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33.33% Your Wife Is Mine Now / Chapter 4: Chapter four

Kapitel 4: Chapter four

The night was crazy. Nyla had done things she had never done yet she felt comfortable with her new friends. They were so wasted, they had to get one of the bartenders to drive them home safely.

Most of the morning had faded as Nyla lay in bed with Gio on her left and Erick on her right. Gio moved in closer. He toyed with her center until she was nice and moist. She felt the tip slip inside and let out a soft moan which grew louder which each stroke causing Erick to wake up. He wasn't about to let them enjoy morning sex without him.

He touched her face and began kissing her mouth as Gio worked her middle from behind. Gio lifted her leg. Erick tossed back the covers so he could see all of her thick juicy body being pleasured by his long-time friend and lover.

His fingertip danced on her pearl as he suckled and played with her huge breasts. Their lustful sounds filled the room and grew louder with each passing moment.

As Erick's fingers rubbed her clit vigorously, she squealed, and liquid shot from her. Her eyes watered. He caressed her face, "I know, I know, feels so good, right?"

She nodded. Just then, Gio pulled out and lay on his back. She mounted him. Erick kneeled close by. Her lips covered his shaft. They stayed that way until Erick pulled back and went behind her. Gio pulled her into his chest and spread her cheeks open wide, this was their shit! They longed to have a woman they could share.

Erick's tongue danced and made circles at her back door. Licking until it was sloppy wet. His thumb penetrated and she anticipated his next move. She looked back briefly to witness him pushing his way inside. She braced for it. There it was, she grunted. Both holes were stuffed again.

Gio kissed her mouth sweetly and said, "You're okay, you're okay."

She was. She never felt safer. Never felt more desired and pleasured. "I love it, Gio," she admitted.

He smiled, "I love you, mi bella."

She felt his cock throbbing inside of her as cum filled her pussy, "What if I get pregnant?"

He touched her face, "That's what I want."

"What about my husband?"

"Fuck him. He should have taken care of you when he had the chance. You are mine now."

"Ours," added Erick as he continued to stroke her rear end.

In theory, it was beautiful but she knew Jake was not going to let her go so easily. She knew he had a temper. She tried to leave before and he threatened to hurt her and himself.

Erick pulled from her ass and shot cum into his hand as he grunted and panted.

The afternoon was pleasant as Miriam and Nyla sat out on the patio which was located in the center of the U-shaped home. The large windows were bare so that one could see directly into the two bedrooms that were on the left and right sides of the U.

Miriam sipped from her teacup, "Sounds like you're having a marvelous time."

Nyla blushed. She had recounted to Miriam the amazing morning she had with her two new lovers, "I just can't believe I'm doing this. It's so crazy. If my mother were alive."

Miriam chuckled, "My mother is still alive and she could care less. As long as Gio and I are married and the family's money stays intact, she wouldn't care if I was the biggest whore in London."

Miriam and her mother didn't get along. She hated that Miriam allowed herself to get pregnant for Nigel. She desperately wanted a grandchild with the Manzini bloodline but Miriam ruined it and made matters worse when she sterilized herself cutting off any chances to have another child.

Miriam saw the sad look on Nyla's face, "Oh don't pity me, love. I licked my wounds a long time ago. I'm content with my relationship with my mother. As you Americans say, 'It is what it is.'"

Nyla nodded, "I'd love to meet your daughter."

Miriam, "Then you shall. This Friday, we'll drive to the countryside and see her. She's dancing in a recital on Saturday."

Nyla smiled, "I bet she's gorgeous."

"She's quite lovely. She has my eyes and my hair color and is the spitting image of her father."

Nigel walked out just as Miriam finished describing their daughter, "Are you describing our little girl to Nyla?"

"I was."

Nigel pulled out his cell phone and pulled up some pictures of Amy and handed the phone to Nyla, scroll until you see one of my cock and balls."

Nyla's eyes squinted. He laughed, "It's not like you didn't see it last night."

She shook her head as she looked at the pictures. They brought back feelings some good, some hurtful. The child she lost was a little girl. She had her name tattooed on her wrist, "Nakia."

Gio walked outside and rubbed her shoulders. He saw the pictures of Amy his goddaughter, "How is Amy doing?"

"We're going to see her Friday, all of us," replied Miriam.

"All of us?" Gio asked.

Nigel's face beamed, "That's a great idea. My mother loves hosting. It's a beautiful home out by the river."

Nyla handed him the phone, "That sounds great."

The door opened and Erick stepped out, "Nyla love, we must head to the studio to work on a new song I just wrote."

"Another one Erick wow," commented Nigel.

"What can I say, she inspires me."

Nyla smiled as she rose to her feet. Gio stood, "I'll drive you."

"No need Gio. I'll take care of our girl. You can pick her up later from my place. I'll keep her safe and sound."

Gio kissed Nyla's mouth. "Get a room or don't," joked Nigel.

"That man's in love. He's never kissed me like that," said Miriam.

Gio chuckled as he watched Nyla leave with Erick. Gio sat at the table with his wife and friend, "So what shall the three of us do, then?" he asked.

Nigel grinned, "We can go for a nice little walk in the park. We haven't done that in a while."

Gio nodded, "A walk sounds nice, let's do it."

The windows were down. The air was crisp. "How are you liking London so far?" asked Erick as he drove.

"I'm having a great time." She blushed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed by anything we've done."

Nyla's eyes rested on him, "I'm just trying to understand it."

"I'm sure Gio explained to you that he and I have been more than just friends since college."

Gio did explain to her that morning the nature of his relationship with Erick. She was still trying to process it. "I guess I'm just sort of confused like—"

"Nyla, my love ... people get too caught up in trying to put labels on things. The true question is ... did you like what we did and what we are?"

She nodded. He smiled, "Then that's all that matters."

"I am still married."

"Do you want to be?"

She shook her head. She had wanted out after she lost the baby but her mother-in-law convinced her to stay. "Then why not just divorce him and be done? You can stay here in London with us. We can make music and a family."

She touched her belly. It was too early to be certain but the number of times Gio released his DNA inside her yoni, she was certain that one of those instances produced a life that would grow inside of her for the next several months.

"It's not that simple," she said as her heart nearly beat out of her chest, "Jake he's. I don't know. He's just not going to let me go ... even if he doesn't love me."

Erick pulled into a parking spot; he huffed, "So he's one of those selfish fuckers. He doesn't want to see you happy." He touched her chin, "Don't worry if you want to stay with us ... we'll find a way to make it happen."

"But Gio lives in Tampa."

Erick shook his head, "No ... Gio visits his sister in Tampa. She's the one that takes care of the business for him ... even though his father thinks it's Gio. He's so not a businessman like that. He hates that stuff. Gio is an artist like you and me. That's why we're drawn together."

Nyla smiled. She hoped that things would work out. But at the moment, she had another song she had to work on. As they were about to leave the car, a DJ said her name on the radio, "Bitch Vibes by Lady Nyla."

They freaked out. Erick turned the sound up. They sang the lyrics. "This is crazy," she said.

He leaned in and kissed her mouth, "This is just the beginning my love."

They had been working on the song for hours until it was perfected. The producer provided a track with an Afrobeat vibe. As they sat listening to the song, Erick saw the joy on Nyla's face, "Feels good to be doing something you love, right?"

She nodded, "My heart is full," she almost cried, "if Gio would have never walked into that coffee shop," she hesitated, "I was in a dark place."

He reached for her hand, "I've been there before. Gio was the one that found me when I was in a dark place."

The phone rang. Erick hit the speaker, "Yes Charity?"

"You know who is here again," she said.

His eyes nearly rolled out of his head, "She doesn't have an appointment."

"I know but—"

Then there was a commotion as two women barged into the studio where Erick sat with Nyla. Charity apologized profusely, "Erick, I'm so sorry, she wouldn't—"

"Fuck off, Charity," the woman said as she jerked away.

Erick stood to his feet, "It's fine, Charity."

Charity stepped away.

"Sky. Why are you here?"

"I want to work on some new stuff."

He sighed deeply, "For the love of God—"

"And who is she?" she asked as she looked at Nyla sitting poised. She heard the song playing, "Is that her?" she asked, "You're already working with another artist what about me?"

"Sky," he said with frustration. He had worked with her in the past but she couldn't stay clean long enough to finish a record and she would miss shows and cost them money. "I can't do this with you now or ever. Please go."

"I got myself cleaned up. Look at me."

He shook his head, "I told you after the last time you burned us that I was through."

She scoffed, "I want to speak to Nigel."

"Nigel isn't here."

She grunted and stormed out. "Sorry about that," he apologized to Nyla.

She shrugged, "It's fine."

He reached for her hand, "Let's go grab a bite to eat and head over to my flat. I told Gio to meet us over there."

She smiled, "Way too much of me, not enough of you, tired of these foolish games, I got me a new boo. He makes me smile, makes me feel good. Holds me tight, loves me nice just as a good man should..." she sang softly.

He touched her face, "I just love your voice."

They walked out singing the new tune they had created in the studio.

Tampa, Florida, USA

Jake paced the floor of Antonio's garage. Antonio stared at him in disbelief as he listened, "So, you trying to tell me that Nyla was kidnapped?"

He huffed, "She went with him because of the shit that happened. The dude had me on camera. I don't know why he singled me out when you did it too."

Antonio, "Probably because you were the ring leader. I was just playing watch out."

"Yeah, a watch out that didn't check to see if they had cameras in the back by the loading dock."

Antonio shrugged, "I looked, I guess they must have been hidden." Antonio moved his big head from side to side, "So, what are you going to do?"

"I need your help man. Im'a run up on that fool."

Antonio protested, "Man, you ain't talked to me in nearly a month since all that shit popped off, now you're here trying to get me to do what? My record is clean. I ain't like you."

"So, it's like that?" Jake puffed up.

"It's like that. And if Nyla left freely maybe it was because she wanted to."

Jake scowled, "What are you trying to say?"

Antonio scoffed, "Man ... you haven't been exactly good to Nyla. All the cheating. Lying, stealing, getting in trouble, and wasting money. You got your woman bumming rides to work while you ride around in the car she bought with her good credit."

"Man fuck you," he snapped as he stormed out of the opened garage.

Antonio took a deep breath and blew it out. He didn't have to see Jake as often as he did. A woman had shown up two days prior and told the manager to have Jake removed from his position at the warehouse.

London, England

Erick lived in a nice studio flat. There were self-portraits of him placed throughout the open space. The most intriguing one was a painting of him on a large canvas. Half of his body was Erick the man and the other half was of Ericka the Drag Queen.

Nyla looked at the name, "Gio did these?"

Erick smiled, "He did. My guess is he'll probably start doodling pictures of you."

"He sketched me."

Erick smiled, "I figured he might have started." Erick grabbed the bottle of wine and two glasses, "Let's sit by the window and people-watch."

They sat on a comfy loveseat that faced the window and looked down at the street. "Can they see us?" she asked as she took a sip from her glass.

"I've stood across the street and looked up into my flat. I suppose you can see something if we were pressed against the window," he laughed. He looked over at her, "Are you homesick yet?"

She chuckled, "No. Not yet. I love to travel. This is exciting for me. I've only been on one trip to the Bahamas. I said when I got older that I would travel to two places every year." She shook her head. The reality was since she turned eighteen, she had finally gone to two places in nine years.

"I'll be in Paris tomorrow afternoon."

Her eyes lit up, "Paris, wow, but ... you're going to miss my video shoot."

"I have a show. I know you'll do fine. I'll see you again on Tuesday."

"I leave Monday."

He smiled, "Are you sure?"

She chuckled, "I know that's when I'm supposed to leave."

He looked out the window, "Look at the charming older couple."

Two older people were standing in front of an apartment building. The older gentleman held a bag in his arms, he stepped aside to allow the woman to walk in first.

"They have been married for fifty years. Their daughter and son-in-law live in the same building. She helps them care for the children. She makes the best beef soup."

"That's so sweet. Fifty years. The first year almost killed me."

Erick turned to her, "Just curious, at what drew you to him?"

Her mind flashed to the first chance meeting. He was handsome. He had cocoa-brown skin. This sexy bald head, with a nice long beard, was wearing a t-shirt that said, "The only hair I want between your legs is my beard."

That made her chuckle. He asked for her number. He was charming. "He was different at first. I don't know ... maybe he wasn't. I was so green. I grew up fast with him though. I learn that love is not supposed to hurt."

"No. It's not," he said as he touched her chin, "it should feel safe and warm," he said as he kissed her mouth.

"I feel safe here."

"We'll keep you safe."

Her face glowed as she kissed him again. The door opened. They turned and saw Gio walking in. They stood to greet him as he walked over, "How was the session today?" he asked as he kissed Nyla on the mouth.

"It was amazing," she replied as she rubbed his chest.

"She was amazing per usual."

Gio nodded. He looked out the window, "Erick has you people watching."

She smiled, "Yeah. It's a nice view of the city." The three stood in front of the window and looked out at the skyline. Nyla excused herself to the bathroom.

Erick turned to Gio, "Sky stopped by the studio today."

Gio sighed, "That must have been interesting."

"It was almost a fucking train wreck. I don't know what to do for that girl. So much talent gone to waste because she has mush for brains."

Gio nodded, "Somethings just aren't worth the headache."

Erick touched his face, "You're right. Our girl feels safe here. She doesn't want to leave."

Gio nodded, "Eventually, we'll have to return to get her stupid husband to sign divorce papers. For now, I just want her to focus on her music."

"I won't be able to go with you all to see little Amy. I have a show in Paris. I'll see you both on Tuesday?"

Gio nodded, "We'll be here."

"Why don't you and Nyla stay here with me? I know it's not as fancy as Nigel's big house but the three of us can be together."

Gio nodded, "Sure. I'll discuss it with Nyla tomorrow after the video shoot."

Erick walked to the kitchen area and found another bottle of wine, the red liquid entered the glass, and he took a sip. Gio joined him by the counter and poured himself a glass. Nyla had returned. Gio poured her a glass, "Here you are my love."

"Thanks, babe." She took a sip. The evening continued with conversation, laughs, and more drinks.

The bed was just beyond the little loveseat which faced the large window. There was a privacy screen just behind the sofa which provided some separation from the rest of the studio. Gio stood in the bed as Nyla kneeled in front of him. Her cheeks were caved in as his cock filled her mouth.

Erick was on the left slightly behind her. One hand held her left tit as he showered kisses down her neck and shoulders. He moved a little closer to her side. Soon, she and Erick took turns tasting Gio. She watched as he sucked. When he paused, their lips connected briefly before she took Gio into her mouth once more.

Gio looked down. His hands caressed their faces as they took turns licking, sucking, and massaging his dick.

Erick eased around back and positioned himself behind Nyla. His tip slipped inside her wet center. "Ahhhh, fuck," he moaned in delight as she sat back on his shaft and worked her magic.

Gio held her hair in a nice grip as he thrust repeatedly. He pushed as far as he could go. Her eyes watered. He pulled back and gave her a moment to catch her breath before plunging back into her opened mouth.

"Guk, guk, guk," sounded as he thrust into her wet mouth. Pools of salvia gathered and dripped down one side. "Plop, plop, plop," sounded as Erick had her from behind thrusting away.

"Um, um, um," her muffled moans echoed throughout the space. Their moans grew as the friction increased. Finally, Gio pulled out of her mouth making a popping sound. Erick pulled out of her dripping wet center and lay down.

She mounted him. They started kissing sweetly. Then she heard Erick grunt and his face turned a little red. She felt his body rocking. "Oh fuck!" Erick exclaimed as he felt the sensation of a warm sweet cunt on his shaft and a thick long sausage in his ass.

She touched his face as she rode him and smiled. Their mouths touched again. They shared a deep sweet kiss. He felt her walls collapsing on his member and his balls felt wet. He was close to cumming, "Fuck," he moaned, "I' 'm about to cum," he warned her.

But she felt another orgasm on the rise. The energy swept over her. She squeezed her muscles tight on his cock. They both gasped as he unloaded, "Uh, fuck," she panted and moaned.

Gio was still rocking, thrusting, pushing. He sped up abruptly and pulled back just in time. He erupted on Nyla's back.

Mornings hit differently for Nyla in the last few days. As the sun poured through the window and shined on her pretty brown skin, Erick couldn't help but admire her beauty. His lips pressed onto hers as his fingers explored her center.

She was moist. Her temperature rose. She moaned sweetly. It would be hours before he'd have to leave for Paris and he wanted to feel just once more before they left for the morning. Her eyes opened.

He eased on top of her and pressed his way inside. They had the bed all to themselves. Gio was already up in the living room working on his art. So, Erick enjoyed their beauty alone. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Her hands caressed his back as he stroked.

Standing by the window, a large easel with a canvas was on top of a white sheet protecting the wood floors from paint. Gio stood without a shirt, only the tattoos covering his arms and chest. He wore a pair of loose-fitting shorts and no shoes.

It was the beginning of a painting, two men, and one woman entwined in passion. Nyla had found him by the window, "I missed you this morning," she said as she kissed his mouth.

"I figured you and Erick wanted some alone time. I'll have you all to myself the rest of the week."

She walked over to the kitchen and fired up the stove and began to cook breakfast, before long the room filled with a delightful smell of biscuits, eggs sunny side up, bacon, and a cup of fresh fruit.

She placed the food on the counter and later the men joined her. They drank juice and ate as they spoke. Later that morning, Gio and Nyla left and Erick prepared to leave for his trip to Paris.

On the way to the video shoot, Gio asked Nyla if she wanted to stay at Erick's place. The three of them would live together. At first, she attempted to make an excuse but Gio reassured her that she would be fine and he nor Erick would allow Jake to hurt her.

He spoke with such conviction that she felt good in her spirit that she would be safe. He explained that they would return to the States in a couple of months to file for her divorce from Jake.

The thought of being free excited her. She agreed to move in with Erick. They continued to the location and met up with Nigel and Miriam who was already there.

"There's our star," Nigel said as he greeted her with a hug.

The day continued with a lively video shoot. Nyla looked gorgeous in all of her looks. Hair, makeup, and people making a fuss over her. Her heart was once again full. At the end of the shoot, she cried tears of joy and thanked everyone for all their help.

She even took time to thank the crew individually. After the shoot, Nigel and Gio decided to take the ladies out for dinner. As they sat eating and having a delightful conversation, they heard, "Nigel, love!"

They looked and saw her face. Nyla remembered her. She was hard to forget. A woman of great beauty hiding behind an unbearable disposition. Her long reddish-brown hair was pulled up into a high bun which showed off her high cheekbones. She was a somewhat ivory complexion but one could tell by the fullness of her lips, and the span of her nose that she had some degree of African blood coursing through her veins.

"Sky," he said with a touch of annoyance as he remembered all the shenanigans she put them through over a year when she professed that she wanted to be a singer but couldn't get her mind right to pull it off.

"I was at the studio yesterday, did Erick tell you?" she asked impatiently.

"He didn't. I have seen him. I think he is on the road."

Sky eyed Nyla for a moment and looked away, "I'm still available you know. Plus, I have the look most men want. I have the full package."

Nyla turned her lips over. Miriam pointed at Sky, "Don't be a cunt, Sky. The only thing most men want from you is to have you gargle their DNA."

Nyla chuckled.

"Now fuck off, already."

"This is your last chance, Nigel, don't pass up the best thing for your label." She smiled.

He pondered for a moment, and took a sip from his beer, "Nyla, love, are you not the best thing for our label?"

Nyla smiled, "I am."

Nigel's head tilted as he looked to Sky, "Looks like we already have our best thing."

She stood there motionless. Gio sighed, "Sky, go on. Don't make a fool out of yourself."

Slowly she turned and left.

Nigel gave an account of the many foolish things Sky had done when she was signed at his label. First things started great. She was eager to become a signed artist but after her first single was released and she became locally famous, she got mixed up with a man that was known to run drugs.

She was convinced that she could change him but later ended up getting hooked on his supply. She began spending money like crazy. Then showing up to sessions late when other artists were waiting to collab with her which still cost the company money for wasted time.

Then her boyfriend would show up with her interrupting the sessions and interjecting his nonsense. One day she showed up badly bruised. Erick convinced her that she needed to leave the situation. She did for a little while but ended up running back to him after a few weeks and even more strung out on drugs. Eventually, they released her and waived all the money they lost on her.

"As my mother would say, 'not all money is good money.'"

Nyla nodded, "Facts."

It wasn't often that Gio got to push his cock into Miriam. For many months after they were married they had still not had sex. It wasn't until Nigel was away for several weeks helping his relatives in the United States bury his father that she got to enjoy all nine inches of his cock.

Even then, it felt like two people just fucking. He knew she was in love with Nigel and was only using him to get her rocks off. From that moment, she did enjoy being with him and convinced Nigel after some time to enjoy a threesome.

As she kneeled in bed taking his cock from behind, she watched as Nigel pushed his way into Nyla for the first time. She grinned. She loved the look of joy on his face as he fucked Nyla. She couldn't wait to suck his cock and lick Nyla's center.

Nyla was turned all the way out with her new sexual experiences. She was open to being with Gio's friends but her heart belonged to him and Erick. She and Miriam locked lips for a moment as the men continued to drill their centers perfectly.

"Oh fuck," Nyla exclaimed as Nigel's hands came down on her ass causing a ripple. He pulled back and saw all the cream on his shaft. Nyla lay on her back. Miriam got between her legs and tasted her wet center as Nigel pushed his way into her pussy and stroked.

Gio Kneeled beside Nyla. She tasted all of Miriam's honey on his shaft. She ran her fingers through Miriam's soft hair as she licked and sucked. She saw Nigel going into overdrive. He grunted and spilled into her, pulling out slowly watching his cum leak from her center.

He slapped her ass. She moved along and let Gio get between Nyla's legs. Gio pressed his way inside. It only took twenty seconds before he gasped and erupted. She licked her lips as they shared a sweet look, "I love you, babe," she said softly.

"I love you, too."

next chapter
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