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100% woke up in twilight , 1 month before Bella arrives / Chapter 20: CH 18: hairspray and lighter

Kapitel 20: CH 18: hairspray and lighter

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Anna's POV:

I did the only thing I could think of in a situation like this I run but I didn't get far as a cold hand went over my mouth.

I got spun around until my back was flush against a wall. When I opened my eyes again I was faced with the beginning of my nightmare.

There before me was a handsome looking man, too beautiful to be human. His beauty, the cold of his skin and his crimson eyes betrayed him. A Vampire was standing before me, holding me hostage.

But it wasn't only any Vampire.

It was the sadistic tracker.

It was.


Time seemed to stand still in the moment of realization. My breath was caught in my lungs and my heart threatened to jump out of my chest out of fear. There in front of me he stood.

The one Vampire I could have done without. His ruby eyes boring into mine. He didn't look like the James in the movie. The real version was angelic.

Put a white robe on him and one could think he was an angle expecting a halo to appear over his head. A hilarious thought knowing who he was.

But the angelic appearance didn't fool one for long behind his eyes one could easily see the truth. Behind the perfection of beauty was the ugliness hidden.

The look in his ruby eyes, the eyes that were blood red the blood of his victims swimming in his eyes. He was showing it off proudly to the world. He was openly showing the murderer he was.

His pale skin, feeling ice cold mirrored his heard, a block of ice with no mercy in it. A perfect killer who enjoyed the hunt and the pain his prey felt.

The pain he inflicted on others was his joy.

His sadistic pools were boring into my eyes. Terror washed over me as I looked into his blood red eyes. An evil grin spread across his face as he could taste my fear on his tongue.

His crimson eyes and the expression in his face, every fibre of his being, was screaming lethal and dangerous.

The warning that he was someone you should stay away from was visible with one look. His ice cold hand still over my mouth felt like a hand of death trying to steal the life out of me.

It was so different from when Edward, Alice, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper or Carlisle touched me.

Their hands were also as cold but held a tenderness and a care to it that made me feel secure. When Edward touched me the feeling was incredible, his touch caused me joy and happiness. A warmth, I never knew before but right now I'm in the clutches of death.

"Finally, I've got you, delicious pet." He whispered into my ear as he leaned in to me.

His breath hit my skin and I was repulsed having him this close to me. His nose was at my neck as he deeply inhaled my scent.

An evil, satisfied grin spread across his face as he was looking at me with hungry, bloodthirsty eyes.

The predator had his aimed prey. He took his hand from my mouth and before I had the chance to scream for help he flung me over his shoulder knocking the air out of me in the process and took off.

Struggling for air I opened my eyes again, trying not to lose my consciousness. Before my eyes the green brown blur was in motion.

The plot of the horror movie was developing as fast as he was able to move his feet. With every single step of his I was further brought into a nightmare.

I was wondering, was it just me or did danger follow me around here? I mean honestly what where the chances that he was going to find me not to mention that he was searching for me?

He said finally that meant he was searching for me.

But why was he searching for me, anyway? And how did he even know that I existed? He ran away from the Cullen's at the baseball game.

Wait Alice said that she couldn't get a vision because he was searching for something and it wasn't decided where he was going.

Still, why me? I mean come on danger wasn't following me in my world and I will not count the nearly getting killed by a car thing that happened while I was still in my world.

Could it be that it had to happen because the story requires it? That even though Edward isn't together with Bella but with me the same incidents have to happen?

Not like in the books of cause but remotely the same? Then how to break that chain of events? I'm not looking forward to fight against an army of newborns or to a visit by the Volturi.

Maybe if James and Victoria would be killed together then there was a chance that everything ended?

But anyway I hoped that he wouldn't bite me the thought of his venom in my body was disgusting.

After he had run what seemed like an eternity of uncertainness and fear to me he stopped all of the sudden.

Just as abrupt as the beginning of this odyssey started it ended with him throwing me off his shoulder on to the wet forest ground.

I was falling the short distance expecting the painful impact. I hit the ground on my backside, keeping the groan of pain that was building in my chest captured. I wasn't going to give him this satisfaction.

Looking up I was faced with him taunting me, an evil, amused grin of his face as he watched me, sneering at me.

He gauged my reaction probably waiting for me to start screaming, to try to flee or beg for my life. His expression became curious as I did not do one of those things.

I just stared at him asking myself why I didn't feel as afraid as the situation would require it. Yes, I was afraid but not as much as I should be, considering I would most likely die here.

More then afraid I was uncomfortable by his presence. There was something creepy to him that I couldn't explain. It was more then just the whole he's a non Vegetarian Vampire thing.

I didn't like it how close he was to me in an attempt to get some space between us I slowly and carefully crawl away from him.

My eyes trained on him as the space between us grew. Making another move away from him I hit tow hard and cold bars with my back. I instantly knew who those bars belonged to. My blood froze in my veins.

Of cause it would only become worse.

I lifted my head and looked into the blood red eyes of the female Vampire of the group.

Her fire red hair was messy but it looked good on her. She was pale and beautiful like all Vampire, making me briefly wonder if there was such a thing as an ugly Vampire before I snapped back to my current predicament.

She looked at me with disgust and jealousy in her eyes. The fact that James was after me and had any kind of interest in me, even just as a fancy meal, was upsetting her greatly.

"Hmm….you got her. The little pet. Let me take a look at you." Victoria said as her lips turned into a twisted smile.

She went to stand before me and grabbed my chin in her hand to have a better view of my face. I thought she was going to break my jaw her grip was that tight.

Her crimson eyes bored into mine. I could see that she thought I wasn't worth the time and effort but she would do anything for James.

"I was actually only spying but then she was all alone. That was a chance I couldn't pass up." James smirked as he came to sit in a crouch before me with a sick smile on his face.

A last minute decision, Alice couldn't have seen this. This is bad.

James reached his hand out to me. He touched my cheek carefully with a gentleness I didn't know he posed but it only was creeping me out.

Victoria growled lowly as she was watching his actions but with one quick look from James she was silenced.

He stroked along my cheek, down my neck and suddenly gripped the collar of my jacket ripping it off in a quick movement.

"Take this and leave a false trail for her owners. We are going to make this interesting." He threw my jacket to Victoria, licked his lips and looked hungry at me.

My eyes widen and I swallowed hard. I could hear my heart in my ears it was beating violently. Not a good idea with Vampires around but what could I do.

James noticed my high heart rate. He turned back to me and put his finger under my chin before saying.

"Oh don't worry I won't kill you. Well at least not now. First I will have some fun."

I was prepared for this case. I somehow knew that James would get me and I was ready to put up a fight, no matter how frighten I was though I was more numb then anything else. But to be able to have a chance the odds had to be right.

First: I couldn't take down tow Vampires at once.

I would have to wait for James and Victoria to separate.

Second: I needed to wait for the right moment to start my attack.

I only had one shot and it had to be placed perfectly.

"You know what you have to do!" James questioned Victoria. She smirked amused at him.

"Of cause you will be very pleased. By the time they notice that they are following a wrong trail it will be to late."

James and Victoria's faces turned into evil grimaces before she took off and he flung me over his shoulder again flying through the forest.

At least they didn't know about Alice's, Edward's and Jaspers abilities. I could only hope Alice would see in time what was happening. I'm certain I'm able to fight James off for sometime but I would need a miracle to kill him on my own.

I don't want Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Emmett, Jasper or Carlisle to get hurt. I love them too much. But I can't help but hope they will come and save me. I have faith in them. And with the odds seven against tow, I hope it's going to be alright.

Edward's POV:

It took really everything I had not to leap at this stupid teacher and rip his head off. With the James and Victoria matter not solved I didn't like it one bit when Anna was out of my sight, with not even one of my siblings to guard her.

As Anna was about to go she whispered quietly only meant for my ears.

"Edward I love you."

Every time she says that my heart swells I gave her a crooked smile in respond and mouthed my proclamation of my love for her.

Does she even know how much she means to me? She is everything to me if something was to happen to her I don't know what I would do. I can't live without her anymore. To have to live without her is the worst kind of hell possible for me.

Anna left the room and I immediately started to look through the minds of others on her but I only got glimpses of Anna. She had to go to Mr. Banner's class which was at the other side of the campus and a long distance where I wasn't able to see her at all.

The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow until she finally arrived in Mr. Banners class. I blew out a sighed of relief. She was fine.

My love handed the papers over and walked out of the class room. Now it wouldn't be long before she would be at my side again, save and sound.

I was sitting in my chair and watching my watch. I was becoming more nervous and anxious by the second. She should have been in sight by now.

Franticly I was scanning the minds of others to get a glimpse of her but I didn't see her. Suddenly Alice's vision hit me like a fright train, knocking the air out of me.

My Angel was lying on the ground in the forest and James and Victoria were hovering over her. James threw Victoria Anna's jacket and told her to leave false trails while he turned back to my Angel.

Violent fear was ruling my body and mind now.

They had her.

They had my love in their lethal clutches.

Not able to hold back I leaped out of my seat barely being able to pretend to be human. My face must have been murderous because the teacher jumped back at my sight.

Naked fear was swimming in his eyes. His mouth was hanging open in shock and he had his hand over his heart as it was beating violently out of fear.

Not wasting my time with making any kind of explanations up, I rushed out of the room barely keeping human speed.

As I arrive at my car so did my siblings already aware of the grave situation.

"Alice do you know where he is taking her?" I asked her in an urgent voice, shaking with a mix out of fear for my loves life and furry at that monster.

"He is going to some run down building with her. It looks like a timber mill somewhere in the forest. I'm sorry all I get are flashes from inside the building. I don't know which one it is nor am I able to get a good vision of the area around. I already called Carlisle. How cold I not see this happening." Alice cried devastated as Jasper pulled her into his embrace.

"But Victoria she will run across your meadow Edward as she will be leaving a false trail." Alice said suddenly looking up at me.

"Alright Emmett, Rosalie and Alice you go to Edward's meadow and wait there for this Victoria while Edward and I are going to look up the closed timber mills in the area." Jasper commanded as he jumped into his military self.

Jasper pulled his mobile out and went on the internet search for closed timber mills in the area.

We knew our way around Forks but he was a perfectionist when it came to planning a mission and we couldn't afford to overlook a location.

We all nodded and sprang into action. I could only hope that my love would be alright. I prayed to every god there is that she would be unharmed that I would get to her in time.

But one thing was for sure this piece of junk was going to die a painful death. I was going to make sure of it.

Anna's POV:

He was running through the forest with me again. I was thrown over his shoulder, hanging head down like a sack of potatoes.

In this position I was slowly getting motion sickness. His shoulder bored into my stomach and I felt like throwing up.

I closed my eyes to try to regain my composure breathing evenly in and out. His movements stopped abrupt again and he shook me off his shoulder throwing me to the ground again.

The ground was harder then the one before and I couldn't help but to let out a scream of pain as my body made the impact with the hard surface.

There I was lying on the ground before him. His face satisfied at my pain and his success. In a flash he was crouching before me watching me.

I glared at him and crawled back, away from him until I touched a pillar with my back. He stood up and didn't move. He was just watching me, enjoying my fear. I continued to glare at him which seemed to amuse him.

As he was watching me I used the chance to look at the room I was in. If I wanted to get away from him I needed to know where I was and what the fastest escape was.

I looked around the room and saw that we where in a run down building. It was a hall, with big windows that were broken and dirty, grass and other plants were growing through torn cement ground. I also could see some little trees growing in this hall I was in.

The roof had holes at some places some were small and tow big ones. Spider webs were everywhere and some puddles from the last rain.

Just an arms length away from me stood a bucket it was filled half full with some fluid. Taking a deep breath I could tell it was gasoline.

The gasoline was old and dirt was swimming in it but it was enough for my purpose, guess luck was on my side, at least a little.

This bucket was helpful. It would give me more time. Now all I needed was to set my plan in motion and wait for him to get distracted to have my chance to strike.

I wondered what he was waiting for and how much time I had left as his mobile suddenly ringed.

"Well how is it going?" He asked while the other person which most likely was Victoria answered.

He turned his back on me and I used this chance to crawl closer to the bucket with gasoline.

While he was distracted with the phone call, I never leaving my eyes of off him moved slowly closer to my aim.

As he ended his call and put his mobile back in his pocket I grabbed the bucket and threw it at him so that the content spilled all over him and the bucket hit his chest.

I knew that he would hit me for this but the gasoline increased my chances. I only hoped that he would break any bones in my body or kill me right now.

He growled and was in an instant in front of me giving me a murderous look. I didn't see it coming but I sure felt it as he hit me.

He grabbed my arm with one hand pulled me to my feet and pushed me with the other so hard that I knocked the air out of me and sent me flying. This all happened so fast that my brain couldn't keep up.

I landed in a pill of planks that were under an old and wasted blanket. The impact hurt. I was sure that I would have marks from the planks I fell into.

My chest, the place where he hit me felt sore. It was a funny kind of pain. More like deep within then on the surface. It was hard to breath and I felt dizzy but I wasn't going to give up.

If I died so would Edward. He fell in love with me and if I die he would follow me. I had to fight for his life.

And note to myself when this is over I had to coax the promise out of him that he wouldn't commit suicide. Why exactly haven't I thought of this earlier?

It hurt to move and the shock of the impact was fresh in my bones but I pulled myself together and managed to gather myself up just to see that James was in front of me again.

"Oh that wasn't nice now my clothes are wet and dirty. Look what you have done." He said in a dark and frightening voice.

"But I like it you got fight in you." He let out a crazy laugh and looked back at me.

"You know it's so boring the, Oh my god what are you?, Please don't kill me I give you everything you want, the screams and the instant defeat. It is no fun at all my prey just doesn't fight back.

But you here you have this sparkle in your eyes. You're a little fighter and so delicious."

He came closer to me, inhaled my scent and licked his lips. I swallowed hard. James smiled an evil smile before he continued.

"You have to know Anna I never came across such an amazing scent like yours. It's like not from this world. The guy that I killed here about three weeks ago had your scent on him. Your scent and the faint scents of tow Vampires. Do you have any idea how long I been searching for you? I thought the other Vampires would eat my snack but imagine my surprise when I got to discover that you are their pet. The girlfriend pet of one of them."

As he said that it clicked, now everything made sense. This one guy that was killed he was a friend of Kevin. As I heard about his dead I really wished I would have paid better attention to the details in the book. Maybe if I had I could have saved this mans life.

He was at our house the day he got killed by James. This guy was really touchy he pulled me into a hug when we were first introduced and then as he left.

That's how my scent got on him and since Edward spend the night in my room and Alice came by to dress me, their scents where transferred from me on him.

James probably didn't go to the baseball game because he was on the hunt for me and he didn't want to be disturbed by other Vampires.

Or maybe because he is a tracker he was able to smell Edward and Alice from where he was and decided to observe from afar?

"I want to thank you for a really exciting game. It wasn't easy first to find you and then to decide what to do next but then you are just running straight into my arms. They should have turned you I don't understand how they can be near you and not drain you." The evil sadistic grin back on his face as he watched how I took all of this in.

So this is why Alice didn't see him. Without knowing it he did everything right. He kept on chancing his mind and got me on a last minute decision, helped by coincidence.

"And now be a good girl and don't move or I have to hurt you again." He said in this scary creepy voice of his as he moved away to the other end of the hall.

I used the chance and pulled my lighter out of my pocket. I don't have a random lighter but a candle lighter. It was the best choice really. The smart thing about it is that the button to switch the flame on and the opening where the flame came out where in a fare distance away. It made sure that I would not burn my fingers.

I hid my candle lighter up my palm. Next I pulled my right leg to me to have my other weapon handy.

He came back to me with a cam coder in his hand. I knew what this sick idiot was about to do.

"I would like to have your little boyfriend to take part in the fun. What do you think? You should know there was one time that my prey escaped me. She was in an asylum because she had visions. She was thrown in a black hole and had shock treatment. Her scent was the most delicious one I have ever smelled but an old Vampire protected her from me. He turned her and when she woke up she didn't remember anything. Of cause I killed the old man because she was mine and he spoiled my meal. You know who I'm taking about, don't you?"

"Alice." I said with as much surprise as I could and it really fooled him.

"Yes, you are a good atonement for her. It always bugged me that my record got spoiled maybe I should do something about it. What do you think?" He was holding the camera in my face.

I just glared at him.

"Don't you want to ask your little boyfriend to avenge you?" He asked.

"Look Edward look at her. Your little pet is here so scared and alone. You know you are not a good boyfriend you couldn't even protect your little pet. Now she is scared and hurt. You should have seen her flying across the room. Quite graceful." He was laughing like a crazy person now.

He turned his back to me to talk into the camera. He no longer paid attention to me that was my chance.

Ever since I knew James and his coven were in the area I was prepared. I had my candle lighter and a can with hairspray. The lighter and the hairspray will make quite a huge flame and set him on fire and with the gasoline now he'll go up in flames like torch, well at least in theory.

I had the hairspray on my ankle held in place with a strip of Velcro. Under my pans none saw it. I had it with me all the time and now was the time to use it.

James was speaking into the camera with his back still to me. My heart was violently throbbing in my ears. The throbbing was so laud that I couldn't hear anything I needed to calm myself down. I took deep breaths to force myself to be calm.

Having regained some of my composure I could hear what James said.

"…..don't you think. Now Edward I would like you to join our fun. I will slowly enjoy the sweet nectar of your beautiful pet but do not fret. I will let you enjoy this too. The camera will record it all. Aren't I nice?" His voice was twisted and his laugh was disgusting.

He loved it, it was making him existed to inflict pain and suffering on others.

Once more I saw what a vile creature he was and asked myself what kind of monster he was as a human.

Was he a murder, a rapist or even something worse? Was the reason he was created because he was such a monster.

Was his creator just like him? And he turned James to have a companion to torture and kill people with?

Or was James just an unfinished meal by some random Vampire? Somewhere forgotten, thrown away to burn on his own?

It was ridiculous what I was thinking while facing death but at least it calmed me a little as absurd as it sounds.

But no matter what I wasn't going to be his next victim. I had only little time left before he would drain me. I had to act now and fast.

I moved my hand to my right ankle, under my trouser leg. I grabbed the hairspray. The whole time my eyes didn't leave James form, watching out for every one of his movements.

I brought the hairspray in position and put the candle lighter before the opening of the can of hairspray.

Now it had to go fast and I couldn't make a mistake. My life depended on it and not only mine. I switched the lighter on and pressed the button of the can.

The spray came out. As it hit the little flame of my lighter a huge green/blue white flame exploded.

The flame immediately reached James as he was only about tow arm lengths away from me because his clothes were drenched with gasoline he really gone up in flames like I thought he would.

The flame first touched his back as he stood with his back to me. As it did James cried out in surprise and pain, straightening up.

After a few shock seconds he turned around, which wasn't a good idea on his part because my flame was still on and now also hit his front that quickly lit up.

The flames were eating their way over his body, consumed every part of his front. The flames where running up his chest and down his legs.

The gasoline was making good work, working in my favour. He was screaming in pain desperately trying to put the flames out.

James was in flames which were eating his body and I didn't wait any longer. I started to run for my life.

I heard the camera falling out of his hand just as I heard birds singing peacefully in the forest not aware of the grave situation inside the building.

How strange that was here inside the building I was fearing and fighting for my life and outside those walls the normal, peaceful life was continuing unaware of my struggles.

Life and Death. Is the difference between the two of them where you are at the certain point of time? Another useless question that swam in my mind.

The wind was blowing through the broken windows producing the typical sounds. My shoes were clattering on the cement ground as I run.

It was weird that I noticed my surroundings this detailed as I was fleeing from the death that was only a few feet away from me.

As I heard my shoes clattering on the cement ground I prayed that he wouldn't follow the sound they were making.

He was preoccupied with the flames and being burned into ashes. Of cause he wouldn't have time for me now but still worries were flooding my thoughts right now.

I was running to the half open rusty metal gate. The steps I had to take to get there seemed endless.

The sun was shining brightly through the opening and reaching the gate had suddenly some thing monumental.

When I finally passed the gate I didn't stop instead I turned my head quickly in every direction to see where to run but it didn't matter.

I didn't know where I was. I only saw that I was in a forest that hadn't seen a human being in decades.

As I ran I heard his agonized cries echoed through the forest. His cries of pain send cold chills down my spine. His cries were like nails on a black board.

I pushed myself faster to get away. If he was able to put the flames out I was dead. I threw myself into the green branches which hit my body everywhere tearing my clothes.

The adrenaline shot through my body and I wasn't even feeling the cuts that I certainly had received from the green around me.

I ran as fast as I could the lighter and hairspray still in my hands in case Victoria would show or James would recover faster then I thought.

Yes, I wasn't any match for a Vampire if I hadn't the advantage of surprise on my side. He could have easily snapped me in two if he wouldn't have been so arrogant.

Arrogance was their weakness and the only thing that gave me a chance at survival.

If they wanted me dead they would have to fight me. I wouldn't get down without a fight. I had too much to life for.

Somehow I was jumping from I will die to I will kick their asses if they try to kill me pretty often but hey two insane, bloodthirsty Vampire are after me guess a little craziness is allowed.

I ran as fast as I could as suddenly a blur ran past me and tow clod, hard, cold arms caught me. Stopping my escape dead.

I was held hostage again in cold arms. I stopped breathing. Either James or Victoria had me but if they thought they had an easy game they were wrong.

My heard was about to jump out of my chest, squeezing my lighter and the hairspray. Ready for the next fight, ready to kill the one who dared to try to remove me from the side of the man that I love.

I slowly turned around and was faced with.....

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