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60% With Chakra in the One Piece verse / Chapter 6: Assassination Mission, and becoming brothers

Kapitel 6: Assassination Mission, and becoming brothers

Ace and Luffy invited Masahiko and Sabo to Dadan's house, but Masahiko said, that he wants to move his house here.

They of course did not believe him, why should they even believe him. His house was one ton or more.

The thing with Masahiko was, that he was very mysterious to, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy.


Masahiko himself had an easy time, moving his house with his chains, while it was in the middle of the night. His chains could easily hold three or more tons. Plus, to him, it was a good test for his chains. So he could know the limit of his chains.

Masahiko was kind of hungry, so while he moved the house with the chains, he ate. He loved his chains so much.

He looked at the mini-map to know, how much time he needs to get there. He already was there., just needed a few meters.

He then put down the house, besides Dadan's house. He then went in and slept in there.

(In the morning)

''WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?? ACE!! LUFFY!! WHO IS THIS!!? WHY IS THERE ANOTHER BRAT HERE!!?'' Screamed Dadan, early in the morning and waking up Masahiko.

Masahiko was now waking up, because of Dadan. He sat on his bed for three minutes and just stared at the wall, while not having any thoughts in his brain.

''Damn, she can be loud as a chainsaw.'' Muttered Masahiko, while being annoyed, that his sleep got interrupted.

Masahiko then looked at the history of the system. Meaning, that he searched for something he may have forgotten.

Then, he looked at his most recent quest, which was to protect Luffy from torture. The reward was a Susanoo. Wondering how he could activate it, he imagined a ribcage, and suddenly every cell of his body was in pain.

The ribcage's color was silver/white. But Masahiko quickly disabled it, to get rid of the pain in his cells.

Masahiko could hear, the steps of the boys. While Dadan was screaming.

''WHOA!! ISN'T THIS MASAHIKO'S HOUSE?!'' Screamed Luffy, as he stepped forward to it.

''I thought, that he would be kidding, but he did it. That guy.'' Said, Ace.

''How did he even bring his house here, I don't get it, man.'' Said Sabo.

''Actually- Said Masahiko, as he stepped out of the house.- I brought it with something I love.''

''But I won't tell you guys, hihi.'' Said Masahiko, while he had a cheeky look on his face.

''AND WHO ARE YOU BRAT, IF I MAY ASK!'' Screamed Dadan, into Masahiko's face.

''My name is Masahiko. Why do you ask?'' Said Masahiko with a bored face.


''Well, Luffy allowed, and when he allowed it, Garp-san allowed it too'' Masahiko answered, while not having a single clue what he just said.

He just talked about what's on his brain. Masahiko never genuinely thought about what to say, except in things he knew had consequences.

''Well anyways, let's go, Sabo, Ace, Luffy.'' Said Masahiko as they ran away.

Masahiko ran the fastest, Ace second fastest, and Sabo the third fastest. While Luffy was the last.

They talked about some stuff, which Masahiko did not hear. He was thinking about his Susanoo.

''Let us eat first, and then do stuff.'' Said Luffy, while running up to Ace and Sabo.

''Then let's go to the river.''

''Yeah, I agree. Let's go''

Masahiko was the fastest at the river. Then came Luffy, and then the other two. Luffy was the second-fastest because he used Gumo Gumo no Rocket, but he fell into the water.

So Masahiko saved him, and Luffy thought he was gonna die. Then Luffy thanked him for saving his life. Masahiko then wondered, who even saved Luffy in cannon.

As Hiko's clothes got wet, he just undressed his t-shirt and shorts, leaving only his underwear to show.

''Why are you stripping, Masahiko.'' Asked Luffy, while questioning his first mate's decision.

''I am stripping because I do not want to get a cold.'' Answered Masahiko annoyed.

He knows that Luffy claimed, that he never got sick, and he believed him. But he did not want to risk getting a cold.

He then jumped into the water and caught a giant fish. For him and Luffy to eat, he nearly drowned, because he punched the fish underwater with chakra and it sunk so deep, that he had to swim down to get it.

When he got out of the water, the first thing he did was prepare a fire. He gathered some wood and used his electricity chakra to burn it.

While Sabo and Ace already ate.

''Luffy, so you ate the Devil Fruit?'' Asked Sabo, while eating his fish.


''No wonder you can't swim.'' Said Sabo.

''So, what fruit did you eat.'' Asked Ace energetically.

''Gum-Gum.'' Said Luffy.

''Gum? OH, GUM.'' Said Sabo.

''Did you know, that bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum.'' Masahiko said.

''What.'' Asked Luffy and Sabo, wondering what he just said.

''Oh, nothing.'' Said Masahiko kind of disappointed.

''In exchange for the ability to swim, your body turned into rubber? So crappy!'' Butted Ace in.

''Actually, Luffy's fruit has potential. If he uses it with creativity. I read, that there are only bad users no bad fruits. Well, there is one bad fruit.'' Said Masahiko defending his captain. He hinted at the Jacket-Jacket Fruit.

''Yeah, you tell him Masahiko, I thought one ability out already.'' Said Luffy, annoyed at Ace.

''I actually, have an attack on my mind.'' Said Masahiko. He thought about Third Gear.

''Good, that's good for you.- Said Ace while leaning to the side.-You have such a fat mouth even though you can't catch a fish. Masahiko did it for you.''

Luffy wanted to attack Ace, but Masahiko and Sabo held his cheeks.

''Don't play with my body Sabo!'' Said Luffy annoyed.

''Well, rubber stretches out and gets rough, you can use that in battle.'' Said Sabo, while he grinned.

''Right?! Ok, let me show my move, Ace go to the side. Only Masahiko and Sabo are allowed to see it.'' Said Luffy, while he looked at ace.

''It's called GOMU-GOMU No Fusen, it can deflect cannonballs and everything!'' Said Luffy excited.

''Here we go! GOMU-GOMU no FUSEN!'' Luffy said.

Luffy was inhaling so much air, that the middle part of his body was round. This made it easier for Masahiko to show Luffy a future attack of his.

''What? What the! YOU ARE GETTING HUGE!'' Said Sabo amazed.

''Ok Luffy, now stay still please do not move. I will show you an attack I thought about.'' Said Masahiko.

Luffy stood still, and Masahiko jumped on the rock beside him.

''Ok, Luffy now put your thumb into your mouth and bite it.'' Instructed Masahiko to Luffy.

Luffy did as Masahiko instructed him.

''And now?'' Asked Luffy.

''NOW let all your air from the gomu-gomu no fusen, into the thumb.'' Said Masahiko

Luffy let all of the air blow into his thumb, and now his arm was getting inflated.

Masahiko then told Luffy to aim at the terrain from where they jumped into the river.

Luffy was kind of struggling at first, but he got the hang of it and punched the wall of rock that Masahiko told him to aim at.

The aftermath of the punch was bigger than Masahiko expected. Luffy had destroyed the part of the terrain, which he aimed at.

''Amazing Masahiko, you really are creative.'' Praised Luffy. Masahiko sweatdropped at that. It was not his creativity, it was Luffy's.

And then, the bad thing happened, which Masahiko nearly forgot. Pre-timeskip, where Luffy used Gear Third, was already bad enough. He wondered how much Luffy would decrease in size this time.

''WHOAA! WHAT HAPPENED!!'' Screamed Luffy. His arm, which was full of air blew the air out at a fast rate, which made Luffy fly.

But Masahiko channeled Chakra into his feet and jumped with this, he catched the flying Luffy.

Masahiko was surprised when Luffy stayed the same height as before.

''Thank you, Hiko!!'' Thanked Luffy. Seriously Masahiko always saved him.

Masahiko then landed cleanly on his feet with Luffy on his back.

''You were nearly eaten by a crocodile. Luffy.'' Said Masahiko.

''But you saved me, didn't you. shi-shi-shi-shi'' Laughed Luffy.

Masahiko then hit Luffy in the face.


One week has gone by since Luffy learned his wannabe gear three version.


They currently made one vs one battles, at which they fought another.

Currently, Masahiko had ninety-nine won battles. He fought twenty-five times against Sabo, twenty-five times against Ace, and fourty-nine battles against Luffy. Yet each time he fought them, they got better and strong, but Masahiko got too.

''Come on Masahiko, battle me one last time.'' Said Luffy, as he was on the ground breathing hard.

''How are you not tired yet, Masahiko?'' Asked Ace exhausted.

''I am just a stamina king, I guess.'' Said Masahiko.

'Uzumaki genes for the win bro. Best Clan in Naruto. If this goes on, maybe I could even surpass Aokiji vs Akainu. They fought for ten days.' Thought Masahiko.

''How right you are, you are not even sweating.'' Said Sabo, as he wiped his sweat off his forehead.

''Ok, Luffy, but this is the last fight for today.'' Said Masahiko at his future captain.

Luffy instantly got up, when Masahiko said the sentence.

Masahiko went into his stance. It was rock lee's stance.

(if you don't know lee stance.)

Luffy charged at Masahiko with an obvious punch. Masahiko dodged to the left of him and punched Luffy to the chest. He then kicked him to the sky and Masahiko jumped up and punched him with his left fist in the sky. Luffy then flew to the ground and Masahiko kicked him on the ground with his right foot.

''LIONS BARRAGE.'' Screamed Masahiko.

Yes, he copied this move from Sasuke, he already tried this it some thugs at the Gray Terminal. Masahiko needed twenty tries to get the barrage right.

He did not use Chakra, for all the fights today at all. Even for the Lions Barrage.

''AWESOME, MASAHIKO.'' Screamed Sabo. It was kind of weird for Masahiko.

''That move was brutal, Luffy didn't even have time to react and counter react.'' Said, Ace.

''Okay, that makes Masahiko the winner for today.'' Said Sabo.

''If we let our muscles rest for a few hours. We are gonna be stronger afterwards.'' Said Masahiko.

''Ok, I agree with Masahiko. But first, let us get something to eat.'' Said Ace.

Luffy just gave a thumbs up and Sabo wanted to say something but said yes in the end.

''Let me handle it, I will be here in five minutes.'' Said Masahiko assuring their trust in him.

Masahiko then, channeled chakra into his feet to be faster. He now ran for seventy-four miles per hour and was instantly at the river where Luffy demolished the terrain.

He found a crocodile sleeping and beheaded it with his katana. 'I am sorry big one.' Thought Masahiko.

He jumped from the cliff and landed on its back. He then grabbed the dead's crocodile belly and threw it in the air. Masahiko then brought out his chains and they wrapped around the crocodile's body. One on its neck, one on its belly, and one on its tail.

Masahiko then walked on the water, and then he jumped from the water to the sky. When he was in the air, Masahiko used the chains to bring the crocodile near to him, and he used its dead body as a springboard.

This way he was faster than he would normally be. Masahiko used that excuse earlier with the muscle resting, to do something stupid. But now he got other things in mind.

He only needed twenty meters, and he was already there. so he hid in the trees and undid the chains one by one. Masahiko then channeled chakra into his hands and grabbed the crocodile by its belly. It was surprisingly easy. He jumped from the tree onto the ground and nearly fell, but he saved himself quickly.

As the others saw Masahiko their mouths were leaking with spit. Masahiko was grossed out but didn't let it bother him. He then let them carry the crocodile. Sabo then asked where the head of it is. Masahiko told him that he cut it off. Sabo then decided that he shouldn't ask Masahiko things anymore.

Luffy complained, that it was too heavy for him, but Masahiko gave him a boost of power, by saying.

''I am currently stronger than you Luffy, and you will be my future captain. Doesn't that embarrass you a bit?''

Luffy then got fired up and carried the crocodile alone to Dadan's house at top speed.

'Yeah, that is Luffy for you.' Thought Masahiko while smiling.

They then went after Luffy and catched up.

When they were there, Masahiko said that he had something to do. Sabo screamed that to him that in two hours they will meet at Gray Terminal.


Masahiko jumped to the roof of Dadan's house and after that, he jumped again. While in the air he transformed himself into a raven.

He was on the way to Sabo's Parents, to assassinate them, specifically his dad. Being in the fresh air, as a raven was one of the coolest things, but that didn't matter now as he was now on a mission.

He looked at the mini-map to see how much time he needed. He still needed five minutes. On his way there, he looked at the System shop. To see if there was something special. And he found something special.

It was from the Anime/Manga Bleach.

(Kisuke Urahara's Hat, thirty million beli)

He bought it, and he could feel a little hat on his raven head.

'It customizes the size of the hat, wait I gotta try this' He thought.

Masahiko undid the transformation Jutsu and felt the same hat on his head, but bigger. He transformed himself quickly into a raven again, before he fell too much.

'This is so cool, I love this hat already.' Thought Masahiko.

He spent a couple of minutes flying through the air, but finally reached Sabo's former mansion. He flew through the window into the toilet and undid the Jutsu. He then used transformation Jutsu again and transformed himself into Itachi Uchiha with the Akatsuki cloak.

Masahiko took out his Katana, and he went to do the job.

Stelley had a great day till now, his new mom took him out to go shopping and his new dad was working.

But then he saw something horrifying. A man was suddenly in his room with the most menacing look he had ever seen. He had red eyes with three black tomoe. Stelley wanted to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth. He could only talk normally.

One second later, and the boy was beheaded, blood streaming out of his neck at a rapid speed. There was blood everywhere in the room.

Masahiko took his Noble emblem, he thought it could be useful in the future.

'Let's look for that discord moderator with the double chin.' Thought Masahiko.

He took on the form of Stelley and went to the working room. Due to his map, he didn't need to search for him. Which was great for assassinating people.

Masahiko while disguised as Stelley knocked on Sabo's father's door.

''Who?'' Asked the fatty.

''Me, daddy.'' Said ''Stelley''. 'Uh cringe bro, never doing that again.'

''Come right in Stelley.'' Said the discord mod.

Masahiko came in and the man asked what he wanted.

''Your death Daddy.'' Said Masahiko sweetly.

Sabo's father was irritated. Masahiko then proceeded to put a No screaming Fuin Jutsu on him. Then he stabbed him brutally with a knife. Thirty-eight times to be exact. And left him to bleed out.

Masahiko then transformed into Sabo's dad, and the things he would do to her. Masahiko hated Sabo's mother the most.

So he went to her room and tortured her. But she quickly died.

After Masahiko killed the three, he went to retreat the Fuin Jutsu, mainly because of fingerprints.

He didn't know if they could lead to him, but he did not dare to underestimate the world of One Piece.

He wanted to shower at this house but, he did not want to leave fingerprints. He decided to bathe himself at the river.

He then went to the toilet again and climbed out the window.

Masahiko then transformed himself into a raven again and flew to the nearest river. He felt kind of bad, but Masahiko had new morals. So he did not care as much as his first kill. Plus everyone's first kill is a bit traumatic.

He was at the river. He first stripped himself butt-naked and bought some soap from the System. The river was kind of cold, so he had to get used to its temperature. He needed five minutes to do so luckily nobody was near him.

He then grabbed the soap and rubbed it everywhere on his body. It was kind of relaxing, all the dirt on him flowing away with the water.

He went to dry himself with a bath towel.

Masahiko then sealed the dirty clothes, and unsealed some fresh clothes, he had on his small storage scroll.

His t-shirt, was basically what Sasuke wore in the fourth shinobi world war, but instead of the Uchiha Clan symbol on the back, there was an Uzumaki clan symbol.

His shorts were white with some more pockets to store his Shuriken.

And he wore his normal Ninja boots.

He then checked the time and noticed that he only had five minutes left.

Masahiko took his hat and wore it. Then he jumped into the air and transformed into a raven.


Sabo's plan was, to get into the city using a large cloak with a hood. Masahiko had his own plans, he told them, that he will transform into an adult with a bag of things he could sell.

He transformed into Jiraiya and greeted the guard, he asked what he will be doing in the city. Masahiko then showed him the bag, which was full of things you could sell.

''Ok, you can go in.'' Said the Guard.

As the three wanted to go in they got stopped too. But got eventually in.

At edge town, where all the thugs and gangsters from the city hang out. They challenged local thugs and beat them down.

Masahiko always waiting for the fights to start. When they started, he usually jumped down with his pipe and surprised attacked them, but without channeling his chakra into it, he didn't want to kill for no as there was no reason to it. He only wanted to get stronger.

Luffy was hungry so Ace wanted to show him ramen. Sabo didn't know what ramen is.

Masahiko never ate ramen in his entire life. He didn't count the instant ramen. So he was kind of excited to taste real Ramen.

As they got in, they got scolded by the guy who was behind the counter. He told them, that they were not allowed into this restaurant, but as soon as Sabo showed his Noble emblem. His entire attitude changed and was welcoming. Sabo demanded a V.I.P room, and he said that they will prepare it for him.

'Segregation at its best. Huh.' Thought Masahiko.

Sabo told the guy of the restaurant, that the disguised Masahiko is a friend of him and he let him in the V.I.P section too.

The V.I.P room was well decorated. And the waitress laid the four Ramen bowls on the table.

''This is ramen?'' Asked Luffy.

''Yes, try it Luffy.'' Said Ace with a rare smile.

Masahiko planted a no scream Fuin Jutsu on Luffy for safety. Then he undid the transformation Jutsu.

''Wow, it is tasty.'' Said Masahiko.

Luffy wanted to scream that he wants to more but the seal prevented him from screaming.

Sabo then said more with a changed voice.

And the waitress came with 4 more bowls. Masahiko then told Sabo that he is full.

This went on for eight times, till Luffy stretched his arm out to grab one of the plates.

''Sir, we need to speak!''

''Damn, they found out!--Let's go!''

Sabo, Ace, and Luffy then jumped out the window, but Masahiko stayed there.

''THEY DIDN'T PAY!'' Screamed the Chef.

''Catch the-'' Screamed too but got interrupted.

''Shut up man, don't you see, that I am still here.'' Said Masahiko while scratching his hair.

The waitress and the chef looked at him with dumb faces.

''Damn, will you tell me the price, or should I escape too?'' Asked Masahiko annoyed.

''The price is twenty-eight bowls which are... twenty-eight thousand Beri.'' Said the chef. ''Which I doubt you can pay.''

''Ok, wait a second... here. I put some extra money for the price of the broken glass and a tip to the waitress because the Ramen tasted good.'' Masahiko said.

He gave the chef thirty-five thousand beri and the waitress one million beri.

He then used the stairs to go out of the restaurant.

''Wait, what is your name. Sir.'' Asked the waitress.

''Masahiko Uzumaki.'' Said Masahiko as he went down the stairs.

While checking the tip she got, she was first stunned and then excited. Whoever this little boy was, she would never forget her.


Meanwhile, Masahiko checked his mini-map to look where the three are, and he went to an alleyway. And transformed into Sabo's dad. He then went walking on the street, to make this interaction, which would lead Masahiko, Luffy, and Sabo, to become brothers.

He saw the three running, and shouted with a desperate voice.

''Sabo? That must be Sabo! WAIT! You're alive! Let's go home!'' Shouted 'Sabo's dad' to Sabo.

''Hey, Sabo! He's calling you!'' Said Ace while he stopped to run.

''Who is that'' Asked Luffy.

''He confused me with someone else. Let's go!'' Said Sabo as the three began to run again.

''W-wait!'' Said Masahiko. Ok, the act is completed.

He then threw a gas bomb to the ground to create unawareness, so he could undo his Jutsu.

He then ran towards Sabo, Luffy, and Ace, they asked where he was and he said that he would answer later.

''Hold on to me tight guys.'' Masahiko said.

''Ok.'' They all said. Masahiko then jumped with chakra channeled into his feet. The jump was extremely high and they all had different reactions.

''MORE! MORE!'' Screamed Luffy excitedly.

''I DON'T WANNA DIE, AAAAAHHH!'' Screamed Sabo terrified.

Ace was quiet.

Masahiko landed cleanly on the ground.

''Never do that again with me, alright?'' Said sabo with his legs shaking from fear.

''Can we do that again Masahiko?'' Asked Luffy with the biggest smile yet.

''If you want.'' Said Masahiko

Ace had a completely different reaction, he wanted to know who that man was.

''Sabo what are you hiding?'' Asked Ace.

''What?! I am not hiding anything!!'' Answered Sabo as he was sweating.

''Oh... Really?'' Asked Luffy.

''If you are not hiding anything Sabo, then what is the sweat for. Are you just hot?'' Asked Masahiko.

''Yes, you are! Tell us, Sabo!'' Said Ace demandingly.

''We can't have secrets among us!'' Said Ace.

''Tell us!'' Said Ace and Luffy at the same time.

Sabo then looked to the side.

''I told you, I don't have any secrets.'' Said Sabo with a low voice.

Luffy and Ace, then grabbed him by the neck and Ace said that he will beat Sabo up if he does not tell his secret.

''The son of a Noble?'' Asked Ace.

''Who is it?'' Asked Luffy and Ace at the same time.

''I AM!'' Shouted Sabo.

''And?'' Said Ace and Luffy again at the same time while sticking their finger into their noses.

''YOU TWO ASKED ME FIRST!'' Screamed Sabo

'' The truth is, that my parents are alive and the man who asked for me was my father. So I am not an orphan from Gray Terminal.'' Said Sabo.

'Well, you became an orphan today actually, but you don't need to know that Sabo.' Thought Masahiko.

(HAHAHAHAHA. That was good.) Masahiko's system laughed at the thoughts of his Host.

''I am sorry I had to lie to you.'' Added Sabo.

''Well, if you're sorry, then that's fine!! I forgive you.'' Said Luffy with a smile

''I am actually pretty shocked by this. If you were born into a noble household... Why would you end up on the trash heap?

Sabo then gave a detailed story about him which happened in the past and told Masahiko, Luffy, and Ace his backstory.

''All they ever cared about was having an heir to protect thee family status and fortune. They never cared about me!!'' Said Sabo with a sad expression.

''If I couldn't marry into a royal family, then I was useless. They made me work day in, day out to improve my chances. My parents were always fighting because I wasn't good enough for them. There was never any place for me in that house.'' Said Sabo to add on his story.

''This may be kind of rude to you guys, but... I was always ''Alone'' even though I had parents.'' Said Sabo as he reflects on a memory.

''The nobles always scorned and despised the trash heap... but compared to that horrible elite district, where I didn't even have room air to breathe... Where my whole damn life was planned out for me... I'd take the trash heap any day.'' Said Sabo.

Masahiko didn't remember it so hard in the Anime or Manga. So he listened to the whole thing.

''..... So that's the deal, huh....'' Said Ace as he finally all got it together.

Sabo stood up and said. ''Ace! Masahiko! Luffy! We gotta set out to sea someday! Let's get out of this country, and gain our freedom!!!''

Masahiko just smiled, while lying down on the grass and closing his eyes

''I want to see the world in all its glory and write a book about all the things I find!! If it's sailing I am Studying for, then I don't care how hard I have to work!! We've got to get stronger, and become real pirates!!!'' Exclaimed Sabo with joy.

Masahiko could hear Ace's steps to the cliff. And he could hear the waves of the sea.

''You don't have to tell me that!! I am gonna become a pirate! Beat every last person who stands in my way... And earn myself the kind of glory that dreams are made of!! Only then will my life have been worth living!!'' Said Ace while still adding on.

''I don't care if the whole world is against me...they can hate me all they like!!! I'll become a great pirate and prove I am better than them all!!!-

-I won't run from anybody!!! I'll never lose!!! I don't care if they end up terrified of me!! I am gonna make sure the whole world knows my name!!'' Said Ace as he looked from the cliff.

''SHISHISHI... All right... well, then...'' Said Luffy with happiness.

'Alright, I wanna hear this part since this got cut out from the Anime and Manga' Thought Masahiko as he stood up.

Luffy then ran up to the cliff and screamed. ''I AM GONNA MAKE THE BIGGEST PARTY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!''

'What else should I have expected from a seven-year-old Luffy. I mean, I knew that it was not gonna be I will become Pirate king. He also got influenced by Shanks's crew.' Masahiko thought.

''HUH??!'' Came out of Sabo's and Ace's mouths.

''Of all the things you could come up with.'' Ace said disappointed.

''AHAHAHAHAHA'' Luffy just laughed at Ace's response.

''AHAHAHA, You're funny, Luffy!! I can't wait to see how you turn out in the future!''

''I guess it's time for me huh.'' Masahiko said as he stood up.

''Yeah Masahiko what is your dream, tell us.'' Luffy said looking at his first-mate

''Yeah, you actually never told us your dream.'' Said Sabo.

''Oh, now I am interested.'' Said Ace.

''I just want to be able to... Protect my family and friends.''

''That is all I want for the future.'' Said Masahiko with a true smile. It was not like those fake smiles, he had practiced in his previous life. No, this was a sincere smile.

''That's just lame Masahiko.'' Said Sabo and Ace.

(It kind of looked like this)

''We can all become pirates, but isn't it a problem that all of us wanna become a captain.'' Said Sabo suddenly.

''Sabo, you already know that I will join Luffy's crew.'' Said Masahiko annoyed at Sabo.

''Oh right, I nearly forgot that.'' Said Sabo with a sheepish face.

''I wasn't expecting that. Sabo, I thought that you would wanna be my navigator on my ship.'' Said Ace.

''What? You guys should join my ship!!'' Said Luffy now.

''NO THANKS.'' Screamed Sabo and Ace at Luffy.

''Heh, I have Hiko already on my ship, so I don't need you guys.'' Said Luffy grinning.

''Right Masahiko?'' Asked Luffy.

''Yeah... Captain.'' Said Masahiko. Meanwhile, Luffy's teeth blinked and he made a piece pose.

''Well, we can decide the details when the time comes. Maybe we will be separated, and make our own crews.'' Said Ace.

''Ahh, you stole some of Dadan's sake.'' Exclaimed Luffy.

''Did you know, you guys? If you exchange Sake, then you can become brothers.'' Said Ace as he removed the cork of the sake bottle.

''Brothers?! Really?!!'' Shouted Luffy being excited.

''When we become pirates, we may not be able to end up on the same crew... But the bond of our brotherhood we share will never die!! No matter where we are, or what we do... This is one bond we can never break...!! Starting today, we...'' Said Ace

''... Are brothers''-Luffy


''Alright, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO''-Masahiko

The new four brothers then drank the sake. It was a weird taste to Masahiko. He never had any alcohol in his previous life.

''Ok guys, the first thing we have to do as brothers is... to get Ace a hat. I have one, Luffy has one, and Sabo has one.'' Exclaimed Masahiko with joy.

Memo_429_H Memo_429_H

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