Delilah sat on the edge of the bed, her mind whirling as she processed Blake's revelation. She felt like she was suffocating, the walls closing in around her. She needed space, air, time to think.
"Please," she began, her voice trembling. "I need a moment alone. Just leave me for a bit. I need to think."
Blake's eyes held a mix of concern and understanding. He nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll be right outside the door. Take your time. And call me if you need anything," he said softly before heading for the door.
As soon as Blake stepped out, Delilah felt a wave of relief wash over her. She stood up and began pacing the room, her thoughts racing.
How had she ended up in this situation? Married to a man she didn't know, in a hotel room she didn't recognize, with no memory of how she got there.
She needed a plan. She needed to get out of this mess. There was no way she was going to stay tied to a jobless and broke man. Absolutely no way.
Delilah stopped pacing and took a deep breath. She had to face this head-on. Ten minutes later, she walked to the door and opened it, calling Blake back inside.
Blake reentered, his expression unreadable. Delilah took another deep breath, steeling herself for what she had to say.
"Uhm, I made a mistake," she said, her voice firm. "I was drunk, and I wasn't in my right mind. I don't believe in love or marriage, and I have no desire to be tied to any man. And to be honest, you're doing yourself a disfavor by being with me."
Blake's expression softened, but his resolve didn't waver. "I believe in love and marriage, Lila. And I want you."
She shook her head, frustration mounting. "I don't know who you are, and I don't want you. You know what I want? A divorce."
Blake's eyes darkened with determination. "I can't grant you a divorce. I won't."
Delilah's temper flared. "I understand you're broke and need money. If you're doing this because of money, I will pay you a good amount to disappear. I can't, and I won't be married to you!"
Blake laughed, a bitter sound that echoed in the room. "You know yourself so well," he said, shaking his head.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked with a confused frown.
"Despite how wasted you were, you predicted this would be your reaction last night. And that was the reason I kept insisting we wait until you were sober before getting married but you insisted on getting married last night, so you signed an undertaking."
"I did what?" Delilah asked in confusion.
Blake raised a finger, asking her to hold on as he walked over to the nightstand and pulled out another envelope from the drawer.
He took out the written note in the envelope and he handed it to her. "Here. See for yourself," he said and she took it from him.
Delilah's eyes widened in shock when her eyes fell on what was written on the paper.
It was a handwritten note, in her own handwriting and with her signature, stating that if she ever requested a divorce, she would give everything she owned to Blake.
"There's no way I wrote or signed this," she said, her voice barely a whisper. But the handwriting and signature were unmistakably hers.
Blake stepped closer, his tone gentle but firm. "I love you, Lila. I really do. And I'm not doing this because I want any money from you. All I want is you."
Delilah stepped away from him, "Can you quit calling me that? My name is Delilah not Lila. And stop talking about love. I don't love you. I don't want you. God! How did I get myself in this mess?" She asked as she buried her face in her palm.
"Are you being this way because I have no money?" Blake asked, sounding hurt, and Delilah looked up at him.
"I'm being this way because I do not understand what is going on. I don't buy you any of this crap you're selling. I don't trust you…"
"Then why don't you give me a chance to prove myself and my love to you? I'm not asking you to give me a dime. Let's stay married for at least six months. If, at the end of six months, you still think this marriage is a mistake, I'll grant you a divorce and I won't take anything with me when I leave," he said, holding her gaze.
"Six months? I can't stay tied to a stranger for six months…"
"I am your husband, Lila. Whether you believe it or not, I am your husband," Blake insisted, ignoring her request to not call him that.
"And if I say no?"
Blake shrugged, "If you say no, I'm still not going to grant you a divorce, but I'm going to post our wedding pictures all over the internet and make sure I ruin your chances with Hunter Quinn," he said, and her eyes widened in dismay.
"Hunter Quinn?" She asked, wondering how he knew about her interest in Hunter Quinn.
"You told me all about what you do. You told me he was the reason you were at the club…"
"I told you all that?" Delilah asked with a frown.
"Yes, you did. After I told you I have seen Hunter Quinn and knows what he looks like…"
"You do?" She asked again, thinking that maybe he wasn't entirely useless.
"Yes," he said, and Delilah's mind raced as she considered her options.
"Do we have to live together for this six months?" She asked curiously and he nodded.
"Where do you live?" she asked, hoping to find a way out.
"I live with a couple of friends," Blake replied, and she recoiled slightly at the thought.
"I can't live with you and your friends," she said, trying to keep the disdain out of her voice.
Blake nodded, seemingly understanding. "I don't mind moving in with you."
"I don't want a stranger under my roof," she said firmly.
Blake's gaze softened. "I am your husband, Lila."
She sighed, realizing she had no way out. "Fine. You can go get your stuff and move in with me."
Blake studied her for a moment, clearly seeing through her attempt to get him to leave so she could run off. "What's your home address?" he asked.
She hesitated for a moment and reluctantly gave it to him since she didn't want him to make good his threat of posting their pictures all over the internet.
Blake nodded, satisfied. "I will get my stuff and move over tomorrow," he said with a wide smile.
"You don't have to hurry. You can take a week or two," she said, hoping he would never show up.
"Tomorrow. Take care of yourself, Lila. I love you," Blake said before picking up his stuff around the room and heading for the door.
Blake stepped out of the hotel, a smug grin spreading across his face as he replayed Delilah's reaction in his mind. Her wide eyes and the way she stammered, completely thrown off guard, had been priceless.
He chuckled to himself, thoroughly amused by how perfectly his plan was unfolding. Each step away from the hotel felt like a victory march, his laughter echoing softly in the air.
The more he recalled Delilah's confused expressions, the harder he laughed, delighted with himself for his excellent performance.
As he disappeared from view, a sleek, black luxury car which had been following him from a reasonable distance since he left the hotel, rolled up to the curb. The tinted windows gleamed under the sun, exuding an air of great wealth.
The door swung open, and Blake slid inside, immediately greeted by the plush, leather seats. He glanced at his best friend, Damon, who sat with a knowing smirk on his face.
The driver, dressed in a crisp uniform, gave a polite nod through the rearview mirror.
"What took you so long, Hunter, or should I call you Blake?" Damon drawled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Hunter couldn't suppress his laughter. "You wouldn't believe it, man. You should have seen the look on her face."
Damon's smirk widened, and he leaned forward, eager for details. "So, it worked then?"
"Better than I imagined," Hunter said, shaking his head in delight. "She was completely blindsided. I told her we were married, and you should have seen her trying to piece it all together. She has no clue what hit her. You needed to see her face when I said I was jobless and she paid for everything. I thought she was going to pass out," Hunter said laughing hard.
Damon burst into laughter, the sound filling the car. "Oh man, I wish I could have been there. Tell me everything."
Hunter settled back into his seat, relishing the moment. "Well, first, she was all indignant, trying to act like she had the upper hand. But then, when I showed her the marriage certificate, she just froze. She kept asking questions, trying to make sense of it. It was priceless."
"I'm surprised she didn't kick you out sooner," Damon said and Hunter grinned.
"I'm sure she would have if she thought she could. She even offered to pay me off," he said with an amused laugh.
"Pay off Hunter Quinn? How much does she have?" Damon asked with a laugh of his own as he wiped a tear from his eyes.
"She's cute. Really cute." Hunter said with a shake of his head.
"So, how did you resolve things with her? What is your plan? Did she agree to stay married to a broke ass Bloke? Sorry, Blake," Damon said with a grin and Hunter chuckled.
"We reached some sort of agreement, but I'm sure she's going to try to come up with some way to throw me out. I can't wait to see what's she going to do next," Hunter said before telling Damon about his agreement with Delilah.
"Hm. So, what are you going to do now that the first stage of your plan worked? Go on with your plan and move in with her?"
Hunter's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Absolutely. It's all part of the plan. I want to see how far she will go, how she will try to wriggle out of this one. Besides, it will be fun to keep her on her toes."
"Although I'm enjoying this, but we both know you can't be away from work for six months just to play this really fun game with her," Damon pointed out.
"I have no intention of staying away from work. Besides, she works too, so she won't be home to monitor me. Don't worry about that. I have it all figured out. I have a plan," Hunter said and Damon grinned.
"I'm sure you do. You're a genius after all. This is going to be entertaining." Damon nodded approvingly.
"I intend to see this plan through to the end," Hunter said, and then leaned forward, addressing the driver. "Take us somewhere I can get cheap clothes. I need to get some more clothes."
The driver gave a small nod and adjusted the car's course. As they drove, Hunter pulled out his phone and dialed his personal assistant, Fred.
"Fred, I need you to meet me at my house in two hours. I have an assignment for you."
"Of course, sir," Fred replied promptly. "I'll be there."
The car cruised through the city, finally stopping at a modest clothing store in a less affluent part of town.
Hunter stepped out, and he quickly grabbed a few items— jeans, plain shirts, and a pair of sneakers. He paid in cash, not wanting to leave any trace of his presence there.
"You're really doing this. This is hilariously crazy," Damon said with a chuckle as Hunter returned to the car.
"What is crazy is her thinking I'm like one of those brainless fools who fell into her trap," Hunter said and Damon snorted.
"Don't be so arrogant, Hunter. You never can tell. You might have fallen into her trap like one of those brainless fools you're referring to, had you not been keeping your eyes on her in the first place," Damon pointed out.
"I am Hunter Quinn. I am a predator. A hunter. I am no one's prey," Hunter said with an arrogant smirk, and Damon laughed.
"You were named Hunter for a reason, after all," he said, and Hunter chuckled.
"You get it," Hunter said as he shook hands with him, while the driver smiled to himself as he listened to both men.
It was always nice to see the formidable Hunter Quinn laughing and chatting this way, and it only happened when he was in the company of his childhood best friend, Damon Williams.
As though reading his thoughts, Hunter met the driver's gaze in the mirror, "No word of this to my grandmother or anyone else for that matter," he warned, and the driver gave him a nod once again.
"Take me home."
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