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100% When the rivers don't meet to form a sea..... / Chapter 26: For you...

Kapitel 26: For you...

~●Alleisa Point Of View●~

The fireworks had already stopped and the surroundings became calm again. We all stood there in the bridge over the river with the night breeze caressing us with its gentle strokes. The moonlight was shimmering when it reflected on the river and the reverie that the fireworks brought in a while ago was still instilled into us. As if time had frozen here and we were living in a dream. Suddenly memories started hitting me up and I started missing how happy I used to be once upon a time. At a certain point of time I as a whole human being mattered to my family not as a responsibility to bear. We had imperfections like any other family but we smoothed them out too. I too as a person have changed. I didn't know what having anxiety would be like but here I am with it and still breathing. Then as if the world could not resist and the thought of Robin being here snuggling me close to him as his warmth radiated to me crossed my mind. To feel his skin upon mine while beholding this scenery, to feel his touch and feel his breathe on me. Nothing intimate in it's true sense but something sensual and heartwarming. But really to be honest it was just the thought that had crossed my mind, I did.....did not really crave his presence, I did not miss him. That was quite heavy to get off my chest but this feeling was unique, the feeling of not missing Robin. As if this night healed my longing and love for him, but how? Is it because I don't feel lonely anymore as I'm surrounded with Veronica and Van. Maybe instead of love and longing, I have healed out of loneliness. They were now beside me, completing me as a being and they been there in my best and worst times. I feel I don't appreciate them enough.



"Stop it, you are hurting me", said I shouted as my head started aching from all the comments coming my way.

"Look at that insane girl"

"It's that girl again who had beaten that boy insanely"

"She's a psycho. Don't go anywhere near her"

"I heard her parents abandoned her probably because they realized she was mentally unfit" were the voices deafening my brain. I felt suffocated, I couldn't breathe and all I could feel was excruciating pain as I heard those people.


Yes I did beat a boy who tried assaulting me and I did beat him aggressively. I bet him so bad that he was lying in a hospital bed. But our school saw a clear footage of him assaulting me and favored my side claiming it as a case of self defense. But the students weren't convinced, just because he was the "popular guy" and I was like a girl who barely had one friend. I was bullied a lot. I became so socially anxious that I experienced nausea and panic attack I went to school or any place with a lot of people. My parents went on their separation that year though they later reunited. But it was always like this one time they separated so the other time they reunited. I felt like a 'bet' being passed from one place to the other like no big deal. I never felt any place to be my home because all of them told me that it was not somewhere I belonged to, it's just because of their kind hearts they were keeping me at their place. I was just a person of sympathy to them. They told me don't you have any shame on being raised at other people's house? But I knew this people to be my family right, we were related by blood and relation. But no all that matters to people in this world is them and their own needs. There was a not a single day I survived without humiliation and pain. They insulted and blamed me like I was responsible for anything that has ever happened, but wasn't I too a victim just like them? I didn't asked to be brought to this world, I did not create this mess and neither can I resolve this mess. It was they who brought me to this world, they created this mess not me. But why I'm always the worst sufferer? I remember that year my father left for his new job abroad and my mom went on to live with her mother. Communication in our place was not that developed and I did not even have a cellphone. I barely ever talked to them, it was rare for them to call me up. I missed them terribly, but my stubborn self would never let that out of my voice while talking to them. I felt so lonely. After that incident I had no one to talk to. All my friends abandoned me and took the boy's side as they thought I was ridiculous. I dreaded going to school. I had bad anxiety which still haunts me like nightmare till this day. I felt abandoned and lost, I felt so lonely that I cut almost all my contact with the outside world. I went to school on a irregular basis and soon everyone started taking a notice of my condition. I almost gave up talking with people. I was diagnosed with social phobia and depression. I was medicated through years. But today as I stand here at this place at this instant with the people I have, I feel blessed, I feel fulfilled and completed as I truly feel that this people are meant to be for me in my life. They didn't not disappear into the thin air when I truly needed them. They stood beside me being my strongest support. And at this moment I truly feel that I don't miss Robin that much anymore, because I feel the gratitude of being close to people who really appreciate me. Robin can never get this close to me, but saying those words over in my mind, I felt suddenly a stroke of sadness passed through me. The feeling of never-ever that fuels my insecurities and anxiety so much more. But this moment wasn't supposed to be about me and Robin, it was a about Van and Veronica but it somehow ended up with the sadistic old chimes of my pathetic story about my crush. This moment of forever I created with Van and Veronica will be imprinted in the pages of memory book for an eternity, as the thought of it crossed my mind a smile made it's way into my face, maybe this was high time for a change to happen, maybe everything is gonna change after all.

~●Van's Point Of View●~

The chaos had already settled and so did my hopeless romanticism. Everything had become so serene, that we enjoyed the moment with silence. But my eyes couldn't help but stare at Alleisa, she was enjoying every bit of this moment and so was I. She looked very thoughtful, God knows what runs through her mind all the time. Maybe this moment reminds her of Robin, the name shudders my happy self as I feel that tingling sensation of jealousy burning through me now. I couldn't ruin this moment by telling her something bad about Robin. There must be a better time for this. My hands were sweating as I felt the Polaroid camera in my hand. I quickly put it up and took a picture. She was smiling gently and the moon too came in picture. This moments I'm experiencing now might never come back, this moments of feeling close to someone who can never be mine. As the Polaroid came printing I saw how gently she was smiling as the moonlight was shimmering in the water.

"Van did I hear it right? Let me see what picture you have taken", said Veronica as she was approaching me now. I quickly threw the picture to our driver standing just a metre away and gestured him to keep it with him until I ask for it. Clearly Veronica didn't notice me throwing the photo at his way I hope so neither did Alleisa.

"That picture wasn't that good", I pretended after throwing away the picture.

"Let me take both of yours if you allow me to", I suggested.

"No", Veronica said gazing at me and I had a ridiculed expression in my face.

"When we are all here together, why not a take a picture together?", Veronica said as I felt a bit relieved now and went to our driver to ask him if he could click the photo for us. He agreed.

We all gathered up in the bridge where the moon was clearly visible and I stood in one side and Veronica on the other side, clearly squishing Alleisa between us like a sandwich. And she didn't like it a bit.

"You all should get a little bit closer....I mean you don't fit in the frame Van...shift a little closer" said our driver. Then I realised I had already stood apart from Alleisa to not make her uncomfortable but then it wouldn't be possible to take photo. As I hesitated for a while, Veronica shouted, "Cut the crap and put your hand in her waist and Alleisa put your hand up his neck and shoulder". After this, Veronica comfortably wrapped her hand around Alleisa's neck, and seeing that I gained confidence to do so. My hand snaked around her waist. And seeing her surprised expression I was kinda embarrassed to do so. But hey You Only Live Once, so whatever. The feeling of touching someone you like is different, I was so caught up in the situation. I couldn't take up so many things happening to me. Her warmth radiating in my hand had filled my body with so many weird sensations.Then I saw her comforting in the situation and putting her hand up my shoulder to neck. She was struggling kinda but then I shrugged down for her ease. And then the 'Click', 'Click' surrounded us as our photo was taken. A moment of eternity I felt. After a while it was time for us to go, so we all got up in the car. And one by one Veronica and Alleisa got down in their respective places leaving me deserted in my car. I saw Alleisa walking away as her figure slowly faded away in the dark but midway of her going she looked back and smiled at me. I felt it as my cheeks flushed up. But as she went away, a sensation tingled through my body. She did not only make this car deserted but my heart too. I started missing her. The whole night was so crazy for me to believe. I had Alleisa over at my house and technically I had an indirect kiss. It was when I was so deep in my reflection period, that our driver called me out and said that we reached home. Just as I nodded and was ready to get off, he stopped me and handed me the polaroid that I had taken back then of Alleisa. As I saw the photograph of Alleisa, I started to miss her more. I just stared at the photo as I recollected the memories that I made today. Seeing my fond expression our driver looked at me and said, "You must really like her. It's so nice to be young and in love. Isn't it?". I just blushed and nodded my head and got off. Well this whole concept of 'young and in love' doesn't work out for me. I'm sure I'm progressing into the later stage but Alleisa? Does she feel anything for me? Even if a tiny bit? I'll never know I guess. I shook my head and went upstairs to my room. It was pretty late in the night so I decided to shower and headed for bed right after. I made sure to keep the polaroid in the drawer. While keeping the polaroid, I came across the photo of that night of the wedding day. I saw Alleisa's picture with moon. How strange it is, isn't it? How that night we barely knew each other and we had to spend the night in the same room! Like who would like to sleep with strangers? But now she spent time in my house and this time willingly and not with a stranger. Things change so fast and how between a few nights on two separate occasions things elevated. I kept smiling as I closed the drawer and went to bed. Those memories played back throughout my mind and put me to sleep. The night was one heck of a experience for me which I really want to experience often. But was that ever possible?


As the weekend started and we had to go back to school, I was in such a happy mood just at thought of meeting and talking to Alleisa again. She did enjoy the night and I did too. But I missed her but did she? Just as I was thinking about this I overheard a few boys talking,:

"Look it's that BOY again", said one.

"Which boy?", asked another confused.

"The boy who is always busy chasing the pussies and specially sucking up that girl's ass"

"Which girl?", asked the one who was previously confused. I tried to listen to it more attentively as I stopped at a nearby locker.

"Alleisa Franklin", he said loud and clear. That name literally fueled up my anger and I could feel the blood gushing through my veins. I walked up to the boy and without hesitation held him by his collar.

"Dare to say that again, I'll thrash you", I said as my eyes were fixed at his raging with anger.

"What did I say wrong? You are just a clinging to that insane girl.", he said as he was smirking.

I couldn't hold it in so I was about to punch him in the face when I felt a hand on my arm stopping me from punching him. I tilted a little bit to see it was Alleisa.

"Stop Van, don't beat him. You are ruining things for yourself by putting your hands in dirt. Leave him", she said as her eyes were almost teary. It was then I realised how serious the situation had become. Alleisa's softened look made my heart sink as I realized I might have scared her. I looked around to see all students nearly gathered around us in a circle. Everyone was enjoying a scene. My grip had already loosened off the boy's collar but I couldn't leave it yet. Anger was surging through me still. But Alleisa freed my hand and stood in front of me as if protecting me and said, "It was lucky for you to not end up in the infirmary. But mind your words, just because you are used to shit talking about me doesn't mean you can do the same with Van and even about us any further. Be careful and mind your own business", she said daunting at boy who was watching her quietly as she gripped my wrist and walked away from the scene with my hand in hers. As I was walking I felt how hurt she must have been of those words and suprisingly enough from her words I could decipher that she knew that boy pretty well and they might have some bad blood between them. And also I felt guilty as I saw how Alleisa's eyes watered up when she saw me fighting with him. I almost shattered to the ground feeling that how terribly I must have remembered her of Robin fighting the other day and how the situation looked painfully similar. She was so sad that day and I hurt her again. But why did I end up hurting her when I was fighting for her? I was pulled into reality as Alleisa stopped and turned around. We were in front of our classroom. She saw how tightly she had gripped my hand and swiftly pulled her hand off.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean--" ,she was stuttering as I cut her off.

"It's okay", I reassured her.

Then she looked up in my eyes and I could see her tear glistened eyes.

"I'm more than thankful for what you did today. I don't know how to thank you enough for everything you did for me but please don't risk your life and reputation for me. You are new here and I don't want you to be an outcast for everyone just for me. I also don't want you to get hurt under any circumstance. So please be careful. Today when I walked in the hallway a little while after you I heard him say every single word but the way you stood up for me, no one has ever done that for me. Thank Van for being in my life. But make sure that you stay happy and safe", she said as tears fell down her eyes and she wiped them out and was about move into the class. But I couldn't resist it anymore, I pulled her wrist and brought her near me and hugged her. I could feel how astonished she was but nothing mattered to me other than her close proximity. I snuggled her close to me where she could listen to my heartbeat. It was then I realised that she hugged me back. She slowly but steadily wrapped her hands around me. I felt so touched and loved. Why just why Alleisa are you so nice to me that I cannot keep my feelings too long to myself, I cannot stop my heart pounding out of my chest. Why couldn't I resist myself when I saw you standing for me today, you filled up my heart so full as if it was an empty vessel before. But I don't want to have this feeling alone, I don't want to let my feelings go so strong that I end up doing something that I will always regret. Why just why, you have to make me lose control of this fragile heart?

unseen_legend unseen_legend

I'm really sorry for disappearing for months when I was only supposed to be for 2 weeks. I had a lot going through. And now that I'm at a crucial stage of my life I might update on irregular basis frequently. But in no way am I abandoning this book, I'm just kinda stuck with life. And also this chapter is kinda vulgar so sorry for that! And I hope you all are staying safe and please try to safe by staying home...

Thanking you,


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