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52.63% Yu-Gi-Oh!...Wait What? / Chapter 10: VS Kaiba the BEWD Yandere

Kapitel 10: VS Kaiba the BEWD Yandere



It's the first word that came to my mind, after we passed the standard lobby of every super corporation, meaning a desk, chairs and, the obviously, qualified staff that only meet the highest of standards as you would expect of a multi mill-, cough, multi billion company like Kaiba Corp.



I mean, the guy literally fired someone because it was too easy to crush with his bare hands an aluminum futuristic water bottle, that didn't even reach Kaiba Corps standards.



Always liked to ask if he was talking about the company standards or his? You know what? Forget it, obviously his, don't even know why I asked, should have expected the answer given to me



With that said, even the reception staff must be of the highest standards, heck, for all I would know they could have knighted by the queen herself and that would be enough, I suppose, dunno, never asked.



Of course, coming back to the word luxury, I must say that, only the hallway was enough to make me close my eyes in contemplation, is this feels to be in two different worlds?



I lead a really normal life in the states in my previous life, with a really good pay, a good position, had to cut some heads and destroy many dreams for that, not really proud of that particular episode in my life, some, doubtful, good friends, a casual fling here and there, never had a pet though, and a car too, I wasn't lacking, but success won't give you happiness.



Funny that my ex words would hound me till now, she was right though, she always was, too late for regrets though.



But, this; was too much, Too.Much,



The hallway was decorated in the whitest white I have ever seen in my life, the floor was made of a kind of marble that I have never seeing in my life, and of course the obvious absolutely red carpet in the middle of it, oh, and let's not forget about the chandeliers, the damn thing actually were made of gold, and the insane amount of artworks that decorated the hallway, from vases of different dynasties, I don't know, to the extravagant paints and whatmo-






Is that…The Mona Lisa? THAT Mona Lisa?!



Gramps reaction at seeing said painting didn't exactly gave me the confidence to say that it was a counterfeit or an extremely well made replica, honestly speaking, I was scared to ask, and even now I am.



"Both of you" Bodyguard A said twisting the handle of, oh for the love of, Gold?! Again?! And wait a sec, is that…velvet? "The president will receive you now" he opened the pairs of door that pretty sure, now I am sure more like, costed even more than my own life, a motioned f our to enter.


And inside, in the highest floor in the KC Tower, with a really simplistic office, besides the very obvious leather chair and top of the notch, computer with Windows XP gentlemen, technology in the computing world.



We had the woman of the century gazing from the greatest heights to the everyday people that looked like little ants walking around and doing their everyday routines, pretty sure giving her a feeling of superiority seeing people from the point of view that gave being in the last floor of the tower; Kaiba + Inferiority complex? Yeah, why not?



Seto Fucking Kaiba



Dressed in her Domino High school uniform



Considering that she didn't even change from her uniform to receive us, that mean that she was planning to go to school after dealing with Gramps, or just plain cue generic villain, hey protagonist I have your granddaddy come and get him scenario; wonderful.




Etiquette sandwich coming up.


"Gentlemen" finally turning on her heel to look at the both of us like if we were something to step on "I think we all know why you are here today" besides the blatant threat, disrespect for the dead and the really obvious kidnapping attempt, no, how could we, one learn how not to be a sassy bastard with experience, and yes, some love that kind of character but in my case? Too much playing around, and not nip it in the bud when the time is right and knowing that it would solve a lot of future problems.



Seems like my mask wasn't really that good today, considering the giggle, that came out from those plump lips of her, when she looked straight at my face judging my reaction.



"We do, young lady" Gramps started while approaching at a leisure pace towards Kaiba desk; she was already sit in her big boss chair. Her gaze was full of expectation mixed with obsession and a sentiment that I could only describe as haughty, like, the idea that someone would actually there to go against her wishes.



She was looking down on us



Gramps actions were, not something out from a Tom Cruise movie or something like that, pretty sure that he could pull an Indie but his aging body wouldn't let him; he slowly put the box where the fourth BEWD rested.



Kaiba took her time in reaching the box with her delicate white hands, lifting it up with a care that I have never seen displayed by Seto Kaiba himself, all that would have been fine if it wasn't for the wicked gleam that shone like a black star in her eyes.


It's always a yandere, I swear.



She was near to grasp the card before Gramps closed the box with enough strength to make the sound that it made reverberate in Kaiba's office, to the astonishment of everyone present, me included, God Damn Gramps.



He literally almost damaged the fingers of one of the most powerful individuals in the world, and the glare that he was directing at her spoke enough of this not being his first rodeo neither.



Where did the man whose kindness shone as the light of the sun went?, and who did replace him with this man with balls of steel? So, damn cool.



Wait, goddamit Gramps.



"You either have guts or are the most stupid man in the world" Kaiba said slowly standing up, the air around her changing to a more cold one, heck feels like the temperature in the room was getting chillier or something, while I was slightly rubbing my arms, trying to give myself a little more warm to fight against the metaphorical cold, I could see how the bodyguards were slowly approaching us, they never let the office.



And they were the same bodyguards that held us at gun point in the store, meaning, by the moment I could know out one of them the other would have already shot me in retaliation.


Not good, I looked at Gramps next course of actions, but only I could see him still glaring at Kaiba, shit.



"Wait a minute!" I shouted with everything I had earning the attention of everyone in the room, they forgot about me, I should feel insulted but I am too old for that shit.



"Seto Kaiba, you let me accompany Gramps because you desired to humor my request, after your lackeys not so subtlety tried to kidnap him, not only in his own store but his house" I started, walking towards them, trying to direct her attention to me and my actions.



"But, of course I know that you wouldn't care about that, someone from your status only need to snap her fingers and there won't be any trace of Gramps left of him to even start a case against you" I said, now a couple of meters closer to them, with the bodyguards even closer to me, good.



"And even if we were to find clues, or even convince one way or another one of the lackeys that you send to the store to testify against you, you will only need to buy the words and silence of both the judge and jury and end the trial in a merry note" now I was in front of both of them, this wasn't an office of the size of a hall, it was small, enough to even make it a little annoying to go around some of the furniture of the room.



And the moment one of her bodyguards grabbed my shoulders I acted, I spun on myself way faster than they could react, they were pretty close to each other, but even closer to me, good, I punched bodyguard A hard enough in the jaw to knock him out with a single punch, while turning on myself as fast as before, and striking bodyguard B with my elbow on his stomach, making him redouble in pain at the same he clutched at his stomach, I followed with a swept of his legs, making him fall to the ground and ending it with an stomp to his face, essentially knocking him out too, and probably breaking some of his teeth's, pretty sure that Kaiba Corps insurance had dental care in little words somewhere.



I turned to them, seeing how Gramps was gawking at me, while Kaiba was showing more emotion than I have ever seen since I have met her yesterday, only for her expression to change from one to surprise, to one of intrigue and end with a calculated gaze.



"I have to give you my thanks in this case Kirihara" I narrowed my eyes at her, I never told her my last name, well that and Kaiba being thankful it's the same as Yugi becoming two meters tall or Tristan having a girlfriend "You just showed me how truly incompetent they are, to the point to be taken down by a mere nobody like you" she proceeded to call Roland to her office without explanation "You have my attention, now speak" she demanded sending me a glare that only Esdeath from Akame ga Kill would have approved.



Gramps was too looking at me, trying to find out what I was going to do, we will talk later about not angering super genius billionaires later.



I occupied Gramps place, this time handing him the box where BEWD still rested, he took it silently, while I made my move by removing a set of three cards from one of the pockets in my black pants, only to slam them, yes I slammed them, I know, too much, but I wanted to send a message, and unsurprisingly cracking her desk, I didn't destroy it or something I just left a really visible crack, one of her eyebrows twitched at that, good.



Only to finally lift of my hands from the cards, receiving in contrast astonishment, surprise and denial from both Kaiba and Gramps; for what now rested in her cracked desk was none other than another trio of BEWD, which eventually will come back to bite in the future but that would be for much later.



One of the advantages of having this DM shop system was that while, the saved decks were my old decks, meaning, my DMd deck that I haven't used in a long time and left unfinished, until now, my FUN deck being my Vandred Eldlich, and my Meta being Chimera, which I have to update in the near future.



But that's, something I explained already, the point is that, before I came to this world I had many UR cards, but most of them were part of the structure decks that were sold in MD game shop interface, something that my shop sytem do not have, but it has every single card that I ever obtained.



And as I said before most of my cards were dismantle to get the chips necessary to obtain my new Branded Despia Dragonmaid deck; the point of this is, that the cards obtained through buying structure deck, couldn't be dismantled, and thanks to that, I was able to preserve my own set of BEWD, which thankfully I could retrieve from the system, now essentially working as an storage device for all my cards.



Of course, these where different in design, with the BEWD posing but having the tablet where Yugi and Kaiba's ancestors fought thousands of years ago.



Still, their presence caused the desired effect, Kaiba blatant glare said everything about what she was thinking at that point while Gramps was trying to study them in detail, trying to find out if they were real or fake.



Before she could open her mouth "I know what this looks like Kaiba" I answered the same way she did with me, no first name, just the last name without honorifics, it was both informal and disrespectful towards her, call me petty, but all my life I have known this character as Kaiba, almost always forget their first name.



"But I assure you, they are the real deal" my words weren't laced with venom or something like, heck, I don't think that's the correct phrase in this case, but I was trying to stand up my ground in front of her, I knew she wouldn't budge, that's why "And if you don't trust my words, you can hear what Gramps has to say, after all, just like you, he too has a Blue Eyes White Dragon" my words were like a sledgehammer for Gramps, it made him pause for a second, thinking of a possibility that he discarded after having his first encounter with her, yesterday.



He looked at me, searching for an answer, I nodded, knowing very well what my action would help him realize the truth, the petty, pathetic and stupid truth, Kaiba has the other three BEWD with her and she still desired the fourth; Gramps didn't tremble or sighed, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm his nerves, the mere idea that his late friend precious card and last memory of him would be treated as no more than a mere collectible, to just eventually being forgotten by an owner that couldn't see the real value of said card, made him grit his teeth's in frustration.



Meanwhile Kaiba hadn't looked away from my BEWD set; not even once, she seemed entranced, like she couldn't really believe what she was seeing right now, I promised her a rare card, what isn't rarer than the card that initiated everything, even more, a new set of cars with a completely different design, only a collector would know, and Kaiba, kind of, was one.




"How…much?" Her words were like a whisper in the rain, and still could be heard loud and clear in her tiny office.



"They are not for sale" I said, putting my best mask of indifference, in front of the glare and madness that once again shone brightly in her eyes, she was about to shout something before I interrupted her "Nonetheless, I am willing to part away from them" my statement was clear, I rejected her initial offer, closing a possible argument or any kind of negotiation, instead I opened a window of an opportunity for her to latch, like a man thirsty for more water to drink, and Kaiba wasn't an idiot, she knew what I was playing at, but her needs in this case won over her analytical mind.



"Speak" her order was devoid of any emotion, her face stone cold and her posture elegant but distant, she was ready for business, good; "You presented yourself as the number one ranked duelist in the country, destined to win the Duel Monsters championship; an unofficial match, right here, right now, that's what I want" my hands were once again on her cracked desk, I was leaning forward my face closer to hers than I would like to, but actions, were counted, always conveyed one sentiment much better than nay word.



"Your image will be safe, no one will see or know that you dueled against a total rookie, and I could boast that I dueled against THE Seto Kaiba and lost" each statement was followed by a cold truth that only she could trust, I was appealing at her greatest weakness, her pride, and I was winning, just a little push and it will be done "Not only I am betting my three Blue Eyes; Gramps' too" he let a quack of indignation at hearing my proposal to her, I couldn't care less at that moment, I had all the cards on the table, I needed to play my last hand and win this little confrontation of ours "And you know, now one would know, but you, the only person in the entire world to possess not the four mysterious and ultra-rare Blue Eyes White Dragon but seven of them with three of them being imprinted in a completely new design, and the only to know will be you" closing my offer was the cherry on the top, the opportunity, that by accident the information about there being seven BEWD instead of four and all of them in possession of non-other than Seto Kaiba herself, would help her to promote her image.


And there she was, her back turned towards us, completely ignoring us, and in deep thinking looking at the people going with lives from the highest floor of the KC tower, "Very well, I accept your challenge, but don't come crying to me asking to give you back you cards once I had won" the coldness and arrogance that her sole presence exhaled gave away to a confidence that not many could match, if not, almost no one.


"Hold it right there Kaiba!" I shouted while pointing a finger at her, absolutely not copying the posture and phrase from a certain ace attorney, "I am here betting my best and rarest cards, it's only fair for you to do the same, if I win you will have to give me your three rarest cards" The scowl that I received in answer could have made even the most purest and braves of heroes to piss their pants, still, a nod was her only answer, she accepted, of course, Kaiba was many things, a lot of them, not exactly good at all, but she was fair, and once she gave her word or made a promise, she always fulfilled her end of the deal.



That's the Kaiba I knew and admired, someone with a lot pf problems, but ready to take the consequences of their actions head on, never retreating nor running away. An if he failed, then that was all, he failed end of the tory, but he will later come back stronger and better than before.


Did Kaiba hated to lose? Yes


Was he a sore loser? God Yes


Did he have some weird obsession with his dragons to the point that many of his pet projects, a Jet in the form of BEWD, alongside most of his main ones? Freaking Yandere, I say.


Did he always carry a hate boner for the Pharaoh? Dude, you don't ask the obvious


Did he violated, trampled, destroyed and spit on every ounce of self-esteem that Joey had every chance he could? Bruh, that's his hobbies, this Kaiba too I guess.


"Since I accepted your terms, it's fair for me to decide the place and rules where we would Duel" she said passing through the doors of her office and into the ultra-luxury hallway "Follow me, I'll show you something that you will never have, something, in which your only option will be to dream of it for the rest of your life, knowing in the end that you could never afford it or have it" she said striding past us



And with that, we started the long descent, towards the place where everything began, KC virtual stadium.



Cue on, your typical elevator music, plus a whistling Gramps, an annoyed Kaiba plus a bored me. Some things do not change, alternative anime world or not.




[15 minutes time skip later]



With a "ping" the elevator finally came to a stop, its doors opening letting us see what was behind them, the sight in front of me was something that I have dreamed not only to see in real life but even more to have a duel in one of them, a life size virtual stadium unique only to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime franchise, with its most notorious appearance in the very first episode of the series, and much later making a comeback during, considered the best season of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the 5Ds anime version, since even the manga version had one too.



Awe and excitement filled my very being, Kaiba was right I could only dream of even having one of these in my life, but it didn't matter for me, in Domino city every well respected game center or arcade promoted by none other than Kaiba Corp had one of these, so you can say that I didn't lose my time in hitting almost every establishment related to DM in the very near future.



Feeling like I was making a fool out of myself, I was able to caught in the corner of my eye, Kaiba's expression, of course it would be one of mockery, judging my reaction regarding the massive virtual stadium in front of me, this was what I used to dream of when I was child, having the wildest and most exciting duels in this titanic structure designed only for dueling, and let's not forget about the Duel Disk, God I wanted one already, and hell no, I wasn't going to test Kaiba yoyo, that thing was ugly as fuck and really confusing to use.



"Do you like it?" of course she wouldn't stay quiet about it "I designed this virtual stadium myself; impressive, hmm?" arrogance and pride oozed from her words like poisonous arrows aiming directly at me, nodding to her words the words kept deep inside my heart arouse "I dreamed of this…for so long and at long last, I can touch it" there was nothing to hide, my voice, my feelings, betrayed every shield, every mask that I put on, nothing but happiness radiated from me, or at least that's how I felt at that time.

By Gramps statement, it seemed that Santa arrived on time for Christmas on my face, gifting me my number one wish of the list; Kaiba in contrast, lost all semblance of arrogance, having an expression of indifference at my words.



Though, I am still waiting for an official NBA game ball signed personally by the legend itself Michael Jordan; LeBron who? Nah, sorry gentlemen; but, this guy? Old school all the way.



And Gramps?



Well, he seemed quite pleased looking at my eyes shining with childish glee, which, I am a little, just a little, scared to know if they truly shone, like those weird stars that appears in some characters when they are either excited or surprised like for example One Piece.



"You can left your review regarding Kaiba Corp facilities in our review jar in the lobby, once we had finished with this farce, of course" the sound of a scratched record could have been heard from the distance, really? Are you not even giving me the moment to breathe and live one of the greatest moments of my life? Right, who I am kidding, is Kaiba after all who we are talking about.



Gramps stayed quiet, frowning in disapproval of interrupting what obviously was a really important and personal event for me, nonetheless the show must go on, I started walking toward the platform contrary to the one Kaiba was already on, both of them were of a really disgusting yellowish color, goddamit Kaiba couldn't you have put a little bit more of red or blue to this?



Getting on the platform wasn't something stellar, I t wasn't neither directly touching the ground, so I had to make a little jump only to finally be on top of it.



"Be careful Sonny" Gramps didn't wish me luck, I didn't need it here, no, he only showed concern for my wellbeing while giving him a thumbs up in return.



"This used to be part of some old space filled with useless junk before its renovation" she started speaking about what used to be in here before the virtual stadium became a reality, seems like some didn't like to be ignored; "I am not ashamed to say, that not only I did a good job but I think you'll agree it adds a bit more of life to the game" she finished with the duel platforms rising over the stadium, honestly the damn thing couldn't stop shaking while it keep ascending, it made me a little bit nauseous.



Kaiba Corp quality my ass


The rules were likes this:


-We each begin with two thousand life points; first player to hit zeros loses


-Our monsters can direct attack


-We can only hold a maximum of six cards in our hands, if we have more we will be forced to discard until we have exactly six in our hands once again


-If a player has no monsters on their field, their opponent can attack directly


- Fusion Monsters must wait one turn after they are summoned before they can attack, though the "Quick Attack" card can be used to circumvent this.


-Players have a maximum of five minutes to think during their turn.


-One Normal Summon is allowed per player per turn. Monsters can be Summoned in face-up Attack Position, face-up Defense Position or face-down Defense Position.


-Level 4 or below monsters can be Normal Summoned without Tributes.


-Level 5-6 monsters needed one Tribute in order to Normal Summon.


-Level 7-9 monsters required two Tributes to Normal Summon.


-The contents of either player's Graveyards are not public knowledge, and an opponent may not look through their opponent's Graveyard.


-If you have to discard cards from your hand or Deck, you do not have to show them to your opponent.


-And now the platform advanced making us directly hover over the stadium "Are you ready to play or will you concede defeat to your eventual demise?" someone was feeling cocky.


-Field Spell Cards can be activated during the Battle Phase.


-A non-Quick Play Spell Card can be activated during the Battle Phase.


-A Set non-Quick Play Spell Card can be activated during your opponent's turn.


-When a Spell or Trap is destroyed by a card effect, it is negated even if the card that destroyed the Spell/Trap doesn't negate its effects.


So, we really weren't following Duelist Kingdom rules, but a prototype of Battle City, this made appreciate Kaiba own future sight, it's not unlikely to thing that even in the anime, she was already planning the rules and development of the most iconic arc of the anime from zero, of course, her loss against the Pharaoh, having his, I mean, I am talking about the Kaiba from the anime, with princess here I tend to forgot that the Kaiba I knew was male, so damn confusing but, I am working on this, pretty sure in some future entry of this journal I will stop referring to them in separate ways, pretty sure I was going to call them, just because it was easier for me.


Where was I? right having his mind literally destroyed, or at least his soul cleansed making him retire to his private villa to start the yoyo prototype pf the Duel Disk and later being an unwilling participant of the Pegasus tournament alongside with having his own little brother kidnapped, what with Yu-Gi-Oh! Villains; and their fascination for kidnapping innocent people? Whatever, it would obviously delay one man plans by a couple of months, heck in Kaiba's case, weeks, but you get me.


Well, time to be the lab rat in this case.


"It's okay" my answer wasn't exactly what she anticipated "This won't last long" my words had the desired effect, she frowned in distaste at my words, knowing the direct hit at her pride, neither respecting nor taking in account that she was the national champion, I was spiting on her and she knew it, and that make me quite happy.


"Very well, lets-"








"Ladies first" I announced drawing five cards from my deck


"At least it seems that someone thought you some manners, draw!" as I expected her first turn was based in the strategy of my favorite Fun deck, and not Kaiba's from the beginning of the anime.



Blue Eyes White Dragon Deck, heavily based in raw power and bringing the BEWD archetype as fast as possible, and nothing more.



"First I'll begin by activating the spell Card Destruction from my hand; with this we both discard our entire hand and draw the same number of cards we discarded" I scowled at that, having to discard my first hand without any chance of using their effects would have been detrimental to any player, though that's not my case considering where and when I came from that's it, in this world sending a card to the graveyard was still considered foolish or a rookie mistake, instead in Kaiba's hands, it was considered an advanced move.





Both players discard as many cards as possible from their hands, and then each player draws the same number of cards they discarded.




After drawing five new card each, Kaiba continued with her main phase "Now, I will summon my Protector with Eyes of Blue in attack position" appearing in front of me was a man with white hair and a great physique, with a serious countenance donning a tribal BEWD themed armor that left open his biceps, shoulders and face, plus a gray scarf, wielding a great sword in one of his hands, with the handle being none other than the head and wings from BEWD.


But that wasn't the only thing I could describe, no, he was massive! Giant like massive, the stadium truly lived up to its function, brought to live through ridiculous advanced technology that we were barely grasping in the second decade of the 21st century, but here Illusion Industries alongside Kaiba Corp already made of public use.


Adrenaline, expectations and excitement were coursing through me like a raging river, and once again, that ugly smile was present on my face, I couldn't exactly control my emotions, I know that I had to make sure that my expressions didn't gave me away but it was becoming too hard to hold back my feelings right now.


Still, the opportunity of seeing my monster come to live even if in the form of a hologram was too good to pass, I couldn't wait for my turn to come, hurry up Kaiba stop delaying and let me summon my monsters already!




Wait, a damn minute, did Protector just, glared at me?



Oh, you got to be kidding me; it escaped my mind that Duel Spirits are a crucial part of this world too!




[TYPES Spellcaster/ Effect]


[ATK 800/ DEF 1300]

When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 1 LIGHT effect monster from your hand. You can target 1 Effect Monster you control; send it to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster from your hand. You can only use this effect of "Protector with Eyes of Blue" once per turn.




With the information of the card appearing on the monitor, one of my theories regarding this world was answered instantly, those monsters considered tuner were now treated as effect monsters, with even parts of their own effects altered to target another effect monsters instead of tuners.


And that means, that the synchro may as well have been altered too, I need to look at my Vandred Eldlich deck after this.


"And now I will activate my Protector with Eyes of Blue effect to special summon my Maiden with Eyes of Blue form my hand" she said while in a rain of light a new monster appeared alongside the tribal warrior, this time a delicate, just like it namesake, maiden with incredibly long white hair, wearing a tribal ceremonial dress, with hands joined in prayer to something, which I know would be the same dragon motif that both of them shared alongside a peculiar trait from both of them, their Blue Eyes.




[TYPES Spellcaster/ Effect]


[ATK 0/ DEF 0]

When a card or effect is activated that targets this card (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or GY. When this card is targeted for an attack: You can negate the attack, and if you do, change the battle position of this card, then you can Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or GY. You can only use 1 "Maiden with Eyes of Blue" effect per turn, and only once that turn.



"Now I will activate my Protector with Eyes of Blue second effect targeting my Maiden to send to her graveyard allowing to special summon my Blue Eyes White Dragon from my hand!" immediately after saying that Kaiba showed me the said card but before she would summoned she continued "And I haven't ended yet, now my Maiden with Eyes of Blue effect activated, once she becomes the target of another monster effect I can summon from my hand, deck or graveyard another Blue Eyes White Dragon to the field!"



The effects in question, were as you would expect from their archetype, related to praying, in this case the Maiden was praying to the dragon that she and her entire tribe worshipped being surrounded by a pure white light like aura which later was intensified by the chants that came from Protector, both of them with their eyes closed until suddenly Maiden was fully enveloped by the light and disappeared, not before releasing to giant beams of light that disappeared in the dark ceiling of the underground stadium, until an even greater flash of light made it presence known, with two gigantic and beautiful white scaled dragons with the purest eyes of blue that I have ever seen in my life descend form the skies and made their presence known in the field.




[TYPES Dragon/ Normal]


[ATK 3000/ DEF 2500]

This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.



And then, came the noise, both them released a roar so loud, so mighty that for a moment I thought I was going to send flying from the platform, I braced myself, holding for dear life, it felt so real even though they only were holograms, but, but…I was happy, seeing your favorite card coming to life, hearing it, sensing it, feeling it, knowing that at least one way or another was "alive" it was a completely different experience, I haven't smiled so much on my life, it felt good, really good indeed.



"With that said, I will set a card face down, since this is my first turn I can't carry out an attack so I will end my turn" she announced with said card appearing in the spell/ trap card zone, and before I could draw one more ray of light appeared in her field, "And now that my turn has ended I can activate effect of The White Stone of Ancients that I discarded at the beginning of my turn from the graveyard", the light kept growing in intensity materializing little by little an already known figure hidden by the light "which let me summon one Blue Eyes monster form my deck as long as this card had been sent to the graveyard this turn"




[TYPES Dragon/ Effect]


[ATK 600/ DEF 500]

Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was sent there this turn: You can Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster from your Deck. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster in your GY; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "The White Stone of Ancients" once per turn.


"Come on out my third Blue Eyes White Dragon!" with a flap of wings the third Blue Eyes made it grand appearance standing side by side bit their brother now having three monsters with three thousand attack points in the field.


"I doubt, you could do something against my three Blue Eyes, by my next turn I would have ended this poor excuse of a duel and I will claim those other Blue Eyes from you" her face just…changed from a stony cold to an absolute mask of arrogance, it made me grit my teeth's her being all high and mighty even when the Duel hasn't even finished yet, "But don't be ashamed, just like you said, you lost against me, the best duelist in the entire country that should be enough for a consolation prize" she chuckled at the end at her own bad attempt of a joke.



I send her my best glare in return



"My turn, draw!" this could work, but because my plan needs for some key components to play the part, which currently I don't have in my hand then I will have to play safe, one thing I was sure of, was that this Duel will end in my second turn, and for that, "I will begin by setting two cards face down and now I will activate my Pot of Greed to draw two cards from my deck" appearing in the field was an ugly pot of a sickening green with thick lips and red eyes that conveyed a deep sense of greed.





Draw two cards




I drew my two new cards, smiling at what I got, now it was time to make a comeback, "I activate from m y hand my spell card Branded Opening" just for moment, the sound of a great battle could be heard, mixed with roars, screams and laughter's of beings beyond our world.






Discard 1 card, then take 1 "Despia" monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or Special Summon it in Defense Position, also for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Fusion Monsters. If a Fusion Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. You can only use each effect of "Branded Opening" once per turn.



"Which let me discard one card from my hand, to add to my hand a Despia monster from my deck" adding Aluber the Jester of Despia to my hand.



"Now I will activate the effect of my Despian Tragedy that I discarded to the graveyard!" her eyes widened at my words, surprise smearing her face before she set it in a scowl "If Despian Tragedy would be banished or send to the graveyard by a card effect I can add another Despia monster to my hand from my deck" this time adding Despian Comedy to my hand.


"And that's not all, Despian Tragedy has another effect and that is if I banish this card from my graveyard I can choose one Branded spell/trap card from my graveyard and set it on the field, and I choose my Branded Regained" setting the said card only to immediately activated it granted me another opportunity to not only to draw but build my victory.



[TYPES Fairy / Effect]


[ATK 400/ DEF 400]

If this card is sent to the GY, or banished, by a card effect: You can add 1 "Despia" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Despian Tragedy". You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Branded" Spell/Trap in your GY; Set it to your field. You can only use 1 "Despian Tragedy" effect per turn, and only once that turn.






If a LIGHT or DARK monster(s) is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 of those monsters; place that monster on the bottom of the Deck, and if you do, draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Branded Regained" once per turn. Once per turn, if your opponent Normal or Special Summon a monster (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 "Bystial" monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only activate this effect of "Branded Regained" once per Chain




"Now, I will activate my spell card Allure of Darkness from my hand allowing me two draw to more card, but banishing one DARK monster from my hand, if I don't have any I will be obliged to discard my entire hand" I said while banishing said card.






Draw 2 cards, then banish 1 DARK monster from your hand, or, if you do not have any in your hand, send your entire hand to the GY.



"I will activate the effect of my Tri-Brigade Mercourier that I banished thanks to my Allure of Darkness" a little mechanical golden bird flew around the entire stadium, letting a shrill voice, that acted more like some sort of alarm, that honestly speaking, was kind of annoying, "H-his effect let me add from my deck to my hand one Fallen of Albaz, or one monster that mentions it, except Tri-Brigade Mercourier" I said while adding not Albaz but Springans Kitt to my hand.




[TYPES Beast / Effect]


[ATK 1700/ DEF 1000]

If you have a Fusion Monster that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material on your field or in your GY: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add to your hand, 1 of your "Branded" Spells/Traps that is banished or in your Deck or GY, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of the Deck. You can only use each effect of "Springans Kitt" once per turn.





[TYPES Winged Beast / Effect]


[ATK 800/ DEF 0]

When your opponent activates a monster effect, while you control a Fusion Monster that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand or face-up field to the GY; negate that effect. If this card is banished: You can add from your Deck to your hand, 1 "Fallen of Albaz", or 1 monster that mentions it, except "Tri-Brigade Mercourier". You can only use each effect of "Tri-Brigade Mercourier" once per turn.


"And with this the effect of my Branded Regained activates, once a light or dark monster it's banished, I can target one of those monsters; and place that monster on the bottom of the Deck, and draw 1 card." I said while once again drawing another card from my deck, and hello there, you couldn't wait anymore, huh?




Looking toward where the sound of a snort came from, Kaiba was there with a face full of disdain, "I expected to see something more after your little stun at my office, but the only thing I could see was you discarding and banishing card after card only to increase your hand" Kaibas words rang true, since the moment my turn began I haven't summoned a single monster to my field.



"If you are only here to waste my time then you better be ready to face the consequences, trash" not exactly the worse that she could have said, but at least she wasn't cursing endlessly.



"Getting impatient Kaiba?" my question was answered with the mother of all glares, heck I just felt offended, just for a second though "You want to see my monsters Kaiba, if you can't wait anymore then…" she wanted so desperately to see my monsters? Very well, I aim to please.



"Then let me show you! I summon my Fallen of Albaz in attack position!" In a show of light that later gave away to bright orange flames, and between the fire, surged a young man, with skin of a darker shade of bronze, with filthy silver hair and dressed with loose brown, silver and white pants, gauntlets and sandals of the same color and with a chest piece that only covered the upper part of his chest and shoulders giving away to a filthy red cape, though the most eye catching aspect of his would be his eyes, with his left one closed with a scar running vertically from his forehead to his cheek and with his right eye open but being of an intense crimson color, highly resembling mine.





[TYPES Dragon / Effect]


[ATK 1800/ DEF 0]

If this card is Normal or Special Summoned (except during the Damage Step): You can discard 1 card; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters on either field as Fusion Material, including this card, but you cannot use other monsters you control as Fusion Material. You can only use this effect of "Fallen of Albaz" once per turn.







I look almost exactly like Albaz!

My mind could have wandered, looking for an explanation regarding the similarities between, admittedly, the key monster of my deck, but all of that could have waited for later the moment that Albaz just looked at me, his eyes staring at mine, looking for something, only to later nod at me and turning to face the towering figure of the three BEWD in Kaiba's field plus Protector, poor guy is being overshadowed so easily.



Dispelling any question that may have raised in that moment, I concentrated in the opponent in front of me, later it would be the time to find out the existence of Duel Spirits in my deck.




"Grandpa!" hearing someone calling him that could only mean one person, or well many, now these days he preferred to be called grandpa instead of his name, not by choice mind you, but it seems that was the price of always acting like everyone's grandfather, though Sonny liked to call him Gramps, and he didn't reject it of course, how could he? It was obvious that it was Sonny's way to show that cared for someone.



And he didn't dislike it, like at all.



"Yugi!" now don't misunderstand seeing his grandson every day, didn't surprise in the least if he were to be surprised by a sudden visit to their shop/ house but, especially during school hours but, this wasn't their store, much less their house so that only raised one question to the forefront of his mind



"What are you all doing here?" his grandson wasn't the only to come but his friends Joey, Tristan and Tea were with him, he was really glad to know that his grandson has surround himself with such a good group of friends, of course, he knew that it didn't begin with smelling the roses and what not, but that had already become part of the past, nonetheless, the point that they shouldn't be here nor known that he and Sonny were here, was still a mystery for him.



"Wat do ya mean?" Joey, he really should learn to speak properly this boy, mmph "We were in class like normal until Yuge was called to the staff room only to be told that you were being held in Kaiba Corp against your will" raising one of my eyebrows in mock surprise, I took what he said with a grain of salt, truly, it seems this girl like the limelight too much for her own good, hopefully Sonny will show her the heart of the cards, even if he himself doesn't believe in it.






Seems like this old man has been being looked out for a while, well I won't deny that it felt quite good to be looked for once in a while, not like he need it though, he may be old but not defenseless, you would think that years of being a daredevil exploring the most dangerous ancient ruins in the world wouldn't have taught him how to care for himself, especially when everything was just out to get you, hey, can you blame a man for pushing a big, round and shiny red button? Priorities I said.



"Mr Muto, are you alright?" Ah Tea what a sight for sore eyes, still she was his grandson childhood friend, they have been together for a long time now, well, if he could his great grandbabies soon I think that would be great too, ahhhh, if only they would just realize how attracted they are to each other, or if his grandson wouldn't be so dense! "You just zoned out for a moment"



"Ohohoho quite good lass, I am as healthy as a horse you see" I tried to put my daredevil pose, the very same that got me the attention of the wifye when I was younger, sigh, how I missed her sometimes, only to feel my damned back betraying at the last minute!



Ahhhhh! Damn you!



"Wait, I got him" Tristan, there he was wherever Joey went, this two shared many things but above all, if there was loyalty, then this young man was the best representation of it, once again, I was glad that Yugi has such a good group of friends.



Feeling, my back cracking once again this time with Tristan help was a God send, I felt better already, sadly this was just another reminder that I wasn't as young as before, now if Arthur were here he would be having quite the laugh at my expenses, mphn that scoundrel.



"Grandpa they haven't hurt you, have you?" Yugi such a worrywart, I denied with my head, still that didn't stop from checking if I was right or not.



"I am fine Yugi, quite so I must say, though I thing you really should ask that to the gentlemen that brought us here, Sonny took care of them already" Who would have known that Sonny could have such a good right hook, that man surely is still unconscious even now and lets not talk about his partner, he would need some really good dental care later.



"Huh? Asuto is here? Where iz he, I don't zee him anywhere?" Joey said looking around, really? How about you look straight at the stadium and the duel currently on course, mmph? Ahh, today youth can be so ignorant sometimes, or maybe is just Joey being Joey I guess, Tea was already staring at them.



"Guys up there" lassie you don't point your finger at someone, that's bad manners! I frowned at her pointing finger, seems like she caught my disapproving gaze, because she chuckled awkwardly after that.



"He is dueling someone? But, who?" Tristan said making everyone in the group to look towards the other side of the stadium, realization making their eyes going wide at Sonny's opponent "Kaiba?!" Uff, I understand that you are surprised but ther is no need to shout, I am old not deaf.



"Grandpa why is Kirihara duelin Kaiba?" Yugi asked me, his expression uncertain and worried, and for that I told them everything, from the moment that Sonny decided to skip school to the point when we were taken to the tower and consequently his bet Kaiba, them being surprised wouldn't have been nothing short of a joke, more like astonished and a little anxious in Yugi and Tea's case.



"Mr Muto we have to stop him" huh?



"Now young lady why would that be?" my question was answered shortly "Look grandpa this chick is the national champion or something right, that means a total rookie like Asuto has zero chance of winning against her" Joey said while pointing with his thumb a the both of them, honestly what's with everyone forgetting their manners today?


A short glare and a sweating Joey later



"Grandpa, Joey is right we don't know if Asuto will win against Kaiba, please let me take his place" Yugi said worried for Sonny wellbeing but… "Why?" my question made everyone pause at that, they didn't expect me to not give them a positive answer.




"Sonny can take care of himself" my full trust was placed on him from the very beginning, it's understandable why they don't want him to keep dueling, they are afraid that he will lose, but, they have never seen him in a duel, much less his cards, Sonny will win this duel I know that.




"Yugi" I called him making look me directly in the eyes "Trust in him, just like you would trust in me" my words were said with confidence, for I trusted him completely, and I wanted Yugi to do so too. "He will win; he is stronger that you think, you just haven't seen it yet" this time my words were directed at everyone this time.



Their faces still wore a countenance of doubt, but there was no need to keep talking; now it was time to enjoy the rest of the duel, right Sonny?



In contrast I received a smile and thumbs up; everything was going to be fine.





"To think that you would need a mere excuse of a cheerleading group just to think that you would have any chance of winning against me, pathetic" well that little tongue just keeps becoming more and more venomous with time "I'll with whoever let your little group of idiots in here later" girl just chill.



I narrowed my eyes at her words, they were just stupidly loyal and a bunch of worrywarts but whatever, that didn't matter now, so I gave Gramps a quick smile and thumbs up, like saying that everything was fine and what not.



"But really what you could do with a monster with only 1800 attack points against my own Blue Eyes White Dragon each with 3000 attack points, if this is some kind of desperate move then I don't find it funny at all" yeah time to shut up her mouth.



"Enough talk Kaiba, let me show you what my puny monster can by activating his effect right now!" my yelling not only caused the present and hiding audience to look at our Duel but too caused Albaz to be surrounded by hot bright red flames to later launch himself at Protector with Eyes of Blue.






Albaz and Protector were both engulfed in a sea of flames, with neither of them getting out from it "Was that all? You think by just destroying my monster my weakest and most useless at that you will win the Duel? Not even targeting one of my Blue Eyes" she said looking directly at me this time with absolute disdains "Do you think this is a joke Kirihara?!" she finished with smashing her fist against the console of her platform, seems like Kaiba really has no patient or is too prideful to not understand what's is happening.



"Kaiba, you really are stupid aren't you?" my question, more like an insult, made her eyes and everyone resent go wide, only to later morph in a really angry expression, like she couldn't believe that of all things a cockroach dared to insult her very being.



"I dare you to say that to me again" this time it was said with such coldness that almost felt like everything was going to freeze, I just grinned at that, she was asking for it "You just hear met, you stupid bitch" my words weren't even said in a way to insult but actually to make her understand that, for me, she was nothing but a joke, someone as prideful as Kaiba won't take this down.



That and the look of astonishment that everyone had on their face was just to funny



"You know Kaiba, I never said that Albaz's effect was to destroy a monster in the field" I said with utmost calmness, staring directly at the bright red flames that now were turning a slightly golden color, before they became a column if fire that hit the ceiling of the basement dispersing like wildfire to later slam itself on my side of the field.



"My Fallen of Albaz's effect it's not destroying monsters" I said while an imposing tall shadow slowly formed in the center of golden fire column, "No, it's to use any monster in either field as fusion material, well except mine that's it, and I choose your Protector with Eyes of Blue to Fusion Summon this guy" my hands quickly took my extra deck the card in question.



Dragon born of the union of the lost dragonoid and magical protector of the ancient tribe


Descent to this lowly realm and graze everyone with your holy existence


So you may cleanse this world from the taint of the darkness beyond



"I, Fusion Summon, Albion the Sanctifire Dragon in attack position!" The golden fire finally gave away to a sight that could only be described as majestic, a dragon like they have never seen before, with scales of the purest white, adorned with pieces of gold with long white hair and constantly surrounded by holy golden fire.



Albion looked at his summoner and then at his enemies, he knew why he was here, and then released his strongest roar, a challenge from the holiest dragon to the mockery from an old decayed world, and in contrast the Blue Eyes answered with their own, angry at the sole existence that dared to challenge them.



"Now Kaiba" the gaze that I directed at her made her flinch for a moment, but it was enough for me to make her understand what was going to happen next "I'll show you the true power of the branded, for this duel won't last long!"

AzhelianTheEternal AzhelianTheEternal

Deep breath*

OK, so, IRL being a bitch, doesnt help i have like, two big projects and my car just decided to almost die in my face, oh and dad car too dammit.

Sooooo, this took longer than i liked it, nonetheless here you have a chapter with almost 10k words, enjoy.

Because if i keep going on i am going to hit a road block and i dont want that, so i separated this chapter and the conclusion of the duel in two.

So next chapter, next part of the duel plus the conclusion and oh boy its gonna be sweet or plain unfair, after all the MC is trying to give Kaiba a message here.

An she will get it, really harsh by the way in next chapter.

With that said, once again, enjoy and ciao~

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