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85.29% What do you Desire? / Chapter 28: Chapter 26

Kapitel 28: Chapter 26

--- A/N ---

This is the chapter that I continued yesterday. If you found anything wrong in this chapter, Just comment at that chapter and I will fix it as much as possible hehehe.

Have a nice day guys!


The man angrily said "What a pesky bunch of kids! I can't believe that you all give us a hard times in this fight especially that Arrogant Gorilla! I will fucking kill you all. ONE. BY. ONE!"



*Slash* *Slash* *Slash*


The man used every chakra he has and supplied it to his raised katana. He was about to struck it down when he heard three sword slash and a grunt behind him. He looked behind saw his teammate's head flying in the air.

Some blood spilled on his body while showing a shocked expression on his face. He looked below and saw an emerald eyed boy crouching and about to stab him with his katana. He immediately redirect his attack but the boy's sword was much faster and pierced right through his heart.


The man looked at the boy in shock and said "The Merciless swordsman, Boogeyman of Konoha. I never thought that I am at your list..."

He fall dead on the ground but the anger and desperation to live was still present in his eyes. The young man showed a sweet yet cold smile like nothing happened. He is not looking at the corpse but looking at the faces of kids and the gorilla.


The boy took the sword out the man's body and waved it to the ground. The blood was wiped out of the sword's blade before putting it inside the scabbard. He clapped his hands and said "Okay, everyone did a very good job for their first ambush assignment. Except for you, Kong!"

The little gorilla embarrassingly laugh and said "Boss, what are you talking about? I am doing what normal teenagers do. Do the action, regret tha consequences! Hahahaha!"


The Boy threw the sheath of his sword to the gorilla. It hit the gorilla's forehead and made him unconsious. The boy said "What an ungrateful pet!"

Hana pouted and said "Haru-sensei~, you were really unreasonable! For you to bring us to this mission with a B or maybe A rating? I am sure your parents will get mad at you again for bringing us in this suicidal mission."


I said "No worries! I always want to push everyone to their limits and experience what it feels like to fight strong Ninjas for everyone's future. Everyone can't handle mine or Kong's power so I am using this chance to show you your standing in this world. By the way, this is also part of your group as Rescue and Retrieval. We always Rescue our comrades in a pinch and I want everyone to feel what death is so that you all will not fear it in the future!"

Hana Replied and asked with big teary eyes "Yes sensei..."

I smiled to her and pat her head. She calmed down so I looked at the two injured Genins in my team. I moved to Duy's and Aki's position and healed them to full health. I sincerly asked "How was your fight with that S-ranked Ninja?"

Duy and Aki both said "Dissatisfied!"

I petted them both and said "No need to be desatisfied about this, Remember that you two are still growing. There is no need to rush guys. Just like what I always tell you three, Being rush can lead to...."

"Death, yeah, yeah... We know that Sensei." Aki intervene and continued what I said. I smiled to him and denied "Nope, it's not death. It will lead to severe consequences."

Kong beside us shivered as I am looking at him after finishing my words. I stood up and sighed to him. I faced everyone and said "Okay team, I have a new assignment for you all! Think of a best way to punish Kong. I will give you two minutes to discuss about this."

My team dropped whatever they are doing and moved to a corner to talk about this. I smiled at them as I can see them grinning ear to ear. Kong crawled to my side and said "Boss, please have mercy! Please give my punishment now and don't give my life at their hands. I know I am a fool for doing that but please, don't do this! I will never do it again! I swear it to my family name! Please Boss, I know you are lenient so please, can you let this slide?"

I laughed at him and said "Too bad, I am tired of giving you punishments. I will use this as a test to see the creativity of my team. By the way, Don't swear, you don't have any family name for that Hahahaha. If I were you, I will prepare my own grave for what punishment they will plan for you. I am sure they really hate you for taking their spot and mission Hahahahaha!"

Kong desperately clung to my feet but I easily dodged his hands. I laughed at him as my team dragged Kong on the ground to somewhere in the dark. I can hear Kong shouting for help while three evil laughter can be heard in the background. I smiled to them as I looked at the sky and reminisce my four active years as a ninja.

After 4 years of being an Official Ninja, My rank increased due to my accomplishments in the war. Even if Konoha is in peace with the Second Raikage, That was easily destroyed after the Third Raikage took his place. Konoha and Kumogakure was still in this endless war and that is the place I took part with. That war was bitter and fruitless since I can see new faces die in seconds.

In that war, I killed Hundreds of Genins, Chunnins and Jounins using my technique without mercy. I gained the tittle "The merciless Swordsman" due to killing without letting my enemy have a break. Well I kill as fast as I can without giving others any time to breathe, maybe that contribute to my tittle. I even used the chance to kill them while they are introducing themselves to me.

Thanks to that, Tobirama gave me a Chunnin status after four months of fighting in the war and promoted me to jounin after killing one S-Rank Jounin and capturing the two tails Jinchuriki.

I am also thankful that at that war, my Grandfather died 'Accidentally'. I don't want to tell the details but all I can say is that, he died due to me, redirecting my enemy's attack.

I also used this war as a chance to collect different Kekkei Genkai in this world to harvest. I am thankful that Jounin rank gave me so much freedom But that still cause me a bigger responsibility. What bigger responsibility you ask?

Last year, Tobirama used his authority as the Hokage to force me in taking three Genins under my wings. I am not against it but this is really awkward knowing that I am going to teach people of the same age as mine. I used my amazing speech to convince him of letting me off of this but he didn't bulge. I am forced so I told him that I will choose my team.

I looked at his files and saw good candidates in it. After a while of thinking, I chose Hana Uchiha, Aki Uchiha and someone who is off on the list, Mighty Duy. I chose them because Hana and Aki unlocked their Sharingans before entering the academy and that is a big potential for me especially during this era.

As for Mighty Duy, He is still 10 but was forced to take an early graduation due to the situation in their house. It turned out that his Father died at the war and his mother was gravely ill due to his father's death. Their family was in great debt due to his mother's medicine and check ups. He badly needs to take his Ninja license so he can earn money for his mother's sake. Even if his situation was like that, He is still full of energy and passion. He always shows a big smile to hide the pain and exhaustion he is feeling deep inside his heart.

After a month of being their Instructor, I found that Hana have a goofy nature behind her elegant and discipline Nature. She likes to take meditation when in rest and play with small animals in her surroundings. She likes to play with cute little animals and dislikes Predators.

Aki became stoic after seeing him all this years. His arrogant nature he showed on our first encounter was strangely removed. After a short investigation, I learned that he became Stoic after he learned that his father died in the war. Aki didn't became the next head due to his age but he really want it too badly. An elder saw his hunger for the position so he used that chance to get everything from them.

Hono, their friend and that elder's son, used them to make some connections in their family and innocently manipulated them so that the siblings can give all of their father's properties and authority. Hana was hard to crack and manipulate but Aki was. He was easily toyed and tricked to claim the head position of their clan. They said to him that to get the Head Position in their clan, he must surrender every possession his father have.

His sick mother dissuade him to never listen and play with his friend Hono but he didn't listen and still abide by their wishes. He let his greed take control of his actions and made a decision that he regret.

His mother died the next day after giving all of his father's property to Hono and was evicted out of their house. Hana cried everyday due to this but she didn't blame aki for everything that happened to them. Even if she didn't, Aki always hides his emotions in his stoic face as he tried to be strong for his sister. He became hungry for power due to this and blames his weak and stupid self for everything that happened.

As for Duy, Let us just say that he likes trainings and sparring and dislikes taking a break. I am still feeling some mixed emotions with him, knowing that he didn't like to take some breaks because he always think of his mother when he do. Well I saved his mother on her sickness yet she still died due to some unkown reason. I adopted Duy for this and paid for every debts he have.

I let him live in one of the hotels I own in this village because I am sure my father will get mad if I let him live in our house. As you can see, He didn't like having any man in our house other than me and him because my two year old sister was born. My Father became over protective of my sister and I am happy that my sister became my mother's new favorite in the house.

Anyway, Duy still thanked me till this day for helping him when he is down and I just tell him that he is part of my team. I always tell them to help each other since having a trusted friend on their back can always save them even in their dark times. I am thankful that his innocent smile never died down, Maybe it is due to his team or his mother's dying message "Never let your Passion and Youth die down. Always persevere in life and let the ember in your heart burn indefinitely!"

Well everyone have their own problems to take care off and I will just observe them. I can always give them what they want in a snap of a finger but I want their character to develop slowly for the better. Having a good relationship is much better than power and money. That is a hard lesson I have learned in my past life, a lesson that I will always cherish wherever I am.

(A/N: I'll just put some Segway message here hehehe. Well Cherish every relationships you have guys, Never let it get worse. They can save your life especially in your dark times.)

After months of training them, Aki and Duy developed rivalry due to their contradictive and competitive nature. Aki trully despite and dislike Duy after he was defeated easily by Duy. Duy is a pure Taijutsu user while Aki is a pure Ninjutsu User. Aki showed interesting and strong Ninjutsus professionally but was easily destroyed by Duy's Mastered Taijutsu.

Duy Became jealous of Aku and wants to surpass Aki and his Ninjutsus and shows that even if he is a Taijutsu user and can't use Ninjutsu, he can still surpass them and become great. I always intervene in their fight or spar since they always take it to the next level. Due to this, They always compete on our small missions or even in private.

Duy showed his self created technique in a spar with me and showed an out of this world strength which made Aki jealous. That jealousy consumed Aki's heart and made him increase a Tomoe in his Sharingan.

He asked me to train hard to reach Duy's strength but I told him that, power comes with greater responsibility. I told him that power, without gaining the reason for it, can make him want more and destroy himself in the futurw. He will still need to tame his desire and show where he wants to use it.

He thought for a long time so I told him that there is no need to rush the answer, He will get the right answer in the right time. Even so, I thought him my revised Sword technique 'Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu' and that is when I learned that he is a genius in Kenjutsu.

Starting that day, I train Aki in Kenjutsu and Duy physically to surpass their limits. I am showing them different tricks in a fight, especially to strong enemies, which they took in their heart. They also fight with their own techniques when they have a chance which flared up the rivalry in between them.

Hana became jealous of their talents so I comforted her and asked her what she wants to be. She told me she want to become a strong Kinoichi so I taught her mystical palms and Genjutsus. I also taught her different Chakra strengthening techniques I created with the help of Kong.

I always demonstrated the strengthening techniques by beating up kong and she easily learned it after a month. Mystical palm was quite hard to teach but I am a great teacher and told her in the way she can understand. I hated teaching her by words so I show it by heal kong up again before beating him again.

The whole year was really fruitful but Kong started to get scared of my teaching method. I know he became close to them after all this months of being with them. I always teach them in the most harmless context in my standards so why does he need to become scared?

I clapped my hands and said "Well, wrap up team. It is getting dark and we need to report our mission to the Hokage."

The three gennins appeared to my side with a pout on their face. They have Kong passed out and tied on a log. They said "Yes Sensei."

I smiled to them because I know what they always feel. They always want to prove something to others as fast as they can so I limit their actions as much as possible. I want them to enjoy their youth since I have experience what they are feeling right now, especially in my past world.

In my past life, I always question myself with: 'Why am I still poor?', 'How come my friend have a happy life and enjoy their days?', 'How come my peers have much higher salary than mine?', 'How come my peers have much better life than mine?', 'How come I am still a failure?', 'Why can't I do anything great in my life but my friends do?' and etc. Those questions always eats my mind and lead me to depression until my uncle told me this words.

I muttered "No need to worry, Everyone have different headstart. Some might have a big house in their 20 and some got what they want at 40. Some even accomplished their dreams at their 60's with smiles and pride! As you can see, everyone have their own fight or race to start. Your life might not be as smooth as your friends but remember that everyone have their own finish line. Some chases shortcut in life that lead them to chase life in circle without any end while some focused on their dreams and finished their race. No need to rush in life, Rushing things can lead to you chasing life in circles and may die still chasing it. Always have a goal in your mind that you always want to be and your life will become smooth. I am sure that every dreams you have will come true, It may not be now but in the future, so don't stress yourself about your dreams."

(A/N: Yup, my own words of wisdom hahaha. I hope it can help others in need.)

I really miss my Uncle. In my past world, He is the only person that can understand me so much. I really wish I can see him again. Kong, That is passed out a while ago, Woke up and laughed out loud. He said "Buwahahahaha, What the fuck was that Boss!!! That is NOT 'LIKE' YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHA"

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