainable by ordinary people, and enlighten their skills to create unprecedented top-tier combat power. There is also the "Dragon Transformation Secret Technique" that allows the tamed beasts by his side to transcend their mortal forms and become colossal dragons!

  1. Martin_Cox
    Martin_Cox Beigetragen 16916
  2. John_LeClair
    John_LeClair Beigetragen 13625
  3. fallendevil13
    fallendevil13 Beigetragen 11615


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