During the next few months, many members of Feluc's military would undergo Gene-Seed implantations, attempting to gain the power and lifespan that the Grey Knights had. Even though most were over the recommended age, Baldur did not attempt to stop or persuade anyone after they got the initial information.
'If they want to bet their lives, they should be allowed to do so. Just let them know that I will torture their spirits if they die,' Baldur told the Apothecaries before washing his hands of the matter
Because of his words, every man who dreamed of becoming an Imperial Knight but was too old switched their goals to become Astartes. The Apothecaries were overwhelmed with nearly 15,000 new recruits of able-bodied men who had a decent chance of passing.
Selene tossed her white hair over her shoulder before she cut the food in front of her. Just as she was about to eat, several shadows appeared over her. The young woman looked up and saw the various Chapter Masters of the Grey Knights and visiting Thousand Sons.
"Hey, boys. Care to join me?" Selene gave them a wicked smile, curious about why they had come to her
The Chapter Masters didn't say much and took the seats around her, causing the knights and Grey Knights to look over but none of them said anything. They figured that all the leaders had gathered up to talk about important matters.
"You are the closest person with the Primarch, correct?" the Chapter Master of the 1st Chapter asked.
'His name was Jelan if I remember correctly,' Selene looked at the man while trying to remember his name. He had a buzzcut just like Baldur and most of the Grey Knights. It appeared that this was a trait they all shared, being too lazy to get a real haircut.
"I rank down in 6th place," Selene replied with a small lie, knowing she was 2nd. "There is Queen Jendi, Dogan, the triplets, and then me."
"Right. And the bunch of us can go talk to the Primarch's mother casually," Eratus complained
Selene turned to him and smiled, but it was a cold one that was filled with malicious intent. Eratus hadn't accepted his loss and secretly challenged Selene several times. But each time, she beat him worse and worse, using different spells that made him unable to fight back at all during the last battle.
"And with the others still in recovery from the implants, that leaves you," Maybe-Jelan told her
Dogan and the triplets as well as most of the male members of high command for the knights sorcerers had gone through the first round of implants and were currently waiting to undergo the second round of implants while their bodies recovered.
Selene frowned, wishing that it was her old friends who were joining her at the table instead of this group of men she had yet to truly get close to.
"So it does," Selene agreed while spinning the wine in her glass, her eyes focused on the swirling red liquid. "So what do you want?" she looked up and toward the Chapter Master of the 1st Chapter.
"The Primarch appears to only stay around for a few hours at most before disappearing. I believe that the most I have spoken to him has been an hour. Where does he go?" Maybe-Jelan asked
Selene's mouth made an O shape when she heard the question. This was the one that all the newest recruits asked over the past few years, she had just gotten used to it and forgot that many people would want to see him more.
'Hmm. It's Friday so he should be there,' Selene mentally went through Baldur's unschedule-schedule
"Finish your food. Then follow me and I can show you," Selene downed her glass of wine and informed them, figuring that the Chapter Masters were a high enough rank to learn what Baldur did in the dark
The others quickly devoured their food, finishing before Selene could even truly taste hers properly. The woman saw all the men eager to see what Baldur was doing so she set down her knife and fork before standing and leading them out of the room.
"I am taking you somewhere that only those of our rank can enter, though what King Baldur does inside there is barely a secret," Selene informed them as they walked down the stairs toward the original trial grounds. When they reached the doors, Selene placed her right hand on it to be scanned, before they opened for her and the Chapter Masters. The small group entered and were greeted by a foul sight.
Baldur and 4 knights were battling a red being. The creature had an enlarged head along with two mighty horns atop it. It was holding onto a blade, glowing as if it was fresh from the forge.
"Do not show it fear. Do not show it weakness," Baldur told his knights as he blocked the attack and held the creature in place, allowing his knights to land smaller strikes on its body
The Chapter Masters looked on in shock, never having expected that he would be battling such a creature. All of them tried to unsheath their weapon or use their Psyker powers but Selene held up her hand to stop them.
"Remember when I said I was showing you what the king regularly does and then I didn't get shocked when I saw the daemon?" the white-haired woman asked sarcastically
The Chapter Masters felt slightly embarrassed but lowered their weapons after they heard her and just watched on.
"The Warp where we draw our powers from harbors terrible creatures such as those. Each one is capable of killing many men and women. And the worst thing is, they are not uniform in power so you never know how many warriors to send.
One knight may slay one of them but one hundred may not slay another. Or one may not slay the same one under different circumstances for a single daemon's power is inconsistent, able to be empowered by the situation, the one who summoned it, or the location where it was summoned," Selene looked at the knights who would have surely died from the creature if not for Baldur present
"Sorcerers, Witches, Psykers. We are able to read them. See their power. If we are experienced enough," Selene motioned to the side where several Witches were watching the battle. Each one's eyes were glowing, taking in the sight in a way that no normal man ever could.
Baldur regularly performed these exercises to not only train his Witches and Sorcerers, allowing them to judge how dangerous daemons were but to also give his men training for facing the corruption of Chaos. He let them experience it on a small scale and the poison that it was, so none would be tempted if they heard the call of it later.
'Something new and untasted is always better than something old and bitter,' Baldur told them the logic behind his thinking when they had asked in the past. And it held true.
On one occasion, a cursed blade was found that contained the soul of a daemon. A miner picked it up during work and ended up killing his wife and children before feasting on their blood. He ended up summoning nearly 50 daemons similar to the one that Baldur was fighting.
They ended up causing a massive attack, spreading an aura of corruption all over before they marched toward the nearest town. Luckily or unluckily, the gathering of such energy allowed all of the Psykers on the planet to sense the invasion.
Baldur led an attack on the village that was besieged by daemons and killed all of those present thanks to the knights and Psykers under him. And because of his training, none of those who had entered battle with Baldur had fallen to its corruption while those who had been attacked were sent to therapy where they were carefully monitored.
As for the sword with the soul of a daemon trapped inside, it was regularly used as target practice for the Psykers of Feluc as punishment for harming its citizens.
Baldur looked at the knights next to him and saw that they had been pushed to their limits. Any further and it would be too dangerous to continue so he decided to end the battle there.
The Chapter Masters looked on as blue energy began to spiral around the tip of Baldur's spear before grabbing the daemon's throat with his other hand and slamming it to the ground. Baldur stabbed his spear through its chest, 'killing it' for the 7th time since Baldur had learned of its true name.
"Have you all seen enough? Any questions?" Baldur asked his witches
The young women nodded before asking several questions about the daemon. Each question was answered with patience in order to further increase the knowledge that they had, as they were some of his best defenders as witches under him.
When he was done with his explanation, Baldur turned to the knights who were barely able to stand.
"Good job. Please go to the infirmary and get a check-up," Baldur ordered his knights
"Yes, Your Majesty!" they all responded with a bow before rushing off to head to the medics. Even if they weren't injured, they knew that he wanted them to get a proper check-up since most knights failed to regularly do so. He was simply using the daemon as an excuse