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33.33% Young Justice: Martian Might / Chapter 1: 1
Young Justice: Martian Might Young Justice: Martian Might original

Young Justice: Martian Might

Autor: HangerBaby

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: 1

(This is just a rehash of episode 1 in the show for those that need it. If you feel you don't you may move on to chapter 2 as nothing will be different here.)


Gotham City; July 4th; 12:00 EDT

Freeze is attacking picnickers in Gotham City park, many of them running in fear only to be frozen. One family stares at the cliff he's standing on in shock.

"Enjoying family time?" the villain questions rhetorically, then freezes the family. "My family has other plans." he then slides down the ramp now going from the cliff. Taking aim at the running citizens of Gotham. Only for a Batarang to throw off his aim. "Batman." he says as if he's expecting it. "I was wondering when-"

He turns to find no one there. Only childish laughter echoing around him, which in an open area is impressive. From above, a black shadow is over his head. However what lands on him isn't the Batman, but rather Robin. Decked out in red, yellow, and black tactical gear. Knocking the ice villain down, then throwing two more disks at his helmet, cracking it.

"Oh. Boy Wonder." Freeze drawls. "The Bat sent you to drag me off to prison. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed." as he stands back up, aiming his ice gun at Robin this time.

"Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here." Robin dismisses, despite the fact that the gun is buzzing to life.

"Kids." Freeze says in annoyance. "Always in such a rush."

"Not talking to you." Robin says in a sing-song tone. Freeze looks confused, so Robin just points behind him. Only to see Batman arrive with a flying punch to Freeze's face, breaking the glass of his helmet.

Star City Main Bridge; July 4th; 9:01 PDT

Icicle Junior lands and ices up the bridge, before using his powers to create a shell of ice. Knocking cars off balance and causing many crashes. He laughs almost maniacally before arrows start raining down.

In two colors, three green fletched ones and two red-fletched ones. He pauses for a moment only for another green one to hit him in the shoulder. The nock of the arrow blinking red and beeping before blowing up. The small explosion knocks him off balance and towards the other arrows that then blow up and knock him back to where he was.

As the head trauma begins to subside, he turns his head, looking to one of the towers on the bridge. On it stands Green Arrow and his partner Speedy. Both aiming another arrow at the ice-themed villain.

"Finally!" Icicle Junior growls. "I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here." his left arm, now the one facing the archers, grows and becomes more mace-like in style. Before he brings it back and begins launching icicles at the archers. Following it up with another volley from his right hand which has mirrored his left.

The two archers begin releasing arrows with ease.

"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy asks, surprised. The first batch of icicles explode thanks to their arrows, but the second set still comes through. Forcing them to run across the tower's width and down to the suspender. They continue to launch arrows and dodge the ice that cements to where it hits before growing. "I'm telling you now. This little distraction better not interfere."

The two archers launch a pair of arrows at Junior, who creates a shield in front of himself. However, the arrows are explosive, creating a hole in the shield. Junior uses it to his advantage, launching ice at the younger archer.

Speedy jumps, flipping over them as he grabs and strings another arrow. As he straightens out, he takes aim and fires straight at Junior, hitting him right in the jaw. Knocking him down and out.

"Hahaha!" Green Arrow chuckles, standing mere feet from where Junior ended his slide. "Kid had a glass jaw." he comments as his partner lands gracefully a few feet away.

"Hilarious." Speedy drawls stepping a little closer to Green Arrow. "Can we go?" his patience is clearly wearing thin. "Today's the day."

Pearl Harbor; July 4th; 6:02 HST

The harbor has many large shards of ice sticking out of the water. Many of the ships are frozen in place. Zooming in on one, Killer Frost continues to use her powers. Icing more of the ship and creating even more snowfall. However, who she's throwing it at is Aquaman. Who dodges and comes down from the Open Bridge to the Turret, then to the second Turret before jumping to the deck.

She predicts this and freezes him before he can get more than two feet down the deck.

Behind him and off to his left is Aqualad, jumping from the First Turret and over his mostly frozen mentor who breaks out and follows after him.

"Don't tell me you're not excited." Aquaman begins a conversation with his partner.

"Right now, my King, I am more focused on the matter at hand." the dark-skinned Atlantean tells him in a very formal tone. Dodging under a shot of ice, before faking right and getting Killer Frost to shoot in that direction so he can fake left and get in the opening.

She stops her right strike and aims for the area right before the younger Atlantean, but he jumps, pulling out his WaterBearers that form dual maces, causing the eel tattoos on his arms to begin their bright glow. Again, she aims at the teen. Nearly hitting him, until he puts his WaterBearers in the way of the strike. Freezing them and freezing his hands to the handles. He lands barefoot right before her, before completing a strong double uppercut. Shattering the ice around his hands and what made up the maces and knocking the ice villain out. As they do his tattoos return to their normal black coloring.

Aquaman stops a few feet behind him, crossing his arms and gaining the teen's attention. "Well?"

"Yes, I'm excited." Aqualad admits. "Today's the day."

Central City; July 4th; 11:03 CDT

Ice covers the edges of a hole in the wall of a Jewelry Story. In the road, Captain Cold is trapped by the Flash and Kid Flash running circles around the Ice-themed villain. He attempts to shoot them twice but isn't even close to hitting either of them. His third shot is closer, but he misses the Flash and ends up hitting a car. Freezing it solidly in what it would look like if it had gotten in a car crash and went flying.

"Stealing ice? Really? Isn't that a big cliché for even Captain Cold?" Flash asks, still running circles around the villain.

"Come on!" Kid Flash calls out. "We don't have time for this!" with that he slips his red goggles over her malachite green eyes, cutting out of the circle and heading for Cold's turned back. However, his talking gave him away and Cold turns towards the sound of his voice. Cold Gun aimed at the teen.

He dodges, some of the ice hitting his shoulder as he turns away from the stream. Then facing back towards Cold, snagging the Cold Gun and knocking the ice off his shoulder as he skids to a stop in the T intersection.

Cold growls, clenching his empty hand in frustration, but can't get any farther before Flash hits with a hard cross to the face. Knocking him a good five or six feet to the side, and out for the count. "Calm down, Kid." he says nonchalantly.

"Oh, please!" Kid Flash cries out in annoyance. "You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even." he gestures to the now unconscious criminal to prove his point. "No. No way!" he steps up to his mentor, despite the height difference Flash seems to actually be taking him seriously. "Today's the day!" his bright green eyes are glowing with excitement.

Washington D.C.; July 4th; 14:00 EDT

The Hall of Justice

Before the Hall of Justice stands Batman and Robin, Green Arrow and Speedy, Aquaman and Aqualad. Batman turns to his sidekick. "Today's the day."

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow continues.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman finishes.

"Oh, man!" Kid Flash's voice cries out, catching all of their attention and causing them to turn away from the Hall for a moment. Flash skids to a stop first, followed closely by his sidekick. "I knew we'd be the last ones here." he gripes crossing his arms, causing Flash to raise an eyebrow behind his cowl.

As they walk down the area opened so that they can get to the Hall the crowd goes insane. One spectator who's particularly far-off questions quite loudly. "Is that Batman?"

"I see Flash and Flash Jr." another calls out, this one female.

"His name is Speedy. Duh." someone objects, clearly having heard her get that sidekick's name wrong.

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick." another, younger male, corrects.

"Well, that makes no sense." a fourth spectator quips. (and so agrees 90% of the people)

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asks Speedy.

"Born that way." Speedy says, with a minute glance back at his mentor.

"I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad says, turning the conversation towards the two boys younger than himself and the one older than him.

"Have all four Sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash questions, looking mostly towards Robin because despite the fact that he's the youngest, he would know.

"Don't call us Sidekicks," Speedy commands, practically growling the first words. "not after today."

Kid Flash smiles. "Sorry." he apologizes, seeming rather sincere. "First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anybody ever just whelmed?" Robin asks as they walk through the doors. "Oh." he manages, staring up at the statues of the founding Justice League members. "Maybe that's why."

They arrive at a large door with AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY written on it. It slides open, revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado, a human-sized red robot. The two Heroes step out of the hallway and into where the Cameras can see them.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash," he lists them off in order, his voice calm but monotonic and formal. "welcome." then he turns around, leading them inside. The two leading protéges, Robin and Kid Flash, fist bump with each other as they begin to follow him. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gallery, and of course our library." the door opens revealing a massive library with a massive computer and extensive amounts of books.

Flash turns back to the four teens. "Make yourselves at home." he says with a grand gesture and a smile. Robin and Kid Flash literally jump into their chairs, while Aqualad calmly takes the one across from them. Speedy, however, remains standing. Looking directly at the mentors.

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four Ice Villains attacking on the same day." Batman then turns to the teens. "We shouldn't be long." Then he turns to another door, and a fisheye camera pops out.


Batman; 0-2,

Aquaman; 0-6,

Flash; 0-4,

Green Arrow; 0-8,

Martian Manhunter; 0-7,

Red Tornado; 1-6.

The door behind the camera illuminates before opening reading out JUSTICE LEAGUE MEMBERS ONLY.

"That's it?" Speedy demands his anger and volume catching all of their attention instantly. "You promised a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." he crosses his arms since his eyes can't show his emotions as he has lenses in his mask.

"It's a first step." Aquaman speaks up, though calmly. "You've been granted access few others get."

"Oh, really?" he questions, gesturing up to a group of people taking pictures on the other side of the (presumably) soundproof glass. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

"Roy, you just need to be patient." Green Arrow tries, even using his Sidekick's civilian name to attempt to get through to the teenager.

"What I need is respect." Roy growls, before turning around to take a look at the other three protéges. Who are all still sitting down and not intervening in the conversation they were so obviously listening to. "They're treating us like kids." he tries to speak directly to them. "Worse- like Sidekicks!" his anger is steadily growing but that one word makes it nearly double. "We deserve better than this."

All three exchange looks, Kid Flash looking to Robin, then to Aqualad, who exchanges a small glance to the both of them, then all three turning to Roy, but Robin's eyes have gone wide beneath the lenses of his mask.

Roy's voice drops. "You're kidding right?" the three don't object. "You're playing their game?" his anger is growing again. Worse this time. "Why?! Today was supposed to be the day, step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League."

"Well, sure," Kid Flash speaks up, looking to the other two protéges. "but I thought step one was the tour of the HQ." he says, sitting up straighter and looking at the older teen.

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real HQ." Green Arrow looks mildly surprised, while Aquaman's eyes bug in shock. Not to mention all three protéges' mouths drop open, Kid Flash's in shock, Robin's paired with surprise and Aqualad has his accompanied with confusion. "I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourists" Green Arrows have gone wide, but he looks less surprised in a shocked kind of way and more so like he can't believe his protége is telling this in front of the other boys and Leaguers. However, Aquaman's shock has faded and as he takes one look at Green Arrow he calms entirely. "and a pit stop for catching Zeta-beam teleporter-tubes to the real thing," he gestures up with his right hand in indication for his next words. "an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."

Green Arrows turns, showing off Batman's glare, which is probably what got him to turn towards the Dark Knight in the first place. "I know, I know, but I thought we could make an exception." Batman continues to glare. "Or not."

Aquaman steps up slightly. "You're not helping your cause here, son. Stand down or…"

"Or what?" he demands. "You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son!" he snaps then turns to Green Arrow. "I'm not even his." his anger seems to die out as he speaks again. "I thought I was his partner, but not anymore." emphasizing his point by taking off the canary-yellow hat and throwing it to the ground.

All three younger protéges can only watch in wide-eyed shock.

"Guess they were right about you three." Roy comments as he walks between the three who stand up in an attempt to either say something or physically get in his way. "You're not ready." with that they all watch as he leaves the library.

They can't sit on it for long, an alarm begins blaring from the computer. Turning they find Superman on the screen.

"Superman to Justice League." the Kryptonian prefaces. "There has been an explosion at Project Cadmus. It's on fire."

The Justice League members all step up to the computer. "I've had my suspicions Cadmus. This may present the perfect opportunity to in-" Batman begins but is cut as another alarm comes through.

"Zatara to Justice League." this time the Magician shows up on a small screen in the lower right-hand corner. "The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Attan to blot out the Sun." now he has their full attention. "Requesting full League response."

"Superman?" Batman questions.

"It's a small fire." the big blue boy scout assures. "Local authorities have it under control."

"Then Cadmus can wait." the Dark Knight states, then presses a key on the massive keyboard below. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out."

The three protéges step up to their mentors.

"Stay put." Batman states, barely even looking at them before he gives his order.

"What?" Robin questions, shocked. "Why?"

"This is a League mission." Aquaman says.

"You're not trained." Flash continues.

"Since when?" Kid Flash demands mere moments after the last syllable leaves his mentor's mouth.

Flash is prepared to clarify. "I meant you're not trained to work as a part of this team." he says, gesturing to the other two mentors beside him and in extension, the computer with Zatara still showing.

"There will be other missions when you're ready." Aquaman states calmly.

"But for now, stay put." Batman glares at the end to accent his point. The screen turns fully black behind him, making his lenses pop even more.

All three look sad, but as their mentors walk away anger comes over their faces.

"Glad you didn't bring you-know-who?" Green Arrow asks Martian Manhunter with a small tease in his tone.

"Indeed." the alien agrees rapidly.

They walk in behind Aquaman, Batman, and Flash, but Red Tornado looks at them for a moment before following. Then the door closes.

Kid Flash scoffs. "When we're ready?" he questions, looking between the two beside him. "How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like," he's very animated, stepping forward and throwing his hands up, before turning around and glaring up at Aqualad. "like Sidekicks." he too growls out the term that they are typically referred to as.

"My mentor, my King, I thought he trusted me." Aqualad says sadly.

"Trust?" Kid Flash questions sarcastically. "They don't even trust us with the basics!" he points out the obvious. "They've got a secret HQ in Space!"

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad questions, voicing what they're all thinking.

Robin sighs. "I have a better question: Why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Kid Flash crosses his arms and looks down, annoyed, while Aqualad looks down sadly.

"What is Project Cadmus?" Aqualad asks slowly.

"Don't know," Robin admits, then grins/smirks. "but I can find out." he walks over to the computer, instantly typing out codes and searching for information.

The computer buzzes. Access Denied. The automated voice states.

Robin laughs. "Wanna bet?" hitting a few more buttons before he starts looking through codes of the files at near lightspeed.

"Whoa." Kid Flash murmurs surprised. "How are you doing that."

Robin smiles as he hits two more keys. "Same system as the Batcave." with that he hits one last key.

Access Granted. The voice states. Showing a two-story complex and all the data showing up around it.

"Alright. Project Cadmus." he states simply. "Genetics lab here in DC." then he frowns. "That's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious…" he glances at Aqualad, "maybe we should investigate." then turns to Kid Flash.

"Solve their case before they do." Aqualad gives a small smile. "It would be poetic justice."

"Hey." Robin manages through his chuckle. "They're all about justice."

Aqualad sighs. "But they said "stay put"."

"For the blotting out the sun mission, not this." Robin says, smiling and putting his hands on his hips.

"Wait." the speedster starts, grabbing the younger's shoulder and turning him towards him "Are- are you going to Cadmus?" he uses his finger pointing skills to emphasize. "Because if you're going, I'm going!" both boys turn to Aqualad smiling, Robin utterly beaming, and Kid Flash with a dash of hope in his.

"Just like that?" Aqualad asks. "We're a team on a mission?"

Both their smiles die down, but Robin gains a smirk. "We didn't come for a play-date." Aqualad joins his with a look of pure determination.


"Help! Get us out!" one of two scientists trapped on the second story call out.

"Stay calm, we will get you out." the firefighter calls back, using a megaphone.

An explosion goes off behind them and the force of it pushes the two out the window. Kid Flash zooms onto the scene, running up the wall and getting both to the roof, but he's not fast enough to get there himself. He falls and manages to catch himself on the second story window ledge that the two scientists just fell from.

"It's what's-his-name, Flashboy!" the same firefighter yells, both glad to see him and proud of himself for seemingly getting it right.

"Kid Flash!" the speedster yells down. "Why is that so hard?" he wonders to himself.

Robin and Aqualad finally arrive. "So smooth." the Boy Wonder says smugly.

"Does he always have to run ahead?" Aqualad murmurs, partially to himself and partially to Robin. "We need a plan. We-" he looks to talk to the younger boy but finds the space beside him now empty. "Robin?" he looks around everywhere.

Robin's laugh echoes through the area, before he flips onto the back of the fire truck, secures his grappling hook to the Tower Ladder, and swinging onto the window ledge. Landing with perfect balance, before helping Kid Flash up and into the building.

Aqualad runs up behind the truck, coming to the two men working the hose. "I need to borrow that." he tells them before they see him. Pulling out his Water-bearers, which causes his tattoos to glow, before they begin to redirect the flow of water. Creating a platform underneath his feet. He gets to the roof. "Step aboard. Now." he tells the two scientists sternly.

They do without hesitation but stumble until they both sit down. He steps onto the window ledge that the other two entered through then directs the water the rest of the way down. Ensuring that both scientists are safe.

As he jumps in, Kid Flash is going through file cabinets, while Robin is hacking the computer.

"Appreciate the help." he says sarcastically.

"You handled it." Robin says, still looking rather smug. "Besides we're here to investigate." Aqualad steps beyond the two, heading further into the building. "Poetic justice remember?" as Aqualad steps beyond the desks, there is a long hallway, with an elevator door closing. The only thing visible is the blue skin and ivory horn protruding from its head.

The clang of the doors meets draws the attention of the other two. Bringing them right behind Aqualad. "There was something in the-" he cuts himself off, still not entirely sure of what he's seen.

"Elevators should be locked down." Kid Flash says, standing straight.

Robin grabs his elbow and shoulder before moving past him without a word, then slipping right ofAqualad. Coming to the area of the elevator, looking at it with scrutiny. "This is wrong." He pulls up a HoloScreen on his gauntlet. Giving him the specs of a Sliver Slip Express Elevator. Which is exactly what's in front of them. "This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Neither does what I saw." Aqualad states gravely, before forcing the doors open. As his strength is no longer needed at full capacity, he looks down the elevator shaft, which seems to go on forever.

Robin ducks under his arm, kneeling down to try and get a better look. "And that's why they need an express elevator." Then he stands, shooting his grappling hook into the top of the column. Once it sticks, he jumps, letting himself fall. Aqualad and Kid Flash follow with almost no hesitance.

Robin watches as the level numbers run past him. Their eyes widening as he passes SL22, SL23, SL24, and beginning to slow at SL25. Then he comes to a stop at SL26. "I'm at the end of my rope." he tells the two above him. They stop sliding down and let Robin jump to the narrow platform with this level's elevator doors. He makes it with ease, then moves left so Aqualad could make it. He does, then remains where he is and offers his hand to Kid Flash, who takes it and stands one the large segment of the platform with Aqualad. The Boy Wonder pulls up the system security. "Bypassing security." he waits as his five little robin heads go from red to green. "There. Go."

Aqualad pries the door open. All three of them walking out.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus." Robin announces. Kid Flash smiles before bolting.

"Kid, wait!" Aqualad tries, but the speedster doesn't stop. The sounds of heavy footsteps in the hallway that cuts across the one he's running in forces him to skid. However, he can't stop in time, falling into the hallway as massive creatures that walk on all fours but stand nearly as tall as the hallway walk down in two rows. He barely dodges the hand of the leader. Breathing a sigh of relief, then standing and running back across where both Robin and Aqualad now stand shocked.

One growls at them, but there is also a smaller one on top of its massive trunked head. The smaller one hisses and its horns glow red as the larger one continues to walk away.

"No. Nothing odd going on here." Aqualad says sarcastically.


In a personal lab…

A scientist with a ponytail works on a pink mixture in a dish. Grabbing an eyedropper beside him. With the genetic markers displayed on his computer screen. Once he has the eyedropper, he uses it to pick up the pink liquid. Within his room are other creatures, one looking like the one with glowing horns, and the other two seem more insect-like. He allows one drop to fall into the test tube, which has what looks like water and a blue crystal inside it. As the pink liquid mixes with the clear liquid in the test tube the crystal decomposes and the whole thing turns a glowing blue color. Illuminating the man's glasses covered eyes and pale face.

The door behind him beeps, opening to reveal a man dressed in blue body armor covering his torso and thighs, silver shin guards and gloves, a gold emblem on his black belt and knees, then topping it all off with a golden helmet. "Dr. Desmond." the man says.

He doesn't go beyond that before Desmond speaks up, annoyed. "Tell me, Guardian, what part of no interruptions did you not understand?" he hits the 13 on a cylinder labeled PROJECT BLOCKBUSTER. Then placing the test tube within, filling the final open spot on the rack of six. It closes back up on its own.

"A G-gnome on Sub-Level 26 report three intruders." Guardian speaks up anyway.

Desmond sighs through an oh as he steps back from his massive microscope. "Did I miss a perimeter breach alert?" he questions, already knowing the answer, and therefore talking condescendingly to Guardian.

"No." Guardian replies tensely.

"Then the G-gnome's confused." Desmond says, his annoyance showing. "Whatever might occur in our faux lab above groundthe real Cadmus is the most secure facility in DC." then turns back to his microscope.

"My job to keep it that way." Guardian reminds him.

"Fine. Take a squad." Desmond says, unaware of the third person- well, rather a blue-skinned anthropoid with ivory horns and darker blue skin on its elbows.

Guardian goes to attention for a moment and the anthropoid steps next to him. Revealing red eyes, pointed ears, and two blue feelers falling from the jawline to its clavicle. "Might I recommend Guardian leave his G-gnome behind?" both it and Guardian turn to look at the creature resting on his shoulder. "If violence should occur…"

"The little guy would be in my way." Guardian finishes for the anthropoid.

"No." Desmond snaps, stepping away from his microscope. Revealing a G-gnome on his table beside him. "The advantage of instant telepathic communication outweighs other concerns." he takes the creature's face in his hand, massaging it with his thumb and forefinger just behind the jaw, but before its own pointed ears. As he releases it, the horns glow red, in response the one on Guardian's shoulder's own horns glow.

Guardian turns in the direction of the anthropoid but doesn't look at it. His gaze far off. "I need my G-gnome with me at all times." his voice has gone monotonic, then he turns, bowing in Desmond's and putting his fisted hand over his heart. Then both walk out of Desmond's Lab.


The door's center before them goes from red to yellow to green before it fully unlocks. Kid Flash is waiting, while Robin is hacking, and Aqualad covers their six. As the door opens both Robin and Kid Flash look surprised. "Okay, I'm officially whelmed." catching Aqualad's attention.

Within the room are towering rows of bug-like creatures, giving off electrical pulses that seem to then go through a generator in the wall before them, but nearly 20 feet off the ground.

"This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world." Kid Flash realizes as they walk between the towering rows. "The real Cadmus isn't on the grid. It generates its own power with these… things." any excitement has left his tone. "Must be what they're bred for."

"Even the name is a clue." Aqualad agrees. "The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragon's teeth into the Earth."

"And this Cadmus creates new life too." Robin agrees stepping up to the computer nearest one of the rows of creatures. "Let's find out why." then pulls out a connector from his gauntlet to connect him to the computer. A HoloScreen appears and he begins funneling the information. "They call them Genomorphs." Now he has Kid Flash and Aqualad's full attention. As one appears on the entirety of the HoloGlove his eyes widen. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things- super-strength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons." Robin literally reels back in shock.

"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid Flash questions.

"Wait. There's something else." Robin says as another batch of information comes through to his gauntlet. Aqualad now steps up behind Robin, looking over his shoulder. "Project Kr." he tries to start decrypting it. "Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted. I- I can't-"

"Don't move!" Guardian calls now having a golden shield on his left forearm a squad of smaller, Genomorphs growling around him. These are longer, skinnier, tailed and their four digits on their front paws, and the three on their back are finished off with razor-sharp claws. The Genomorph 077s that Robin pulls stats on. Guardian stops short. "Wait, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?"

"At least he got your name right." Robin teases, working on the Kr file behind Aqualad so Guardian can't see him.

"I know you." Aqualad speaks, momentarily catching Robin's attention. "Guardian, a hero."

The hero stands tall. "I do my best."

"Then what are you doing here?" Kid Flash questions, confused.

"I'm Chief of Security." Guardian responds. "You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out."

No one says anything for a tense moment, but everyone hears the beep from Robin's gauntlet that indicates his decryption process on Project Kr is complete.

"You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" Kid Flash demands.

"Weapons?" Guardian questions, confused. "What are you-" Guardian's eyes go wide just before his G-gnome's horns begin to glow. "What have I-" he brings his head to his temple as it falls to his chest. "Ugh my head." Finally, he brings his hand away, but he glares hard at the protéges. "Take them down hard!" he tells the Genomorphs. Then points directly at the three teenagers. "No mercy."

With a growl, the Genomorphs jump into action. Robin does so at the same time, getting in front of Kid Flash and Aqualad and dropping a smoke bomb. He shoots a grappling hook to the bottom of one of the support beams.

Kid Flash backs up as a Genomorph slashes at his face. Dodging, but just barely, before he walks on the wall and dives at the two with dual punches, then pushing off the opposite vertical support, executing an inverted flip and pushing off to kick on in the chest and back through the smoke.

Aqualad has one on his shoulders slicing at his chest and gripping his head. He gets ahold of its arm and throws it off, combating the next one coming at him with a front kick to the chest as well.

However, at his open and unguarded shoulder, Guardian body-checks him. Knocking him off his feet and into a crashing barrel roll, then into the plating under the insectoid Genomorphs. Guardian charges at him again. He stands and attempts a triple cross combo, but Guardian backs out of his range and when he's following through due to the power he puts behind the punch, once again leaving his left shoulder open to Guardian.

The older hero gets a punch in on his face, then turns into an elbow that Aqualad barely manages to duck under. Then catch the attempted downward elbow after the dodged uppercut thanks to the shield on his left forearm.

Aqualad's tattoos glow before electricity travels through the shield and into the hero, giving Aqualad the advantage and making him able to throw Guardian to the ground. The G-gnome falling off his shoulder.

Kid Flash runs through the smoke and the two make their escape.


Outside the room, where the alarm is blaring, Robin is hacking into one of the ports. Aqualad and Kid Flash make it down the hallway from the growl Genomorphs, the younger speeding towards their fellow protége. Aqualad chances a glance back, then follows as well.

Kid Flash skids to a stop and turns accusingly to the younger teen. "Way to be a team player, Rob!"

"Weren't you right behind me?" he questions, surprised, but not stalling in his hacking of the elevator. It opens and the two dive in, turning and facing back down the hall as Aqualad continues to run from the Genomorphs, diving into the elevator and the door closes right behind him.

The numbers are going up, which means they're going deeper underground. Aqualad is the first to voice not only his concern but also his dislike which is obvious in his harsh tone. "We're headed down?"

"Dude, out is up." Kid Flash makes his point by gesturing in that direction. Both older boys look at the Boy Wonder in tensed confusion.

"Excuse me?" Robin questions, offended. "Project Kr, it's down on Sub-Level 52."

Aqualad puts his arm between the two physically cutting off the conversation. "This is out of control." then moves it to rub the back of his neck as he moves to the far side of the expansive elevator. "Perhaps- perhaps we should contact the League.

The elevator slows and finally comes to a stop with a ding at Sub-Level 52. All three get in front of the door tensed for battle, but there's nothing there. Only hallways that look almost organic.

Robin sprints out, colorful cape flying behind him, leaving Kid Flash to turn to Aqualad. "We are already here."

The eldest sighs in an effort to not get mad at the younger protéges. As he comes to be next to them his voice is tense. "Which way?"

Robin chuckles, trying to keep it light. "Yeah, bizarre-looking hallway one, or bizarre-hallway two?"

"Halt!" is given out by the Anthropoid from before. His horns glow red and he lifts two cans telekinetically, then launching them at the teens. They dodge and Robin throws a disk at him which he stops. By the time he's prepared to attack them again, they're running down the other hallway.

He stops and waits as Guardian and the other Genomorphs run out of the elevator. "They are headed for Project Kr." he tells Guardian. The force doesn't stop and continues down the path.

Further down a scientist opens the door from the inside. Walking out of the chamber. Kid Flash comes around the corner at high speeds and doesn't have a chance to stop before he takes out her feet knocking her to the ground. As he gets to his knees, he hears the doors behind him closing and looks at the PROJECT Kr label on it, and how much distance the other two teens have to cross before they get to it. He gets to his feet and picks up a large triangular prism-shaped object, dropping it to the floor and between the two flat segments of the door. He can already hear the door straining. "Hurry!"

He and Robin both jump through, but Aqualad takes a moment before he steps inside. Watching as Guardian and the Genomorphs come around the corner, then kicks out the prop. Allowing the door to slam closed.

A few steps in Robin has the HoloGlove up again and is hacking the door to engage the emergency lock. "I disabled the door. We're safe." he tells the older boys.

"We're trapped." Aqualad says in a dark tone, then looks to Kid Flash who is in front of a large computer system deeper in the dark chamber.

"Uh, guys." he calls to the other two. "You'll want to see this." hitting a single button to turn all the lights on in the chamber and inside the pod in the center of the room.

As it does all three of them can only stare in utter disbelief. "Whoa!" is all that is managed by the Boy Wonder. Inside the pod is a boy with pitch-black hair, pale skin, and a white suit that has Superman's S on it. The letter's Kr written on the glass that keeps the teen within.

Kid Flash steps around the console, looking at the boy closer. "Big "K", little "r", the atomic symbol for Krypton." he turns back towards the other two. "Clone?"

"Robin, hack." Aqualad commands.

It takes the caught-off-guard youngest a couple of seconds to register what he was told to do. "Oh. Right, right." he plugs his connector into the console. As it asks for a password, he begins the bypass program, which works and lets him in. Kid Flash walks back as he realizes Robin's got it. "Weapon Designation Superboy, a clone force-grown in… sixteen weeks?!" his eyes popping in shock. "From DNA acquired from Superman."

"Stolen from Superman." Aqualad accuses.

"No way the big guy knows about this." Kid Flash agrees.

"Solar Suit allows him to absorb yellow-sun radiation 24/7." Robin continues to read off.

"And these creatures?" Aqualad questions indicating to the ones on the projection off of Robin's gauntlet.

"Genomorph Gnomes, telepathic, force-feeding him an education." Robin relays sourly.

"And we can guess what else." Kid Flash says, capturing the attention of the other two. "They're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son."

"Now we contact the League." Aqualad says, and there's no objection. In fact, as Aqualad reaches for his emblem, Kid Flash goes to his lightning bolts and Robin attempts it from his HoloGlove. All of them get nothing.

"No signal." Robin verifies.

"We're in too deep literally." Kid Flash says, knowing it's true in both senses.

On the other side of the door, Guardian and the Genomorph squad stand ready, while the scientist attempts to manually cross the wires to force the door open. A panting Doctor Desmond and the Anthropoid approach, gaining Guardian's attention. "They're still in there with the weapon?" Desmond sounds accusatory in his words to Guardian.

"We can't get the door open." Guardian explains, not attempting to pin the blame on the female scientist who's working on the door.

"Use your telekinesis!" Desmond commands of the Anthropoid.

"I have tried to no avail." he responds simply.

"Useless! This is a debacle." he seems to calm as he approaches Guardian. "Get some G-trolls down and muscle the door open now!"

Guardian puts his hands on his hips. "Already on their way." he says rightfully defensive.

"You realize once we get in there, we can't ever let them leave." Desmond says darkly.

"Doc, these aren't your typical meddling kids." Guardian tries to make the man see sense. "You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Justice League."

"Better than getting on the wrong side of the Cadmus Directors, believe me." he says darkly, then transfers the look to the G-gnome on Guardian's shoulder. "Contact the G-gnomes inside Kr."

Its horns glow and it seems to concentrate strongly on getting through to them.

With success, the horns of all three Genomorphs inside the pod begin to hiss lightly and their horns glow red.

"This is wrong." Kid Flash finally says.

Robin needs no convincing. "We can't leave him like this."

Both are now looking to a concentrating Aqualad. "Set him free." he decides, then turns to Robin. "Do it."

The Boy Wonder needs no further prodding and begins work on it immediately. All three watch as the pod falls away from the boy who looks physically 16. Though the pod is gone he remains calm.

Then his hand clenches, causing worry to play on Aqualad's brow.

As the G-gnomes begin to hiss again his bright blue eyes snap open. Aqualad raises his eyebrows in a silent question, but no one dares to actually speak. Before anyone can blink Superboy launches himself at Aqualad. Tackling him to the ground and leaving the other two to watch the movement in shock.

They tumble over each other twice, before Superboy ends up on top of Aqualad his fist coming back to hit him square in the face. He gets three full hits in before Kid Flash and Robin manage to grab his arms and hold him back slightly.

"Whoa! Hang on, Supey." Kid Flash tries, holding the Kryptonian's forearm with all his strength.

"We're on your side!" Robin also attempts to talk to the raging maniac. Kid Flash loses his fight against Superboy and gives the clone enough time to land an uppercut under the speedster's jaw. Knocking him up and back and through a display cylinder. Then on the back of his neck and flopping to the ground, unconscious.

Robin now has his arm around Superboy's neck and the other in his utility belt. "I don't want to do this." he tells him then places a smoke blaster to the clone's clavicle. Unleashing gas right into his face. Finally getting him to stumble back and off of Aqualad. Which the Atlantean pairs with a solid sidekick to the stomach, which sends him into the console and to the ground before his pod.

Robin keeps going and pulls out a high-voltagetaser. They pin to his chest and send high amounts of electricity, but they have no effect. He grabs the wires and yanks on them. Catching the young teen by surprise and pulling him towards him with ease. Catching him on the front of his cape then slamming him to the ground. As a final point, he steps onto the smaller raven's chest. Beginning to force more weight onto his solar plexus.

Getting his head back on straight, and realizing the immediate danger the one non-powered member of their group is in. Aqualad pulls out his WaterBearers, creating a massive hammer, swinging back and only catching the clone's attention with his cry of "Enough!" which gave him no warning and let Aqualad hit him solidly and knocking him back through the support of his pod. Aqualad helps Robin up to his knees, but he's groaning and clutching his chest in pain. Until he finally falls onto his back, unconscious.

Aqualad stands up as he hears Superboy's heavy footfalls coming back towards them. He stands tall and puts his hand out in the universal sign to stop. "We are trying to help you."

The boy does stop moving but doesn't stop glaring. In an instant, he tries to punch Aqualad, but he sidesteps and tackles the clone into the wall. While over him he tries a right-handed cross, but Superboy catches it, then unleashes a strong push front kick to his stomach. Knocking him away and forcing the Atlantean to roll to reduce the distance.

Aqualad dodges the obvious punch, countering with a roundhouse to the stomach, which causes his body to instinctively curl in on itself, then elbow him between the shoulders. He gets an uppercut to Superboy's chest before the clone tries for a hook punch, which he ducks under and gets a solid strike to the kidneys. Then Aqualad gets behind his turned back and puts his hands under his arms and behind his head. Using his Atlantean powers to shock Superboy.

It clearly hurts this time, and as he looks like he's about to go down the clone uses his super strength to throw both him and Aqualad into the ceiling. However, being on his back and the first to hit Aqualad takes the brunt of the hit. Yet, he doesn't let go so Superboy does it again. This time the Atlantean's grip breaks and he falls independently to the ground. Unconscious.

Superboy walks past his unconscious form and to the door. His hands break through the metal and he gets the door open with a slam, knocking it off its rail. Gaining the full attention, albeit shocked, of Guardian, Desmond, and the Anthropoid.

Desmond smirks but says nothing as he walks past the clone. Observing the unconscious teen heroes within. "Attaboy." he finally says.

next chapter
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