It was only a few minute drive to get from their place to Ricks, we all unloaded everything to the front doors before I stopped everyone.
"Uhhh I should probably mention that.. when this all started, I found two kids running from those things. They said their dad was gone and I was far too late to save their mother from a small horde of them. Sorry didn't want you to walk in their blind." I said with a sigh. Tara looked like she wanted to cry. "Are you saying they saw... those things.. rip apart their mom?" Tara choked out lightly. I just nodded, I really did try to save their mother but I was too late. I didn't honestly want the responsibility of raising a child much less two.
I really have no clue what to do with them and already feel horrid leaving them home alone most of the time while I scout around town for anything needed as it would be 10x worse bringing them with me out there. Sam and Raven had understanding looks on their faces as they felt the same about their siblings when I mentioned it. No way in hell would they bring them out into the world the way it was unless they didn't have a choice.
"Thankfully the young lady, Jamie, is fairly mature for her age and can mostly look after her 8 year old brother, or at least keep him occupied while I go out for a few hours at a time, coming back to check on them periodically."
MJ stood unusually straits as she began to speak up after all this. "I.. know that our sister won't let us go out as things are, at least not without being in a group, me and Tara can look after them if you guys decide you need to go out for stuff." We were all whispering at the moment. I just gave her an appreciative look and a nod.
I then looked from Tara to Sam and Raven, I can't ask y'all to go out there, it's dangerous, not just those monsters but also people..." Uhoh I think I just brought out the Latin thunder. "We can take care of ourselves!" Sam whisper hissed and I just got a huff from Raven as she crossed her arms over her bountiful chest. I didn't feel the need to bring up their previous situations as I wasn't a dick.
"Im sure you can but perhaps some weapons training before you make a decision?" They looked at each other and then back to me and both agreed to that easily enough.
"I noticed that beautiful piece of machinery out front... you said you had an RV not a mansion on wheels... I am a mechanical engineer amongst other things, want me to give it a once over?" Ahhh Raven being Raven with her techno magic. "Sure thing, go ham, I mainly wanted to add a radio to it so we can communicate with people in the future, or at least listen but I'm not technically very inclined." Raven grinned at that and I felt fear for my baby.
She looked contemplative for a second then nodded "if you find the gear I can set one up with that solar setup." Awesome, maybe she will be like a techno mage here as well?
"Unmh I was going through school to be a nurse and I do part time EMT work already, so I can do most things aside from major surgery." Tara spoke up timidly, I just smiled back at her causing her face to go slightly pink to the amusement of her sister.
"Ready to meet some kids?" They each stood straiter preparing for the worst. Who knew how kids would react to what they saw?
As I opened the door I saw a little blonde haired girl looking at us from halfway up the stairway with a knife in hand. "Hey Jamie, it's only me and I found some friends, do you want to come say hi? You can bring Billy if you want to?"
She disappeared for a moment only to return holding the hand of a slightly depressed looking young boy and all the girls introduced themselves to the both of them. I'm glad they were all sweet because I don't know what I would do with bitchy young women who acted like it was always that time of month.