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Kapitel 14: Chapter 2: Chance Meeting

Chapter 2: Chance Meeting

First, let's talk about the skill tree.

A skill tree is a set of skills you can have on certain jobs. You allocate [Skill Points] in order to unlock skills that are present in the skill tree.

When choosing a job, there are certain skills that are automatically achieved. However, they're not part of the skill tree.

Skill trees can be gained from a [Skill Tree Book], where some are sold, some are found deep in the dungeons. There are [Skill Tree Books] for basic skills for certain jobs that are sold cheap since it can be massed produced.

Advanced or higher skill trees however, cannot be massed produced and are very pricey, also, most of these are usually the ones found in a dungeon. They have better and more efficient skills so if the player wants to be strong, having one of this is a must.

Of course, there are skills that you can obtain through a separate one which is called [Skill Scroll], it does not need any [Skill Point] in order to unlock, one just has to accomplish the requirements and they will be able to use the skill.

Now, Lucas, who has been stuck inside the cave, has no skill tree. Since getting the [Wanderer] job, Lucas needs to get skill trees from other jobs so that his job will be of use.

"Haah...well, I guess I'm grateful for it since I won't have to trouble myself in searching for [Skill Tree Books] for this job."

Since his is a hidden job, there isn't likely for there be any [Skill Tree Book] that can be bought in a city. He needs to find his is a dungeon somewhere in this vast world. And that would be a serious pain to do so he was really grateful for the effect.

Anyway, he still needs money. So he went to the local Merchant Guild to exchange his loots from the cave.

"Excuse me, how much can you give me with these?"

"Ah yes welcome, please wait for a moment for me to check the goods."

The merchant took on a business smile and took the loots from Lucas. Then, he revealed a shocked expression all of a sudden.

After seeing his expression, Lucas finally understood why and can only blame himself from not noticing.

What he gave was loots from [Dracula Bat], [Crypt Owl], [Alpha Grey Wolf], [Eye Bat] and several equipments and items from the demi-vampires they captured.

Meaning, unique monsters that were only seen on a certain popular movie.

Yes, the one Lucas was in.

"Y-y-y-you're tha- mngf-!?"

It seems that the merchant wasn't an NPC, but a player that has watched the movie so he quickly shut his mouth by blocking it with his hand.

"Listen up. After this transaction, you didn't see or hear me. Also, if you trick me with the price, you're dead."

Lucas said this in a deep cold voice and slightly activated his [Dragon's Wrath] which only showed a bit of black aura since the [Rage] stat wasn't high.

The merchant immediately nodded as he figured out that he's the real deal.

Confirming the merchant's nodding, Lucas let go of the hand and quietly waited to get his money.

"E-err, this loots are actually very rare, since they are the first loot from an undiscovered...well, recently discovered monsters, coupled with the fact that they're from the actual loots from [The White Haired Adventurer]-!...sorry, I'm seriously excited right now."

The merchant's tone was getting more and more excited as he explained.

To this, Lucas can only smile wryly again, he no longer knows just how many times he's made that face already.

"A-anyway, I think you'll be able to get more money if you put them in auction."

"Really? But...I don't really want to stand out too much..."

That's the point, Lucas no longer wanted to stand out and if possible, they won't learn of his name.

"Believe me, you already stood out plenty."

"Not like you recognized me with the hood on though."

"Now that you mentioned it, where did you get that outfit?"

Well, his outfit isn't shown in the movie so of course he wouldn't know. Just then, Lucas got an idea.

"If you place these items on auction on your name, then I don't mind telling you, plus, answer some of your questions?"

"S-seriously!? Oh wow, sure! Sure man!...I do get a percent in this don't I?"

Looks like he's still a merchant to the end.

Lucas sighed thinking he could've fooled him into using him without any payment.




"30% no more, no less."

Lucas sighed once more.

"Looks like I can't haggle any further."

Thinking that, Lucas gave in and nodded.

"Alright, also, just include the equipments, as for the loots, please exchange them to money immediately."

"Hm? Well, alright. Here, 10G and 50S. I think that's worth all of these rare loots."

"Hn, I guess that's reasonable. I'll leave the equipment here, set the auction to ended by the end of the day. I still have things to do."

Just when Lucas was about to leave the guild, the merchant once again called back.

"Wait, how about my question?"

"Ah yes, this outfit is called [The Nocturnal], one of the rewards from the Dragon Quest. As for your other questions, I'll answer them after the auction, for now..."

Lucas turned back and displayed a slight smile.

"Let's be friends?"

With it came a friend request to the merchant.

Since Lucas will most likely be kept on the spotlight, it would be nice to have a merchant where he can entrust the loots he gained. This way, he shouldn't be known when selling the unique loots to other.

"I'll just have to make him do all the work."

A sinister smile can be seen behind the friendly smile on the surface.

"I-it will be my pleasure!"

The merchant readily accepted the request.

It would seem that the merchant's name is Noir.

" that's your name?"

"Yep, now, I still need to go buy some [Skill Tree Books]. Later Noir."

When Lucas left the building, Noir wondered.

"...Does he mean that he still has no skill tree?"

+ + +

["I knew it, you really are popular. Just what did you do Lucas?"]

"Quiet you. I also didn't expect it to be this severe..."

Lucas is currently inside the swordsman center where players can choose the job [Swordsman] and where [Swordsman Skill Tree Books] are sold.

What he bought was a [Basic Swordsmanship Skill Tree Book] as well as [Basic Sword Skill Tree Book], [Basic One-handed Skill Tree Book] and [Basic Two-handed Skill Tree Book] which cost 1S, 5S, 5S, and 5S respectively.

Lucas decided to leave allocating points until later and moves on to another place.

Like that, he went and bought all kinds of [Skill Tree Books].

For Magician related: [Basic Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Fire Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Water Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Earth Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Wind Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Light Magic Skill Tree Book], [Basic Dark Magic Skill Tree Book]

For Warrior related: [Basic Warrior Skill Tree Book], [Basic Axe Skill Tree Book]

[Basic Warhammer Skill Tree Book], [Basic Mace Skill Tree Book], [Basic Spear Skill Tree Book]

For Tamer related: [Basic Taming Skill Tree Book], [Basic Whip Skill Tree Book]

For Scout related: [Basic Scouting Skill Tree Book], [Basic Dagger Skill Tree Book], [Basic Katar Skill Tree Book]

For Cook related: [Basic Cooking Skill Tree Book]

For Brawler related: [Basic Brawling Skill Tree Book], [Basic Gauntlet Skill Tree Book]

For Marksman related: [Basic Marksman Skill Tree Book], [Basic Bow Skill Tree Book], [Basic Gun Skill Tree Book]

For Priest related: [Basic Priest Skill Tree Book], [Basic Staff Skill Tree Book]

For Vendor related: [Basic Vending Skill Tree Book]

For Blacksmith related: [Basic Blacksmithing Skill Tree Book]

For Tailor related: [Basic Tailoring Skill Tree Book]

For Stone Worker related: [Basic Stone Working Skill Tree Book]

For Wood Worker related: [Basic Wood Working Skill Tree Book]

For Alchemist related: [Basic Alchemy Skill Tree Book]

All in all costs 99S.

All that's left is to check on the [Painter] job. By the way, there is still one left which Lucas didn't pick, the [Bard] since he hate singing and dancing so he ignored it.

"Well, though a bit different, painting is basically the same as drawing so I'm really looking forward to this."

Since in the real world, Lucas himself is a digital artist, he is interested whether his skills would improve in the real world if he practiced painting here in the game with the system's assists.

Walking optimistically, Lucas went inside the painter center.

"...There's isn't a single person this the right place?"

That's right, aside from Lucas, there was no one in the building making it look like some kind of abandoned building.

Just when Lucas was wondering whether to go out to ask someone, a voice resounded from the counter.

"Hn? What, a customer? If you're just here to window shop then leave already."

As he said, job centers also functions as shops for items and equipments related to their job so for an unpopular job like a [Painter], most of the people that come here are only doing so either to look at the arts or buy them.

Actually, when he went to the [Stone Worker], [Wood Worker], and [Tailor], there were only few people that wanted to change their job into that. Probably because a [Stone Worker] can use its skills to make either a house or a weapon, [Wood Worker] can make a house as well and staffs, wands, or bow, [Tailor] makes clothes.

They all produce something that is needed. While a [Painter] only creates paintings making it a very unpopular choice. Coupled with the fact that it requires real skill and artistic sense, there's basically probably only one in a million that would want it.

"About that, I'm looking for a painter's skill tree book."

When the person at the counter heard that, he immediately showed his face.

He looked like an old man with a beard that wasn't trimmed and messy hair as well as a thin body. As if he hadn't cared for his hygiene for years.

"Ohh, finally someone who want to be a painter! Wait just a moment! I'll go get the skill tree book!"


A little dumbfounded by the person's enthusiasm, Lucas looked around at the shop.

"Quite the works of art here...did he make all these?"

When he reached the end, he looked at the painting beside the counter.

For some reason, this painting stood out the most. It was just a simple painting of the setting sun in the beach. Yet it showed brilliance.

"Looks like you have a good eye at masterpieces eh?"

Just when Lucas was about to touch it, the clerk went back with his hands was a book.

"That there is a masterpiece of the Legendary Texture Painter, Serlor Asher."

"Texture Painter?"

"Legendary Texture Painter. Touch it and you'll see."

The clerk grinned as if anticipating Lucas' reaction.

Lucas followed and stretched his index finger to touch the sand part of the beach painting.

"!? T-this is...sand!? Real sand!?"

As he said, when he touched the sand of the beach, he felt as if he touched real sand.

He next touched the water, sure enough, as he thought it would, he also felt the softness of the water yet was still hard.

A really weird filling, it was like the texture of the water was directly transferred to his brain even though he knew he was touching a solid object.

The light from the sun as well, warm yet cold, like the feeling of the sunlight when it was just about to set.

The sun too was hot, so hot that he inadvertently pulled back his hand.

"...How is it? A masterpiece is it not?"

"This...this is already past being a masterpiece!"

"Haha, I like you boy, how about it? You're going to be a painter?"

Lucas wanted to be also able to paint textures like this, however, can an ordinary painter do this? It feels like one needs a hidden job for this.

"That look, haha, you wanted to be a [Texture Painter] as well huh?"

"S-so there is a job like that!?"

"Yep, but one must become a [Painter] first."

A hidden 2nd Job!

"So not all hidden jobs start at the first huh? If it's like this, then it's alright to spend one of my job slots to being a [Painter]! [Wanderer] doesn't accept hidden jobs anyway, so I'll aim [Texture Painter] as my goal!"

Lucas thought of it calmly yet a bit excited first before casually accepting.

"Yes please, I want to be a [Painter]!"


You have been given a job [Painter]!

To be able to paint and decorate the houses of the nobles! You're passion for art has lead you to becoming a [Painter]!


You have gained a new stat [Art Sense]!

+10 Art Sense

"Good good! Here, the skill tree book you wanted."

Lucas obtained the [Basic Painting Skill Tree Book] from the clerk.

"Do you know how I can become a [Texture Painter]?"

"Hmm, If memory serves me right, then there should be one living in [Alsey], perhaps you can ask him. Though be careful, they say that if you didn't have what it takes, he'd refuse to tell you in his lifetime. You can only ask him once."

"So there's a requirement huh? When it comes to this types, it would usually be the skill as a [Painter], in other words, I have to be already Lvl 100 [Painter], to be able to rank up."

Lucas was confident of his answer as to how he would be judged, though still a bit hesitant, he just decided that he'll max out all skills just in case.

"Where is [Alsey]?"

"In the central continent, [Cravon]."

Before Lucas left, he also bought different kinds of brushes, a sketchpad, paints, palette, and an easel which is commonly known as a canvas stand.

Now that he finally got all he needed. He started allocating [Skill Points] to unlock skills that he wanted.

+ + +

"W-what the hell..."

Pearce let out as he watched Lucas' status with Lilianne and Trask.

"Now that he's out of the cave, he's gotten hold of himself [Skill Tree Books]."

"Are you kidding me!? Those numbers of skills aren't for a Lvl1 1st job!!!"

Pearce retorted at Trask's remark.

As for the reason of their debate, take a look at Lucas' current status.

Name Lucas Level 1

Gender Male Money 10 G 54 S 50 C

Job Wanderer LVL 1

Painter LVL 1 Race Human

Health 740 Mana 650

STR 160 INT 110

SPD 145 DEX 110

VIT 128 LUK 217

Fame 1270

Charisma 1000 Art Sense 10

Rage 0

Fire 10 Water 10

Earth 10 Wind 10

Light 10 Dark 10

Passive Skills

[Play Dead] Beginner LVL 5(25.87%)

[Dragon Eyes] Beginner LVL 4(54.65%)

[One Foot Walk] Beginner LVL 9 (12.35%)

[Mouth Mastery] Beginner LVL 7 (28.11%)

[Photographic Memory] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Art Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Potion Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Herb Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Wood Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Ore Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Cloth Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Metallurgy Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Item Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Ingredient Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Food Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Trap Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Enemy Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Magic Appraisal] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Staff Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Gun Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Bow Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Gauntlet Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Katar Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Dagger Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Whip Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Spear Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Mace Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Warhammer Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Axe Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Two-hand Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Dominant Arm Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Weak Arm Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Sword Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Warrior's Presence] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

Active Skills

[Bash] Master LVL 10(100.00%)

[Stomp] Master LVL 10(100.00%)

[Dragon's Wrath] Beginner LVL 3 (52.54%)

[Dragon Claw] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Dragon Roar] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Color Picker] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Color Mix] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Fotiá] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Neró] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Gi̱] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Mien] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Fo̱s] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Skotádi] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Metallurgy Repair] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Cloth Repair] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)


Pure-blooded Vampires +1000

"Well...this is the result of reaching over 100 levels while in Novice, he's basically already a 2nd job supposedly."

"I can't believe the first place, why did he spent all those points on appraisal, mastery, and basic element skills!? And his other job is a [Painter]!? Of all the jobs!?"

"C-calm down you."

Pearce was constantly nagging at how weird Lucas' choice of skills and jobs is and was on the verge of flipping the table.

"Haha, well, let's just see how this will turn out."

Trask, as always, was laughing seemingly amused at Lucas.

"Well...I wonder how he'll answer my question from before."

He let out a sinister smile again in his mind.

"I'm really looking forward to it, [World Key Holder]."

+ + +


Lucas sneezed as he walked through the plaza.

["Hm? Caught a cold?"]

"Nah...someone's probably talking about me."


Well of course he won't get it. Anyway, as Lucas walked, he grew tired and sat by the plaza's fountain and think about his skills.

The reason why he didn't spend any points on attacks is because he didn't need them right now. What he needs is the basics and things that are useful.

The attack skills are basically system assisted movements, if he can learn the sequence of movements, then he can unleash a self-move skill. Though, of course, he will lose the damage bonus of the skill, but that's not important now in this early in the game.

Appraisal are very useful to him since he's most likely going solo, that's why he needed abilities that will support him.

As for the basic magic skills, they were the same as the ones he used in the tutorial at the start. Unlocking them also unlocks their respective elemental stats, which is why he unlocked them first. They are also the root of all spells, mastering them is equivalent to mastering their respective elements. Though all they

can do is make the element appear on the fingertip, you can also control them to change shape unlike other spells.

As he was thinking of such things, he noticed a commotion in the plaza.

"Catch that slave!"

Every player in the plaza looked towards the direction of the voice.

There, a city guard was chasing a hooded figure.

"Whoever catches that slave will earn a reward from his majesty! Quickly capture her!"

Escaped Slave

By the order of a city guard, capture the escaped slave and shall be rewarded by the king himself!

Note that everyone involved will also receive a consolation prize different from the captor who will be personally rewarded.

Requirement: Capture the escaped slave

Difficulty: E

Reward: ???

"Uwoooo! An event! It's an event quest!"

"Hey, it says here that even by participating, you'll be rewarded!"

"Haha, Screw you! I will be the one to capture that bitch!"

All kinds of cheers rang around Lucas who was still calmly sitting at the bench by the fountain.

"Haah, what idiots."

["Hn? You're not participating."]

Lucas ignored the Warren and the quest window by relaxing even more on the bench.

Until...the slave ran in front of him.

Lucas was mesmerized. Under that hood, he saw a very familiar silver hair and snow white cheek.

One player had already brandished his sword and was about to cut the slave.

There was no moment to lose.

Lucas took out [Draughtbane] from his inventory and abruptly stoop up and repelled that sword.

"W-wha-!? What do you think you're doing huh!?"

Not just the player that attacked the slave, but everyone in the plaza was surprised and didn't move, including the city guard from before.

Lucas ignored them all and casually pulled out his hood and faced them all as he snap his heck and brandish his sword. To which, shocked every player even more.

"W-who...are you?..."

This time, a sweet voice was heard from behind him.

It was the slave's.

To this, Lucas revealed a challenging smile.

"Just wait for a moment princess, I'll take you to your father soon."

next chapter
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