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75% Wild Card In MHA / Chapter 30: Kamino Incident

Kapitel 30: Kamino Incident

Stepping out of the warp gate, Tobias could see he was now in a bar of some kind. And he could also see that the villains that were fighting Mandalay, Tiger, and Pixie-Bob were there as well, even Toga was there, who was now smiling at Tobias like a girl in love.

'Damn, they got her back too.'

"Ah, Tobias Fukushima, welcome to our hideout." said the villain with the hands.

"Oh, Hand Freak, good to see you again." said Tobias.

"Hand Freak?"

"Yeah, I don't know your name and since you always have that weird hand on you, I've taken to calling you Hand Freak. Nice place you have here. I'm assuming it's in some abandoned building or something that allows you all to hide like rats." said Tobias as he looked around the place.

"My name is Tomura and we hide like rats, for now. Sit him down in the chair, Bakugo too. And pat him down for any cards." said Hand Freak before Compress led Tobias to a chair with straps and cuffs all over, before patting him down, finding nothing.

"Nothing? Don't tell me you used them all?" said Compress.

"Been busy." said Tobias as Compress stared at him, trying to determine if he was lying or not.

"He's telling the truth." said a voice from a monitor.

"Master." said Tomura.

"Oh, the shadowy figure that pulls the strings behind the scenes appears. I'm glad to have someone corroborate my story so I won't have to be felt up by a man." said Tobias as he was strapped in.

'Seems like the big boss has some sort of lie-detector quirk. Good thing I kept my answer vague enough for it to be truthful but misleading.' thought Tobias.

"Oh? You were able to figure out Tomura wasn't the leader?" said the voice from the monitor, sounding intrigued.

"Easily. He acts like a kid when something goes wrong. No way someone like that is capable of planning everything."

"That's funny coming from a kid." said Compress.

"Thanks. Anyway, what's gonna happen now? You're going to try to indoctrinate us into your little misdirected anger party? Or just going to wait for the heroes to rescue us, considering your plans should be taking effect soon?" said Tobias.

"Whatever do you mean?" said the voice.

"Isn't it obvious? Everything you've done so far has been to shake the public's trust in heroes and U.A. USJ started the domino effect, but the school handled it well enough with the Sports Festival. Then Hosu allowed you to do the same while piggybacking off of Stain's speech that spread like wildfire. That got people thinking and netted you these little followers of yours, especially that wannabe over there." said Tobias talking about Spinner.

"Don't talk bad about Stain! And I'm not a wannabe, I'm an admirer." he said.

"Right. Anyway, after that, attacking our Training Camp that was purposely hidden from anyone yet you managed to find it and managed to kidnap two students at the same time, will surely shake the public even more. The only thing I can't figure out is how you would shake that trust even further." said Tobias.

"You're a smart kid. It's clear to see that our indoctrination, as you call it, wouldn't work on you, not that it mattered. I have other plans for you. Send him over." he said before a warp gate appeared and Tobias was carried into it. Before he entered the gate, however, he activated a beacon card that would show up on the card he gave Kyoka, so they could also save Bakugo.

Taking a look around the new area where Tobias was taken, he could see that he was in a warehouse of sorts. Continuing to sweep the area, Tobias saw that there were giant vats that had all sorts of machinery and wires with the heads of what looked like Nomu's sticking out the top.

'Ah shit. Don't tell me he plans to make me a Nomu. That's what I get for opening my big mouth. I'll wait. If he does try to, I'll use my quirk to escape.' thought Tobias.

"Leave." said the voice as Compress and the new Warper walked back into the gate before it disappeared.

"So, is this where you make Nomu, or is it more of a storage space?"

"Irrelevant." said the voice as it appeared from the shadows to reveal a man in a suit with a black helmet over his face in an electric wheelchair.

"Aw, man. I was hoping the mastermind would look cooler. Have a mustache or something. Don't villains usually have mustaches? A little something to add flair." said Tobias as the man approached him.

"How do you know I don't have a mustache under this mask?"

"Do you?"


"Well then, my point still stands. But I guess a villain in a wheelchair is impactful in its own way."

"Mm. Do you know why I brought you here?" he asked as he stopped in front of Tobias.

"Uhh, if I had to guess, you're going to make me into a Nomu?"

"Oh? It seems you know more about Nomu's than I realized. Indeed, Nomu's are bioengineered from a body through something akin to mad science. But no, that is not why I brought you here."

"Pray tell then."

"You have been a nuisance since USJ. At first, I thought it was just because you were smarter than the rest, and you were able to figure out my plans. Clearly, I was right. But after watching the Sports Festival, I realized you were a nuisance because of your quirk. Fascinating quirk, so versatile yet so powerful."


"Mm, tell me, do you know the history of villany in Japan?" he asked as he got right in front of Tobias, close enough to touch him.


"Do you know the name All For One?"

"All Might's arch-nemesis, the greatest/worst villain of all time, tried to conquer Japan. Yeah, I've heard of him." said Tobias, before realization struck him, "Aw, shit."

"It seems you've realized my identity. Yes, I am the very same All For One that All Might was said to have struck down years ago. I'm the very same one that gave him that injury. I'm the very same one that went into hiding, biding my time for the perfect opportunity to strike."

"And the very same one that steals quirks." said Tobias, realizing why he was a capture target and why he was brought to him.

"Yes." he said as he placed his hand on Tobias and used his quirk before he could react. Only for nothing to happen.

"What?!" he said trying to steal Tobias' quirk over and over only for nothing to happen.

'Is this an extra gift from God? I'll think about that later, right now I need to leave before he tries to kill me for not being able to steal my quirk.' thought Tobias.

"Phew, thank god that didn't work, am I right?" said Tobias, relieved.

"Seems like you'll be experimented on until I'm able to steal your quirk and figure out why I can't steal it." said AFO, calm again.

"Doubtful. Later." said Tobias exploding into a load of cards and teleporting out of there, but not before placing a beacon down, along with another surprise.


Appearing from a flurry of cards back in his living room, where he had placed one of the teleport beacons, Tobias looked around to see that his Mom and Dad were both staring at him in disbelief. Taking a closer look, Tobias could see that his parents both had eyebags under their eyes and had red eyes and a red nose from crying so much.

"I'm back." said Tobias as he was tackled by his parents who started crying again.

"I'm fine. It's okay." said Tobias as he just let himself be hugged into near oblivion by his mom.

"Kyoka called to tell us what happened." said his dad, who regained his composure faster than his mom.

"How is she?"


"Sigh, with good reason. Mom, I have to go to the school. I know where the villains are hiding and they need to know that and who they're up against." said Tobias.

"No." she said, tightening her hug even more.

"Mom. Please." said Tobias as his mom looked up at him and saw his determined face.

"Why do you have to be a hero?" she asked.

"Because when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." he said.

"Sigh, just like my sister. That sense of justice." she said while smiling.


"Go. But this time you better come back or so help me god, I'll hunt you down." she said letting him go.

"Thanks, mom, dad. Love you both." he said before running out the door and giving himself wings before flying to U.A.

'It's only been an hour or two since I got nabbed, hopefully, the principal is still at the school. If not, I'll go see Kyoka.'

Reaching the school after a few minutes, Tobias walked through the front gates and made his way to the principal's office. On his way there, he ran into the teachers making their way to the conference room.

"Tobias-kun?!" said the principal, shocked to see me.

"Principal, sensei's. Nice to see you. I'm sure you're all wondering how I'm here considering I was captured. That's what I'm here to discuss. Where's All Might?" said Tobias, noticing he wasn't there.

"He's in the conference room already." said the principal.

"Good. Let's go there. This is important." he said before they made their way to the conference room.

"Tobias?! How are you here?!" asked All Might as soon as he saw him.

"That's what I'm here to discuss. As you all know, I was taken because I exchanged myself for Kyoka. But, it was also a calculated risk." said Tobias.

"Calculated risk?" said Present Mic.

"Yes. I knew that even if I got captured, they wouldn't be able to hold me. I also knew they would lower their guard even further when they didn't find any cards on my person since they know that I can only activate my quirk through the usage of a card."

"But how did you escape then?" asked Midnight.

"Not important. Anyway, once I was taken to their hideout I activated a beacon card that placed a marker on their hideout for me to know where they are when used in conjunction with another card. I was originally planning to escape after placing the card, but other circumstances led me to stay longer."

"What circumstances?" asked the principal.

"I know who the real mastermind behind the League of Villains is."


"Who?" asked All Might.

"All For One."

"What?!" they all said.

"I thought All For One was dead!" said Present Mic.

"So did I. But Tsukauchi told me that he suspected the Nomu were created using more than just bioengineering. He suspected that it was in conjunction with quirk bestowal. And the only one that can do that is All For One." said All Might.

"You knew about this?" asked Midnight.

"It was just a hunch. Without concrete proof, there's no point in riling us up." said the principal.

"How sure are you it's him?" asked All Might.

"He told me himself."

"You met him?!" he asked.

"Yes. The whole reason for me being a capture target for the Vanguard Action Squad was to have my quirk stolen. And the whole reason for Bakugo being captured was to try to turn him into a villain."

"But you managed to escape?" said the principal.

"Yes. Apparently, my quirk can't be stolen." said Tobias.

"Can't be stolen? Impossible!" said All Might.

"It's true. That's why I'm here right now. He tried to steal my quirk multiple times to no avail. Once he calmed down he said I was going to be experimented on until he could steal my quirk or I would be turned into a Nomu. That's when I escaped, but not before placing a beacon down."

"So now we have the location for both where Bakugo is being held as well as where All For One is hiding. We have to act fast." said the principal.

"There's one more thing."

"What is it?"

"We have a mole."

"A mole?"

"Yes, only the teachers and the Pussy Cats knew the training location, but a student might have done it as well."

"Can you cough up proof of that?" asked Snipe.

"With my cards, I can."

"Do it." said the principal.

"Okay." said Tobias before activating a card that summoned a Magic 8 Ball.

"A Magic 8 Ball? Isn't that a toy?" asked Snipe.

"Yes, but mine has the effect of it being real. I could use a different method, but this is easier on my stamina. Is there a mole in U.A.?" said Tobias before shaking the ball.

"Yes. Okay. Is it a teacher?"

"No. Is it one of the Pussy Cats?"

"No. Is it one of the students?"

"Yes. Is the mole in Class A?"

"Damn, it's yes. I'll do it by seats. Is the mole Aoyama?"

"So, it's Aoyama. Is there only one mole in U.A.?" said Tobias.

"Yes, only one that's good, but Aoyama, huh?"

"Is he a mole voluntarily?"

"No. Is he a mole because he's being threatened by someone?"

"Yes. Is he being threatened by All For One?"

"Yes. So, All For One has some leverage over Aoyama, forcing him to be a mole. Jesus."

"Forced by All For One to do something he doesn't want to, sounds like him all right." said All Might.

"Sigh, seems like it. We'll have to verify. Ask Tsukauchi for help, All Might." said the principal before they all turned to look at the door as it slammed open to reveal Kyoka, with red, puffy eyes while breathing heavily.

"Kyok-" said Tobias before he was slapped in the face.

"Don't ever dare exchange your life for mine again!" she said.


"Good. I was so worried about you." she said before hugging him.

"Sorry, senseis, we'll take this outside."

"Ah, youth." said Present Mic.


After telling Kyoka everything that happened, Tobias went back into the conference room, as he was called by the teachers.

"Tobias-kun, we are going to need you to tell us the location of the two hideouts."

"Of course. One condition."

"You can't go with us." said All Might.

"Doesn't hurt to ask. Here, this map will show you the location. But I advise you all to be ready for a tough fight. All For One's been planning everything to shake the public's trust in heroes. And I have a feeling he plans to lose so he can light the fire under Tomura's ass. He wants him to be his successor."

"Mm, thank you, Tobias-kun. Get home safely. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you." said the principal.

"Of course. Here, All Might-sensei." said Tobias before throwing a card that All Might caught.

"What's this?"

"A helping hand. Crush it when you're about to fight All For One." he said before leaving.


After walking Kyoka home, Tobias made his way back to his house where he was once again inspected by his mother. Once that was over, he took a shower and went to sleep. The next day he was awoken abruptly due to having to dodge the kick that was coming his way.

"What the hell? Mirko what are you doing here?" asked Tobias seeing a casual-clothed Mirko in his room.

"Heard about what happened, so I said yes to helping raid the hideout. A little payback for kidnapping my favorite student. And now that I was in the area, I came to visit, to see how you're doing." she said.

"Aren't I your only student?"

"That still makes you my favorite. Especially since you gifted me my partner." she said.

"Buneary." said Buneary as she hopped out from behind Mirko.

"Hey, Buneary. Glad to see you two are getting along so well."

"Of course, I love this little scamp." she said hugging Buneary.

"That's good. So, you're raiding the hideouts, huh? Be careful. Especially if you're raiding the one with All For One."

"Tch, I wish. They told me to help with the other one. They said All Might will be fighting him. They want me to help fight those things I fought in Hosu."

"Makes sense. You're nowhere near strong enough to fight him." he said before being hit on the head.

"Tch, and who ran away from him?" she said.

"Ah, that's because I can't legally fight. And I didn't want to implicate the school in my law-breaking. Or myself, I still have a lot to live for you know."

"Sure. Hurry up, your mom said to wake you to eat breakfast. Nice lady by the way. I like her. I think we could be friends." she said before walking out.

'Sigh, why are all the ladies in my life so firey? Better than boring ones I suppose.' thought Tobias before quickly getting ready and going to the kitchen.


Before Mirko left, she told Tobias the raid would take place the next day, and to be careful not to wander near the area. Of course, Tobias was a lawful citizen so he would never do anything of the sort.

For the rest of the day, Tobias had to keep his mind busy so he and Kyoka watched a bunch of old movies and practiced playing their instruments at his house. Both Noibat and Dratini enjoyed the music, while Ralts and Abra didn't, as it disturbed their quiet.

Seeing Kyoka jam out on the bass gave Tobias an idea for a weapon Kyoka could use.

'A guitar that she plugs her jacks into that would amplify her sound blasts and allow for her sound to change in pitch. And I could potentially make it so she can create constructs with her sound ala Scott Pilgrim. Not to mention she could also use the guitar itself to bash someone's head in. I'll also make it so it turns into a bracelet for ease of carrying.'

Thinking about the potential weapon, Tobias stopped playing the drums and began muttering to himself, much to Kyoka's dismay, who believed he was done with his muttering phase.

"What are you muttering about this time?" asked Kyoka.

"A weapon for you."

"For me?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's in the early stages in my mind but I think it'll be a good power-up for you."

"What is it?"

"A guitar that you can plug into to amplify your sound blasts, and use your sound blasts to create constructs."

"Uhh, I can't do that."

"Yeah, I know. That's what the guitar is for. I just need to make it that way. I'll have to think about it some more before I do, but I think it'll be good."

"Okay, you do that. We're going to go see Midoriya tomorrow, you going?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll heal him too. Don't want any everlasting damage on a friend." he said before starting his muttering again.


Late into the next day, Tobias and Kyoka were making their way to Midoriya's room with the rest of the class, except for Aoyama.

"I still can't believe you managed to escape." said Denki.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't take Bakugo with me. They took me away before Compress released him from the marble thing he does. I was lucky to escape." said Tobias as they came up to Midoriya's room.

"Hey, Midoriya! Looks like you're awake!" said Denki as they walked in.

"Everyone. Tobias?!" he said sitting up.

"Yo. You look rough, what happened?"

"I-if you're here does that mean?" he asked, hopeful.

"Nope, sorry. I managed to escape because they got careless, but they still had Bakugo in a marble so I couldn't get him."

"I see. It's all my fault. All I had to do was save him! My quirk is built just for that, but then it turned out like Aizawa-sensei said it would." he said laying back down.

"Then let's go save him now." said Eijiro.


"Tobias escaped from there, surely he can go back." he said.

"Uhh, look guys. As much as I want to save him, we can't."

"Why?!" said Eijiro.

"Because you don't know what we're up against."

"What do you mean?"

"Ah screw it, it'll be known eventually. The villain that is the mastermind behind the League of Villains is All For One."

"What?!" said the whole class.

"A-all For One is dead isn't he?" said Denki.

"No. I saw him. He's the reason I was a capture target. He wanted my quirk for himself, but he wasn't able to steal it from me for some reason. That's when I escaped and told the school everything. They're organizing a raid for later today. To save Bakugo and take down All For One." explained Tobias.

"So, we're just going to sit here and wait?" said Denki.

"All we can do. We're not nearly strong enough to fight the likes of All For One." said Momo.

"This sucks." said Eijiro.

"Good." said Tobias.

"What do you mean good?"

"It's good that this sucks. So you all know what it feels like to lose, to be powerless when a friend is in danger. So you can train harder and the next time this happens, it won't suck." said Tobias, as the class all fell into contemplation.

"Anyway, I also came here to heal you, Midoriya. Don't want you to become a cripple." said Tobias before he pulled a Diagnosis card from his duel disk and used it on Midoriya.

"Jesus. You really need to get this power under control. It's like a bunch of bombs went off inside your body." said Tobias before he pulled out a Heal card and used it on Midoriya.

"There, that should be good. But, this will be the last time I do something like this. You need to learn to control your strength and having me as a safety net won't do you any good."

"Mm, thank you, Tobias." he said before falling into silence.

"Sorry to interrupt. It's time for Midoriya's examination." said the doctor.

"Later, Midoriya." said the class before leaving the hospital.

Tobias and Kyoka were walking home when Tobias stopped.

"I forgot to tell him something, you can go back." said Tobias.

"Sigh, you're going to the raid, aren't you?" said Kyoka.

"Am I that obvious?"

"No, I just know you. Why?"

"I left a surprise there and I need to be nearby to activate it."

"Let's go then."

"No, you ca-"

"I go or I drag you with me." she said, not taking no for an answer.

"Fine, but here use this." he said as he pulled out two cloaks.

"What's this?"

"A cloak of invisibility. For added safety." he said before wrapping it around himself and disappearing.

"Cool." she said before doing the same.

"Wait, where are you?"


After taking off the invisibility cloaks, the two of them hopped on the train and made their way to where the beacon was. Once they were close enough for Tobias to activate his surprise, they ducked into an alley and put on the invisibility cloaks before making their way to the top of a tall building.

"First sign of danger, we run, understand?" said Kyoka.

"Yes, ma'am." said Tobias as he turned back to overlook the city.

They were currently on a building near the shopping district with a bunch of screens.

"We will now air a segment of U.A. High School's apology press conference, which took place earlier tonight." said the voice of a lady as the screen showed the principal, Aizawa-sensei and Vlad King bowing.

"Look." said Kyoka.

"I know. Aizawa-sensei looks like he wants to die." said Tobias as the press conference continued.

"They're treating them like the bad guys." said Kyoka.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of the plan to shake the trust in heroes." said Tobias as they watched the rest of the conference.

"Sigh." said Kyoka after the conference ended.

"What's wrong?"

"This whole situation." she said.

"It's in the nature of being a hero that people will want to bring you down. The only thing we can do is continue to fight for a better future, one that doesn't breed villains. As unrealistic as that may be." he said hugging her.


"Looks like it's started." said Tobias as he saw All Might punch the warehouse and blow it all away.

"I know you're in there, All For One! Come out!" said All Might.

"So, it seems that kid is more full of surprises than I thought. One moment, please." said All For One as he stepped out of the shadows and the Nomu that weren't blown away had some black ooze coming out of their mouths before disappearing.

"What did you do?" asked All Might.

"Sent some reinforcements. Tomura's only just learned to think for himself, to carve his own path forward, so, if possible, I'd like to keep anyone from interfering with that." he said.

"Don't worry. Once we're done here, you'll both be in the same place." said All Might.

"Well, shall we begin?" said All For One before the same black ooze appeared all around him, and Bakugo and the League of Villains appeared from it.

'A warp quirk. Damn, how many does this guy have?' thought Tobias.

"Tobias." said Kyoka.

"I know. It's unexpected but we might have to save Bakugo." said Tobias.

"Bakugo!" said All Might, ready to move.

"Apologies, Bakugo." said All For One before turning to look at the villains.

"You've failed again, Tomura. But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band. And the boy because you determined that he is an important paw. So try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do. It's all for you." he said before blocking All Might's punch.


The air pressure from the clash was strong enough to push everyone away.

'There's an opportunity.' thought Tobias as he threw a card that went under Bakugo before expanding, wrapping him up, and flying away.

"Oh, it seems we have some observers." said All For One as he looked in Tobias' direction, but before he could do anything All Might clashed with him again.

"Run, Tobias!" said All Might after being pushed back a little. Meanwhile, Tobias and Kyoka moved from where they were to another building.

"You're losing it All Might."

"So are you. What's with that industrial-looking mask?! Are you sure you should be up and about in that state?!" said All Might as he rushed up to him but before he could reach him AFO's arm expanded and coiled before he released an air blast.


All Might was blasted far away, crashing into various buildings before stopping.

"That's an Air Cannon plus Springlike Limbs, kinetically boosted by four and the strength enhanced by three. It's a fun little combination, but I want to add in a few more power-up type quirks." he explained before his fingers turned into weird spikes.

"You need to flee, Tomura. Hibiki will help you escape." he said before he stabbed the unconscious warper with his spiked fingers.

"That dude's unconscious! Can't you warp us?" asked the manly female.

"My version's still not complete, Magne. It only works over extremely short distances, and the destination has to be a person. One I'm well acquainted with." he explained before a warp gate appeared.

"Now go." he said.

"And you master?" asked Tomura as All Might landed in front of AFO.

"Always think ahead, Tomura. You still have much room to grow." he said before clashing with All Might.


"Time to go, Shigaraki!" said Compress as he used his quirk on Dabi.

"Tobias! Let's go!" said Kyoka.

"One sec. All Might use the card!" shouted Tobias before he activated his surprise.


All around AFO, golden circles appeared in midair. Then golden spearheads with chains appeared from the circles before they shout out toward AFO.

'Enkidu: Chains of Heaven.' thought Tobias.

"Oh? Another surprise." said AFO before using the Air Cannon to blow away the chains. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough to break them, just stop them for a second before they continued to pursue him.

All Might seeing this and hearing what Tobias had shouted, took out the card that was given to him before crushing it.


All Might's arms were now coated in dark purple material, Armament Haki.

"Hurry! That doesn't last long!" said Tobias before booking it.

"Thanks, Tobias. I feel good!" said All Might before rushing towards AFO who was busy dodging the chains.

Meanwhile, the LOV was about to escape but were stopped from entering the warp gate last minute by a familiar figure.


"Got here just in time." said Mirko as she stood in front of the group.

"Turn to dust." said Tomura as he was about to put his hand on her before she dodged and kicked him in the stomach.

"What the hell was that?" she asked, disappointment on her face that didn't last long as she dodged the incoming spikes.

"Nuisance." said AFO before he used Air Cannon towards Mirko who managed to barely dodge it. But seeing the opening, the LOV took this opportunity to rush into the gate while Compress dragged Tomura.

"I'm not ready, master!" he shouted.

"Tomura, you will continue this war." said AFO as the gate closed while dodging Enkidu.

"I came to save Tomura, but I will fight you because, above all, I detest you." said AFO as he tried to block All Might's haki-coated fist that ended with him being blasted away.

"Shut up! I'm here to put you down, once and for all!" said All Might.

At the same time, Tobias, Kyoka, and Bakugo, who was still wrapped up in the card, had left the area and were now standing in front of a screen that was broadcasting the fight.

"Let me out!" said Bakugo before Tobias canceled the card and he fell to the ground.

"Shh." said Tobias as he looked at the screen right as AFO was blown away.

'That Armament Haki won't last long.' thought Tobias.


The area where AFO was blown away to was destroyed with another Air Cannon that was meant to clear the area as well as blow away the Enkidu chains. As AFO walked back into the light, he was removing what was left of his helmet to reveal a face scarred beyond recognition.

"You've fought far longer than I thought you would. Not to mention that coating on your arms. I want that kid's quirk even more now." said AFO.

"You won't get it!" said All Might, rushing him once more.

"So emotional. You remind me of the previous person to inherit One For All, Nana Shimura." said AFO.

"Don't speak my master's name from that filthy mouth of yours!" shouted All Might as he rushed AFO.

"Detroit Smash!"


The force of the blow was reversed back to All Might and he was sent flying while AFO wasn't able to completely reverse it and was staggering a bit. All Might quickly got up from the blow and rushed him again.

"Wonderful! You're like a stubborn child. But I've got forgotten something. I wonder if this is enough to break that spirit of yours, perhaps. Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson. And he's hated you this whole time." said AFO making All Might stop in his tracks, while AFO used another Air Cannon to blow away the chains.

"So annoying." he said aiming his Air Cannon at the golden circles from which the chains came. Unfortunately for him, it didn't do anything to them.

'Good thing I made them more resilient than normal. If he hits them two more times, the circles will break.' thought Tobias.

"Tch. Anyway, back to what I was saying. I've engineered these encounters between you two. And you defeated him soundly. You won, with a smile. So proud, despite your ignorance."

"You're lying."

"Nope. You know it to be true because it's just the kind of thing I'd do. Huh? What's the matter, All Might? Where's that winning smile of yours?" he said while tugging up the corners of where his mouth would be.

"How dare you?!" said All Might before rushing him again.

"With all your might, let's put everything we've got into this last punch. Everything we've got, okay?" said AFO as he rose into the air, dodging All Might's initial rush before his right arm got huge.

"Springlike limbs, four kinetic boosters, three strength enhancers, a multiplier, hypertrophy, rivets, air walk, spearlike bones. The shock waves up until now were just meant to wear you down. Not much oomph, though. In order to really kill you, I'll be hitting you with my ultimate quirk combination. Here it comes!" he said, his arm now a giant amalgamation of different quirks.

'Now!' thought Tobias as he saw that AFO wasn't paying much attention to the chains any longer.

The chains that were just recently blown away, suddenly sped up while the spearheads started to spin before retreating into their circles.

"What a nuisance." said AFO as he saw that the chains were now launching at hypersonic speeds that he was barely dodging.

Seeing this opportunity, All Might jumped up to attack AFO with an attack he couldn't ignore.

"United States of Smash!" said All Might as he clashed with AFO's fist.


The biggest explosion so far rocked the entire area surrounding the two. Creating a massive dustcloud that blocked all vision for a few moments.

As it cleared, a massive crater was seen with AFO at its epicenter wrapped up in chains and All Might standing over him, in his skinny form. All Might then weakly raised his arm into the sky, fist clenched.

"All Might!"



Jesus this chapter took a while. I rewrote the beginning a few times because I didn't like it, but I settled with this version. I know some people might have been expecting him to just take care of everything himself, but as carefree as Tobias might be, he's still very cautious as can be seen by his over-preparedness.

I was going to make it so the surprise card would be Blue-Eyes being summoned and helping All Might, but decided against it. Saving that beast for something else. The Enkidu chains are obviously much weaker than the real ones in terms of magical effect, but stronger physically. They also have a quirk-sealing effect that works better the stronger the person's quirk is, much like Enkidu's divinity-sealing effect which works better the greater the divinity.

Also, All Might may be healed physically, but his quirk was on its last dredges of flames, so after this fight, he's pretty much out.

Let me know what you think of Kyoka's potential weapon. I thought of it while playing League and seeing Sona which triggered my memory of the Scott Pilgrim music fight.

Also, feel free to check out my new novel.

RubberPeen RubberPeen

Thirtieth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

next chapter
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