Dimitri POV
Such a feudal, medieval concept. But that was how his family thought. Oaths of loyalty--even blood oaths. He wouldn't take it that far with Ariana, Sally, and Bill.
"Fealty?" Ariana spluttered.
She'd already sworn it to him when she became his blood companion, but her aunt and uncle didn't need to know any of that.
Bill Norton's jaw dropped, and a sheen of sweat appeared on his face. "Fealty? What is this, the Middle Ages?"
Dimitri shrugged. "For my family, and all the noble vampire families in the world, yes. We may live in the modern world, drive cars, have computers and cell phones and air conditioning, but in our thinking, we are medieval. I would say primitive in some respects. That means it takes primitive thinking to outwit my family. So, if you swear fealty to me as the prince of Ampero and the lord of this villa, you will be protected."
Sally Norton shivered despite the warm jacket she wore. "And what does swearing fealty mean? Do we have to let you drink our blood? Do we have to drink blood?"
Hiding a smile, Dimitri shook his head. "Nothing so antiquated."
Ariana clung to his arm, shooting him a furious look when her aunt and uncle weren't paying attention. He was going to have to explain the whole blood companion deal. But her belonging to him was a vital part of his plan, whereas her aunt and uncle swearing some dusty, old-fashioned oath was merely a strategy to keep them safe.
Clearly, his family was going to do their best to snatch Ariana and her family regardless, but the oath of fealty would make it more difficult. Beat them at their own game.
Dimitri pulled out a pigeon's blood ruby the size of his two fists and placed it on the table. "Now, one by one, place your hand on this and repeat the oath."
Bill muttered, "Insanity."
Sally added, "Madness."
Dimitri shrugged. "You're in the vampire's den. Crazy is the least of your worries."
Ariana's logical mind worked through the steps. He could just see it. Her mind made the leap. "I think it's our only option, if it even provides us with a little protection," she said in a small voice. "We all hesitated when Dimitri tried to get us to safety. We didn't trust him. Maybe we still don't. But what's the alternative?"
Bill rubbed his balding head. "None. But this feels like an old Boris Karloff movie."
Dimitri whistled. "I forgot one. Also 'Nosferatu.'"
Bill and Sally stared at him, bewildered, but Ariana got it instantly. She remembered their game. "Yes, yes, but now is not the time," she said in a take-charge way.
What a woman.
Ariana placed her hand on the ruby. "What do I do?"
Trying not to think how beautiful she looked like that, he said, "Repeat after me. 'With my life's blood, I swear fealty to you, Prince Dimitri Lyunov, prince of Ampero. I give myself into your hands and your house, and pledge my absolute loyalty to you until the day I die. Wherever you go, I go. I will serve you and accept you as my only lord for all eternity, or until my heart ceases to beat,'"
Her hand pressing down on the gem, Ariana smelled determined as she repeated, "With my life's blood, I swear fealty to you, Prince Dimitri Lyunov, prince of Ampero. I give myself into your hands and your house, and pledge my absolute loyalty to you until the day I die. Wherever you go, I go. I will serve you and accept you as my only lord for all eternity, or until my heart ceases to beat."
Dimitri smiled and recited his part of the oath. "With my life's blood, I accept your fealty, Ariana Wilberforce. I take your fate into my hands and you into my house in Ampero, and accept your pledge of absolute loyalty to me until the day you die. Wherever I go, you go. I will protect you, accept your service, and keep you well-fed and happy for all eternity, or until your heart ceases to beat.'"
He covered her small hand with his and raised it in a fist, chanting some ancient words in the old vampire tongue. "Done. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Norton, if you would kindly do the same."
They knew what was good for them. The couple repeated the oath, and he swore his in return. He felt Bill's clammy palm despite his bravado and his courage. Sally's gentle hand and delicate fingers belied the strength he sensed from her.
He smiled at them both to reassure them. "It's done. You are all part of this house. And as the oath says, wherever I go in the world, you all go, forever."
Ariana's eyes flared. As her aunt and uncle hugged each other, overwhelmed by their new status, she hissed in his ear, "Or until you tire of me ... of us."
Cheeky vixen.
He lowered his voice. "Oh, I won't tire of you for a good long time, my pet. I'll have you in as many ways as I can think of, and spoil you and your family as long as it pleases me to do so, which it will for many years to come. Even centuries. And try not to show panic at the prospect. Your aunt and uncle are watching."
* * * * *
Ariana POV
She'd had one crazy hope in all of this: that after a few weeks or months, however long it took for Dimitri's family to move on from failing to sacrifice her, she and her family could make some sort of life for themselves somewhere. Maybe even return to America.
How naive she'd been.
The Rostovs' attack proved that Dimitri's family would never give up. Their precious pride and tradition had suffered a killing blow. They wouldn't forget the humiliation in just a few short months! After all, if they were still demanding blood sacrifices from her family centuries later like the vampire Mafia, they clearly had difficulty letting go of the past.
She hugged Aunt Sally and Uncle Bill goodnight. "It's been a long day," she murmured. "But you're safe now. I'll see you when you wake."
Sally held tightly to her. "Promise?"
"I promise."
Bill whispered in her ear, "At least this stupid oath will keep us halfway safe while we figure out a plan."
She didn't have the heart to tell him the truth at the moment, because both he and Sally looked exhausted.
But she admired his spirit. And since when had she become so defeatist? She didn't have to accept her fate. Besides, it wasn't as if Dimitri loved her ... she was just his pet, and probably some way of rebelling against his family, who, admittedly, deserved it.
She could use that to her advantage somehow.
In private, she would play the part of his willing pet and sugar baby, keeping that part of the bargain concealed from her aunt and uncle. She'd let him spoil her and give her everything ... somehow, whatever he gave her, it would secure her future, and her family's future.
And just maybe, she could help the people of Trenholm.
Immersed in plans and dreams, she let Dimitri take her where he desired her to go. The crisp kiss of night air on her face told her they had stepped outside, onto a rooftop garden, gleaming in the moonlight. She gasped. "Oh, Dimitri, it's perfect."
His eyes glittered with a hunger she recognized, viscerally. "It's yours. Consider it part of your lab ... this is nature's pharmacy, after all."
Sweeping her up in his arms, he smiled as she clung to him in surprise, feeling his muscles flex beneath her hands. "You're just a cute little koala bear when you cling to me. I've seen them many times. Australia was a wild and woolly place centuries ago. My little koala bear." He nuzzled her hair and lay her down on a soft flowerbed. "I want you to cling to me. I want to forget the bloodshed and ugliness today. I was to lose myself in the sweetness of your beautiful body."
The horror of the attack on the city.
The ugliness from his family and fiancee.
But wait. He hadn't embraced Irina with open arms. He'd stood up to her--for the sake of three humans, of which she happened to be one.
The desire she felt might come from gratitude, but no one had ever called her his little koala before, or given her so much ... or spared her aunt's and uncle's feelings about their real arrangement, Instead, he'd come up with some oath of fealty. He didn't have to.
His eyes, gleaming with a fierce intelligence, looked like the sexiest thing she'd seen. And his powerful body bathed her in heat. So much heat.
Maybe an intimate rendezvous wasn't the right thing after today, but the city was safe, and Dimitri had won. Her aunt and uncle were safe.
She threw her arms round his neck and kissed him with abandon. "I'm yours." she said, scared out of her mind. "Do what you want with me."
Dimitri is definitely not living up to his "cruel vampire" creds.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!