Two puzzle pieces.
Made for each other.
Somewhere in the sky an old Lord,
in that instant,
he had finally found them.
- Alessandro Barricco
Finn was preparing the theme for the next class at the Glee Club on the night of the premiere.
Teaching was a demanding job but it gave him a lot of satisfaction.
He remembered what Professor Schuester once told them: "Take care of the Glee Club and he will take care of you"; and it was, in fact, just like that.
Despite the joy that the boys gave him, he still could not be happy for too long, his gaze was lost in the void, it was sad and dull.
He would have liked to be at Rachel's premiere, he had even packed his suitcase but something had stopped him: perhaps feeling uncomfortable in an environment unknown to him or simply the fear of not being enough for her, of not being the one who made her shine .
It didn't take the words of Blaine, Sam and especially Kurt to dissuade him from those thoughts. His friends had not been able to destroy the wall he had created to protect himself, not to suffer again: that wall that only one person could tear down.
Rachel walked confidently down the Mckinley corridor, slowly and savoring the warmth of home that the place gave off. In those corridors, in those classrooms, she had spent the best years of her life: she had found friends who had become her family, she had learned to dream and she had found love, even if she he had lost.
She was standing on the threshold of the singing room admiring in ecstasy the tall figure, like a good giant of Finn: one of the characteristics that she had made her fall in love with him.
Finn, with his vest and "I really want to teach", was bent over the piano to choose the song spreads for the lesson that would be held in a few minutes.
"I can help you if you want," finally taking courage she admitted shyly, quickly turning Finn that he thought he was seeing a mirage, as he often did.
He was enchanted by that grown and mature Rachel who remained, however, always the same.
He couldn't take his eyes off him, which lit up as soon as he saw her.
Rachel wore a heart print dress, a doll style, cinched at the waist with a full skirt and puffed sleeves.
Her style was eccentric and original and this undoubtedly recalled her old self. Rachel insecure that she sang at the glee club, that she always struggled for the best solos and she dreamed big.
The same girl Finn had fallen in love with, because of her simplicity and her special being.
Her attention was captured by the light emanating from her object around her neck, which turned out to be her necklace that he had given her with the words "Finn".
That detail shook him, returning him to reality.
"It depends. Do you want to do a solo? " he asked jokingly, embarrassed at the same time.
"Of course," she replied, laughing, making him laugh too, easing the tension that had built up.
The sound of their laughter echoed in that classroom that had witnessed their love.
" What are you doing here?" Finn asked, immediately becoming serious again, but with a hint of impatience, sweetness and hope that characterized him.
"I'm home," Rachel admitted, making a smile formed on her lips formed by those dimples she loved so much, at the same time dissolving the armor he had created to protect himself.
They approached and very tenderly exchanged a kiss that had been awaited for years, full of a thousand promises.
"Everything I've ever wanted,
everything i ever needed:
IT IS YOU!" in a whisper on the edge of my lips I confess Rachel, before kissing him again, sealing her promise made silently.
There was no need for other words, not when the facts spoke for themselves, giving the right conclusion to their beautiful love story: this, in reality, was only the beginning of their life together.
All those who live on love
They live it forever.
There is a forever written for each of us,
just like for them.
Author's space:
Hi Gleeks = D
I managed to update before a week, I jumped a bit because between the study and a thousand other things it was not expected that I would update today, yet I did it. This is the last chapter of this little Finchel story that I hope you enjoyed, that you have kept a little company and above all it has made you move and dream just like it happened to me. These dialogues and events are my own invention apart from a few hints of what Rachel and Finn did on the show, the rest is mine. As you can see there are two sentences that Ryan Murphy wanted or rather intended to put at the end of glee as a conclusion "What are you doing here?" - "I'm home", he had said in many interviews that if Cory would not go away , these sentences would be inserted. I wanted not only to pay homage to Ryan but also to Finchel and Monchele and so I entered them. I tried to keep the characters of the characters as in the series and I hope I succeeded, I'm sorry that the chapter is short but I hope I managed to convey those emotions that they feel in us gleeks. Now I let you go that I have already talked too much XD and I await your positive or negative reviews that are anxious ....
Happy reading everyone !!!
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